Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1633: Blessing

Asoka suddenly left, leaving everyone in the same place, and even Nie Yun was a little surprised.

Hagiwara thought that the powerful king would be reckless and disregarding everyone's views, and would take himself back for interrogation, but he never thought that he would leave.

"Fun, fun!"

The King of Lore and King of Chaos saw King Ashoka leave, looked at each other, chuckled, and the huge skull also made a roar and disappeared from the vortex. The two kings turned around and left after Ashoka left. Say more nonsense.


When the three kings left, the pressure on the heads of the people disappeared, the millstones of the Three Realms returned to peace, and the boiling chaotic ocean gradually calmed down, as if everything was just like a big dream.

"so close……"

Only then did Nie Yun feel cold all over her body, and her clothes were soaked with sweat.

It is not an easy task for Puppet and Chaos to make a strong argument, and it is necessary to bear the violent breath of the other party at any time. Both the physical body and the soul have a great test.

"The legendary Ashoka is brave and decisive, and everything is done deliberately. Although I was forced by a few words this time, I will definitely make a comeback later. At that time, it would be useless to say more nonsense, and no one can save it It's over! "

Although he was lucky to escape, he also knew the dangers he would face.

It seems that this time Asoka left, he was safe, but the real hidden danger was actually behind him.

The other party believes that he is related to King Shura, and he will definitely investigate in detail. I am afraid that I do n’t have much time for myself.

"You must improve your strength before Ashoka finds himself next time. Or ... let Nie Tong mix the king to succeed!"

Nie Yun's eyebrows were wrinkled and his face was low.

Although this time against Asoka looks brave and decisive, it shocks the world. In fact, a huge hidden danger has been planted. However, it will not work if you do not do this, I'm afraid I can't survive today.

"By the way, I thought it was difficult to escape. I took away the heart of the Three Realms first. This is a big thing. The three powerful kings cannot fail to know! Why not remain indifferent?"

"Isn't the Three Realms important to them?"

"Shouldn't it, isn't the Three Realms battlefield the three great kings and powerful men working together to get the world out? The core was taken away and they didn't say anything ..."

Uh ...

Know that danger comes at any time. Nie Yun also felt strange.

He took away the heart of the Three Realms because he was afraid that the other party would kill him by himself and could no longer help his brother. I thought this would be a good chance to die. Unexpectedly, the three kings didn't say anything, which made him feel incredible.

I want to say that the three kings did not find that the heart of the Three Realms had been taken by him, he would never believe it!

The battlefield of the Three Realms was made by them. They must also know the position of the Heart of the Three Realms. If they were captured and did n’t know, they would not be worthy of being a powerful king!

"Leave it alone! Don't care about it ..."

After thinking for a while, Nie Yun shook her head.

It's better if the other party doesn't care, once someone clings. It must have fallen today.

He fights against the powerful king ... he still knows himself!

"The king is gone?"

I returned from my thoughts and immediately saw the weird surrounding atmosphere.

I saw the people right in front of me. Regardless of whether they are masters or non-masters, they look at each other strangely, with a taste of admiration on their faces.

I glanced at it, and Nie Yun suddenly understood it.

Just before Fengqiang Qiang, they didn't even dare to say anything, they just knelt down, and they talked openly, and even blatantly bumped ... From this point, everyone felt admired!


Seeing the attitude of the crowd, Nie Yun was a little helpless and was about to leave the place, and the Chaos Rune in his hand suddenly trembled.


The king of kings flies into the air and emits colorful lights, like an umbrella in the sky, covering all the chaotic airflow, covering the entire Three Realms grinding mill and the Three Realms battlefield.

"Fu Ling Feng Tian ... This is the only situation where the Chaos King Fu Ling temporarily changes the content. Is it possible that ... the three kings will re-issue a new Chaos King Fu Ling?"

"Who knows! The scene just now, it should be the content of the last sign, it's finished!"

不错 "Yes, looking at the situation written above, you should look for Nie Yun as the master. Now that it has been completed, it is natural to change the content, but I didn't expect it to be so fast ..."

"Even if the Chaos King is strong, he will be criticized by others. Fuling Fengtian is an order issued in accordance with the Tao of Heaven. Not only does this situation occur in the Three Realms battlefield, I am afraid the entire Three Realms can also see it!"

"Yes, Fuling Fengtian, Tiandao read, the entire Three Realms should know the content of the new king's Fuling. We want to seize the opportunity, I'm afraid it is not so easy ..."

Uh ...

Every thought came out from everyone's heads, and it flickered endlessly. It seemed that the scene in front of them shocked everyone.

"What is Fuling Fengtian?"

He listened to these, and Nie Yun looked at a master not far away.

He is the patron of the Yongye dynasty, dominated by the sun.

"Fu Ling Feng Tian is actually ... the open Chaos King Fu Ling!" Regarding his questioning, the Sunless Lord dare not say, and said quickly.

"Open King Rune?"

Nie Yun wondered.

"The real Chaos Rune, only a small number of people know that under normal circumstances, we have spent so much effort to come here, in fact, we want to know the content of Wang Runing! If you ca n’t come here, participate in Chaos Rune It ’s very difficult to find and want to know what's in it, and by the time you know it, it has already been done! ”Wuri ruled ~ www.readwn.com ~ Hearing that, Nie Yun nodded.

There may be many people who know the content of the Chaos King Rune, but for the misty opportunity, each one will be tight-lipped and never say much, so in the overall scope, it will never be known by too many people, just like now, plus With so many masters, it will not exceed one hundred people.

For hundreds of millions of souls in the Three Realms, the few hundred can't be less.

"Fu Ling Feng Tian is actually the chaos king strong commander who reads out the content of the chaos king's rune. As long as it is the three realms of life, everyone can hear and can complete the tasks, and according to the degree of completion, Give rewards! "

The sun dominates the road.

"Read it out in heaven?"

Qi Nieyun took a breath.

Do not everyone know this?

到底 What task is this time to make the three kings do?

I was surprised in my heart, looked up at the sky, and saw that the Chaos King Fu Ling had already shone in the wild, and a roaring voice rang through everyone's ears, with only ten words.

"All information about Guixu Hai Nieyun!"


"All my information?"

Xie Nieyun's scalp exploded and his face changed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to () vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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