Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1634: Known in 3 circles

The most mysterious ancestral ancestral home is in the depths of the homeland of the oblique moon.

Luo Qingcheng and others are sitting cross-legged on futons, absorbing the aura greedily and trying hard to cultivate.

Nie Yun has left them here to go to the Three Realms battlefield alone for more than three months. During this time, they all practiced in the ancestral land of Guixu, and their progress was very obvious.

Compared with Nie Yun's practice speed, it may be a lot worse, but compared with the people in Guixu Haihai, it has shocked everyone. "Fiction chapters are updated the fastest

The people at Guixuhai only knew that Nie Yun practiced extremely fast. I did not expect that the people he brought were all evil.


There was a roar of heaven and earth, and a glow of clouds shrouded everyone, waking everyone up from the state of cultivation.

"What happened?"

Luo Qingcheng and others gathered together and looked up at the sky.

They don't know much about the oblique month Extreme Zone, but seeing this situation also knows that something must have happened, otherwise, this situation will never happen.

Confused, a roaring sound suddenly rang through everyone's heart.

"All the information of Guixu Hai Nie Yun? Who is investigating Nie Yun? With this kind of power ... is it possible to be a strong king?"

Hearing this voice, Luo Qingcheng's face changed at the same time.

It will make the entire Oblique Moon Extreme Field full of red clouds, and even the ancestral land of the Huixu can't escape, it must be the shot of the strong king!

Why did Feng Wangqiang collect Nie Yun's information, what happened?

"Nie Yun, you have to be careful ..."

Luo Qingcheng and others immediately became sorrowful, eager to rush out of the sea. Meet with him right away.

However, they also know that by virtue of their strength. Rushing out in this way will only bring trouble to Nie Yun, and will not save him. He can only hope that Nie Yun is fine.


"All information about Guixu Hai Nieyun? Haha, King Ashoka believes me!"

On an ancient ship that was walking fast in the chaos, the Emperor Ganxiao laughed excitedly when he heard this voice, and a vicious light flashed in his eyes: "Nie Yun, I'm not dead this time ..."

Dominate the strong to change the content of Chaos King Rune. And changed to Fuling Fengtian, indicating that he had completely believed his words, and it was necessary to investigate this Nie Yun carefully!

As long as the three kings do it. What good is this Nie Yun even if he is strong? It ’s the same!

"Well, Nie Yun, when you die, I will wipe out everyone who has a relationship with you. All the sea including Guihui! Let you regret opposing me!"

The Emperor Dried Blood was embarrassed. The dough is constantly twitching.

He is a stately emperor, who realizes the super powers of 2,999 avenues. The scenery is unlimited and he stands at the peak of the Three Realms. It is because of this Nie Yun that he becomes embarrassed, like a bereavement dog. !!

"I was ordered to investigate by Fengtian. This Nie Yun must not be able to take care of me. I will go back to the blood dynasty first. Send someone to investigate the origin of this guy and make sure that Ashoka is satisfied. As long as he promises me something, even his ancestor Dead, who dares to touch me! "

The dry blood emperor sneered.

He had calculated it before. If Nie Yun was really the one Ashoka was looking for, it would mean that he had completed the content of the Chaos Rune. Even if the ancestor died, and there was Ashoka as the backer, who would dare to do something to him?

I am afraid that the Lord will stab him!

Because of this, I made a bold bet, but I did not expect that it was really successful!

Fu Ling Fengtian informed the Three Realms that Nie Yun will definitely not have a good life in the future!

I was afraid of Nie Yun's revenge and wanted to escape into the depths of the chaos. Now the other side can't help but take care of him. He just returned to the blood king to suppress the restlessness and re-enter the world!

With excitement in his heart, the Emperor Ganxue controlled the ancient ship and flew straight to the Extreme Moon.


In a corner of the chaotic ocean, a huge wine gourd was flying, Xiaoyao Xian was lying on it, and the old alcoholic Xia Xing was holding him by the shoulder.

"Master ’s elixir is too powerful. I have now reached the beginning of the Heavenly Realm and will not be harmed even if I enter the Supreme Realm!"

The old alcoholic smiled.

Before he entered the Three Realms battlefield, he relied on the defense effect of the dominating robe. Now with the help of Xiaoyao Xian, he completely refined the Kaitian Caodan, and his strength has reached the beginning of the heavens, even if he enters the supreme realm!

"I have been free and unrestrained in my life. When I arrive at the Oblique Moon Extreme Zone, I will find a place to depict the relief of the avenue for you to slowly enlighten and wait for the results to find me ..."

Xiaoyao Xian waved his hand.


Knowing that this guy didn't want to be in trouble, Xia Xing didn't say much. As soon as he nodded, he saw the chaotic ocean boil suddenly, and the sky was full of sky.

"what happened?"

Xiaoyaoxian sat up from the gourd, his eyes were like a torch: "Finger Fengtian? What the **** happened, let the three kings do this?"

When he saw this situation, he immediately understood it, his eyes frowned, and the whole man couldn't believe it.

Fuling Fengtian was promulgated by the three kings. What happened to make the three kings do this?


Strangely, a sound cut through the ears of the two, leaving them both at the same time.

"All information about Guixu Hai Nieyun?"

Xiaoyao Xian's pupils shrank: "Is it ..."

"Go back to Nie Yun!"

As soon as the wine gourd moved, Xiaoyao Xian took Xia Xing to fly to the Three Realms battlefield again.

"Master, what happened? This is ... what happened?"

Although he didn't know what was going on, when he heard the voice of Master, he knew that it was definitely not a good thing and was full of anxiety.

"Your strength is too low. It is not good to know more. Just follow me!"

Xiaoyao Xian did not explain, the wine gourd is as fast as breaking the wind and waves.


Three Realms grinding disc.

Nie Yun looked at the colorful light in the sky, his fists clenched.

As soon as this message came out, countless people must have investigated it, making him a subject of much attention.

This kind of object is not the same as worship, which will make him passive, no matter where he goes, he is monitored by someone!

"No wonder Asoka left without saying a word. It turned out that everyone would monitor my every move, so it would be useless to escape to the ends of the earth ..."

I have to say that Asoka ’s move is too harsh. He read it through heaven. Now everyone in the three realms knows this news, everyone will pay attention to him, and can no longer dodge.

Looking to the left and right, all the people around him focused their attention.


With a cold hum, Nie Yun looked at them one by one, and everyone looked down at him at the same time.

The young man in front of him can not only kill the master, but even the powerful king dares to face him directly. If he offends him, he will be killed in vain!

Anyway, he has been noticed by the three powerful kings. They really want to kill everywhere without fear, they only have a dead end!

"Nie Yun is dominated. I have a feeling for Xi Xia. I plan to retreat and practice. From today on, there will be no major events. I will never show up again.

Xue Han dominated suddenly loudly.

Hearing everyone said it all.

Mastering the Three Thousand Avenues has been completed, and it is no longer possible to cultivate.

However, everyone's doubts were just a moment, and they immediately understood.

This guy is showing off to Nie Yun!

Fuling Fengtian was set by the three masters, and no one dared to violate it. However, not violating does not mean that you must do it or you can not do it! The master Xuehan said directly that the retreat was tantamount to demonstrating to Nie Yun that he would not investigate this matter, hit a side ball, and took the opportunity to say to Nie Yun, I will not oppose you!

Fu Ling Fengtian has so many people do it ~ www.readwn.com ~ he has more, no more, no less.

If Nie Yun escaped this calamity, he would not work at most and would not attract much attention. If he escaped this calamity, the human relationship would fall!

I have to say that Xue Han is very clever and can see the key of the matter at a glance.

"Nie Yun is dominated. We are the same as Xue Han. After I go back, I will also retreat and bind my subordinates at the same time. Goodbye!"

Emperor Yong Ye also said directly.

I didn't make a good relationship with Nie Yun before. At this time, the other party was in danger. It was a good chance to win. Anyway, he was only half-step dominated.

"let's go!"

Some people, like Xue Han's master, took the opportunity to show their respect to Nie Yun, and some people thought that this young man was in danger of fleeing this time.

In a blink of an eye, the hundreds of people who had been piled up before disappeared completely, leaving only Nie Yun and Duan Yi and others. (To be continued ...)

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