Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1645: Reproduction of Ashoka (Part 2)

"Fun, interesting! Many people have said this to me before, arrogantly in front of me, but ... they are all dead!" Nie Yun smiled angrily.

"Don't you agree with your tone?" The Emperor Ganxue looked down at the jade card in his palm. "If I get good news, do you have a younger brother? I think he meets the requirements of Chaos King Rune ... ... "


Nie Yun narrowed his eyes.

Let Asoka misunderstand him. Although he feels pressure, he can protect his brother. If he knows that Nie Tong is the king of Shura, the trouble will be big!

Although I don't know what his brother's situation is, he also knows that it is in a critical period. The three powerful kings themselves have enemies with him. Once they know that they haven't recovered, how can they miss the chance!

As for being concerned by Ashoka, the other party only knows that he is related to King Shura, and does not know the specific relationship, nor does he know the position of Nie Tong. For fear of killing himself, losing clues, and throwing a mouse down, it is relatively safe.

Otherwise, relying on the dignity of his strong king, challenge those words, and change to others, he has died many times!

It was because he did not know that Nie Tong was present, so he was safe. Now the Emperor Gansu suddenly said this, and it seemed that he had guessed something, and knew what the news was. It immediately made Nie Yun boil, and hot sword spirits were in his eyes. Flashes in the middle and will shoot at any time.

"Hey, you don't want to kill me now!" Feeling his murderous power, the Emperor Ganxiao laughed: "Nie Yun is dominated by the strength, I am very convinced. I really want to start, I do n’t even have a chance to crush the jade Card! But ... Are you sure this information is only in my hands? "

"What do you mean?" Duan Yihum.

"It's very simple. I'm afraid of being killed without knowing it. The information has been divided into several parts and placed in the hands of others. Once I die, they will immediately pass the news out! In that case, even if they die ... Also pull you back! "

The dry blood emperor's face was cold.

For people like him, conspiracy has been calculated for a lifetime, and such things come to hand. Extremely simple.

"And ... don't think about trapping me somewhere, or refining the soul. Once this happens, the other party will also pass the news out!" The Emperor Ganxue seemed to be in control.

"What a great deal!"

Seeing the other side so confident, Nie Yun couldn't help but admire.

This guy is so scheming. In order to save lives, do everything.

不过 "But ... I have some doubts about this statement!" Nie Yun calmed down from anger with a faint smile.


"First, if you are not afraid that I am looking for you, you should be in the dying blood dynasty, instead of hiding in this special world, and almost die! Second, if you have this means of connecting with others, you should not know. The blood dynasty ... has been destroyed by me! "

"Dried blood dynasty is gone?"

The Emperor dried blood for a moment.

"Look at this and you will know!"

Xie Nieyun threw the pictured stone wall in Pang Jin's hand.

"You ... kill Pangkin?"

Seeing this, the dried blood emperor's body froze.

"People who are loyal to you all seem to be dead, half-hearted. They all gave a vow of chaos to be loyal to me ... Do n’t you know the news, do you know? If you do n’t even know this, I want to ask you, why do you think, I will believe the nonsense you just said! "

Nie Yun smiled lightly.


The dried blood emperor had no blood, and immediately hesitated again: "Well, what can you do if you kill me. You can't live long! I can gather your news and know that you have a younger brother. Others can also, very It's possible that someone has already passed on the message, and even if you kill me now, you won't live longer than me! "


Yunie Nie's face was gloomy.

The other party is right. The dried blood emperor can collect news, and others must be able to. At the time of the return to Guixuhai, Nie Tong's progress, countless people saw that if he wanted to hide it, he couldn't hide it. Like he said, it has been passed to Asoka!

告诉 "Tell me why you can get Chaos King Rune before anyone else, I can consider not killing you!"

I put aside the negative emotions in my heart, Nie Yun lengheng.

"If you don't kill me, let them do a few things! I'm so terrible at this trick, tell me these are useless!"

The Emperor Ganxian sneered with a finger at Xiaoyao Xian and others.

"As long as you are telling the truth, they will not do anything. I can guarantee that he will not kill you until Ashoka finds me again!" Nie Yundao.

Although he always wanted to kill the dried blood emperor in front of him, he was very curious, by what means this guy could get Chaos King Rune in advance, and knew the news.

"Really?" Emperor Ganxian's eyes lit up.

不 Asoka did not kill until he found him again, in his opinion it would be impossible to die again. After all, looking at Asoka's aggressive look before, how could this young man stay alive again?

"True!" Nie Yun nodded.

"You are the best master of the whole chaotic ocean, I believe what you say!"

Upon seeing him confirming, the Emperor Gan nodded his head and said, "It ’s okay to tell you. The reason why I was able to get the Chaos Rune in advance was actually promulgated by King Ashoka in advance! Every big world has a dynasty that guards the continent, like the Yongye Dynasty and the Mozhao Dynasty, we all have the opportunity to directly obtain the orders of the powerful king! And these instructions will let us do it every time the Three Realms battlefield opens. Some special things, I don't know how many times I have done this kind of thing in a row, what a strange thing to get Wang Fuling in advance! "

"Do something special?"

Hearing this, Nie Yun suddenly remembered the burning of the corpse by the emperor and minister of the Yongye dynasty, and he hesitated.

I'm afraid that this thing they did was also related to Feng Wang Qiang.

Maybe it was because of doing these things that he got the approval of King Ashoka, so he gave the Chaos Rune a reward in advance.

"I have said what I should say, I can go now!" Said the Emperor Ganxue.

"Leave?" Nie Yun laughed. "Why let you go?"

"Don't you ... the grand master do not count?"

"I said I wouldn't kill you, but I didn't say I would let you go! You take a break first. In addition, your master of the defense is very good, so leave it to me!" Nie Yun smiled slightly, palm of his hand Yang, the chaos meditation bottle flew out, and immediately enveloped the dried blood emperor, gently turned, trapped in the world of things.


As soon as he entered the world of possessions, his defensive master soldier was immediately stripped off and turned into an unowned thing.

"Abominable ..."

The Emperor Qiangan screamed, and was about to explode, but there was no other way. He never dreamed that he would geese in his life but he was pecked by the geese.

The other party used a gentle tone and a confident attitude to make him lose his alertness, and then used the promise of not killing as a bait to surprise him and lose his alert. This was a success. Even a person like him did not expect that the other party would Come up with this trick!

"Do you think it's all right to trap me? This jade charm is a treasure to the powerful king who can send him a message. The small world seal cannot be isolated at all, you just wait to die!"

With a roar, the Emperor Dried Blood smashed the jade charm in his hand, and a vast force immediately formed in the broken jade charm. However, the blink of an eye disappeared without a trace, and the news could not be transmitted at all!

In the world of things, apart from Nie Yun's will, let alone a messenger. Even if the real king is strong, I'm afraid it's difficult to pass the news out ~ www.readwn.com ~ How is this possible? "

Emperor Qiangan's pupils shrank, and they felt scared.

This situation, even his knowledgeable, has never heard of it.

"You stay here, I said, I won't kill you, you can't die!"

Nie Yun snorted softly, and when the spirit moved, the dried blood emperor was blocked in a unique space and could no longer move.

"Let's go back to Xiayue Extreme Zone first!"

After processing the dried blood emperor, Nie Yun laughed and was about to leave. Suddenly there was a thick vigilance in his heart, and the chaotic ocean in front of him suddenly boiled.


A thunder roared through the soul, tearing the universe, and then a tall figure suddenly appeared on the chaos.

Asoka's deity actually appeared!

(Recommend a book for my friend, "Fantasy Against the Sky" is a very beautiful fantasy text. It was released last month, with more than 900,000 words bursting out, with an average of more than 30,000 a day. This is the real update madman, you can go and see Look! It's so awesome! Idol-level characters ...)




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 雨 爱 亭". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】 Bring your friends (@ 影 承 @ 新城 神 @ 字 书 文 @ 玉树 琼花 满目 春)

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