Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1646: Who dares to hurt my brother?

The big face that Ashoka, Chaos King, and Lord of the Kings appeared in front of everyone in the battlefield of the Three Realms last time was actually a body of energy that contained a trace of his spiritual power, not his deity at all.

The deity actually appeared this time, even if Nie Yun, his heart was pumped fiercely.

"It seems that someone got the news faster than the dried blood emperor, and it has been passed on to Ashoka ..."

When I saw this scene, where did Nie Yun not understand what was going on.

The news should not be passed on by the Emperor Ganxue, but by someone else. Like the one who guessed it, the former can get the news, and the others are coming soon, but I didn't expect it to be so fast.


As soon as King Asoka appeared, the chaotic ocean around Nie Yun and others immediately seemed to be imprisoned, making the sticky people unable to move.

Even if Nie Yun had the strength to leave, he felt powerless.

The deity came here in person, and the power was more powerful and more terrifying than the energy body. Just looking at it made the soul tremble and be difficult to control.

It is foreseeable that by virtue of the deity, the other party really wants to kill him by hand. I am afraid that it only takes one sentence to complete, even without showing tricks!

The disparity between Puppet Lord and the King of the Kings is really too big, just like the original Wang Xian and Xian Jun, they are not the same.

"Well ... what to do next?"

Xun Xiaoyao's pupils shrank, obviously he did not expect that Ashoka would suddenly appear at this time, and the deity came. This kind of thing has never happened except for the last killing of Shura Supreme.

"Master, I should be able to break open the space 自, you take the opportunity to escape ..."

The palate is also gritted.

桎梏 The space in front of you 桎梏. A dominated life should be able to break through, though. What's wrong?

"Don't be reckless, even if you escape now, where can you escape? The presence of the lord Asoka, you think you can escape?"

Xie Nieyun interrupted Duan Yi's plan, waved his hands, and looked forward.

The appearance of Asoka's deity showed that he had ruthlessly tried to catch him. How could this be avoided!

"What shall we do? Wait for death?"

Fufu Undercurrent is also full of anxiety.

"Let's do it as soon as possible!" Nie Yun also had no good way. Although he was nervous, he couldn't say it. Hui Jianwu moved away the thoughts in her head and looked forward again.

At this time, Ashoka has come to him, the sea of ​​chaos tumbling and dancing, like a beast tamed under his feet. Coordinate with his every move. Reveals a deterrent that is hard to breathe.


At the same time, the chaotic ocean boiled again, two black holes spread from a distance, converging into two huge faces.

Chaos King, Lore King!

The two people did not come from the deity, but the energy body. Even so, they were very powerful, and the three kings got together again. Although Nie Yun and others were the masters, they still felt cold sweat. The whole body was soft.

"Where is King Shura ... this time I can say!"

The three kings gathered together, and Asoka snorted, throwing his palms, and a huge light curtain appeared in front of everyone.

The light curtain was densely covered with many things about Nie Yun's entry into the Oblique Moon supreme realm, each of which was marked in detail. Among them, all of Nie Tong's events were described with red pens, and the blood-like color was daunting.

如果 "If I guess correctly, this Nie Tong is the reincarnation of King Shura! Where is the other person? Let him come out and I can not kill you, otherwise you will be subject to the entire chaotic ocean, the most terrible punishment!"

育 Asoka snorted, the sound of the roar shocked Huanyu, and made people dizzy.

This time, he did not give Nie Yun a chance to refute, and threw out the evidence directly.

"Back to the great Ashoka, where Nie Tong is, I don't know. If your news is complete, you should know that he lost with me a few months ago, and I want to know where he is!"

Nie Yun suppressed the panic, loudly.

Anyway, now that he has offended the other party, even if he tells the truth, the other party will certainly not let it go.

I glanced at the information in front of you just now, and I already understood that the above records are basically true. The records about Nie Tong are similar to the actual situation. They lost track of entering the remains of God.

"Do you think I will believe this?"

育 Asoka Lengheng hummed. The sound of the explosion caused the tide of the chaotic ocean to roar. Nie Yun's chest was suddenly hit by a giant mountain, his face flushed, and blood spewed out. He stepped back seven or eight steps in a row.

"Don't play tricks with me, my patience is limited!"

Asoka ’s eyebrows were raised, if there were countless sun, moon, and stars flowing in front of him, a killer flowed from the eyebrows, it seemed that Nie Yun would be killed at any time.

"Master Hui Nie, Lord Nie Yun is telling the truth. I have known him for so long and have never seen this so-called Nie Tong ..."

Seeing that the host was suffering, Duan was also busy.


育 Asoka didn't answer his words at all, but a cold hum, only one sound segment was like being hit by a powerful attack, blood spurted from the nose and mouth, and the whole person flew out, like the same mud.

Although he is the dominant power, the gap between him and the powerful king of the deity is still too big!

"I'll give you another chance to say where Nie Tong's hiding place is, not to kill you!"

Asoka King stared at Nie Yun.

"I really don't know ..." Nie Yun gritted his teeth.

"Very good, very boney, I'll see how long you can hold on!"

育 Asoka no longer said more, his fingers moved forward a little, and the red flame immediately formed a lotus flower at his fingertips, and the petals spread out, which was beautiful and intoxicating.

But the more beautiful things are, the more terrible they are. The lotus "嗖!" Shoots out, falls on the top of Nie Yun, and forms a sea of ​​fire in a blink of an eye.

"It's chaotic red lotus ... Ashoka please spare Nie Yun's life ..."

Seeing this lotus, Xiaoyao Xian's face suddenly changed, and she hurried to her knees.

Chaos red lotus, fiery red like the sea.

I was burned by this kind of thing, even if the master would pick up a layer of skin, it is difficult to survive. Asoka used this method, not to kill Nie Yun, but to let him bear the unbearable pain.


Asoka's eyebrows were raised, Xiaoyao Xian and Duan flew out in the same direction and were seriously injured. His scouring effort did not stop Hong Lian, and the fiery red sea enveloped Nie Yun in a blink.

Let's sizzle!

Wren was wrapped in chaotic red lotus, and Nie Yun suddenly felt caught in the fire.

The flame penetrated into the body from the skin, burning the soul constantly, piercing the body like countless steel needles for an instant, the pain indescribable.


Even if Nie Yun had such a will, he could not help crying out.

He had exercised the physical body before, and suffered pain, but compared with the one in front of him, it was totally pediatrics.

This pain not only invades the body, but also the soul, which makes people unable to get rid of it, and is suffering every moment.

Before he interrogated Pang Jin, he used this method to compare with this, which was far too far away.

If Pang Jin felt he was in **** before, if he accepted it, he would immediately feel that it was heaven.

对比 Everything needs to be compared. I am afraid that this chaotic red lotus and Nie Yun's will will not be persisted for a minute and they will be burned to death.


When he couldn't hold on, suddenly the whole chaotic ocean boiled suddenly, more violently than Ashoka appeared before, a blood-red sun, suddenly appeared above the crowd, shining in all directions, covering everyone.

残 This residual sun not only shines on the entire chaotic ocean, but also shines on the Three Realms ~ www.readwn.com ~ as if it was born in the heart, even if you close your eyes, you can feel its strong light.

Remnant sun is like blood, killing is like tide.

"Blood Yang is reappearing, King Shura is born ... is King Shura! And he has recovered his strength ..."

Seeing this residual sun, Ashoka's original calm face suddenly changed, like a blank piece of paper.

"King Shura?"

"How could he recover his strength so quickly? It's impossible ..."

The Chaos King and Lore King also saw the residual sun, and their faces changed at the same time.

"Dare to hurt my brother, Ashoka, you are so brave, I think you are impatient!"


A thumping sounded, and then a swordman suddenly shot from nowhere, and came straight to the front. Asoka did not respond, he was hit, and a topple fell to the ground.


Asoka hurriedly stood up, his face was greatly damaged, and he hurriedly looked forward, and then saw a young man who did not know where to come out, his breath was like a dragon, his eyebrows were like blood.

He was Nie Tong. At the most critical moment, he finally refined his title and became a powerful king.

King Shura, reappear!

(Chapter 2 arrives, Nie Tong finally woke up. Wow haha! Celebrate, come for a few monthly tickets! Thank you. Hehehehehe ...) [To be continued] This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承上 @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波】

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