Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1647: Nie Tong's Power

"This is King Shura ..."

"King Shura was resurrected, this is not true!"

"He's the master's brother? Isn't ... King Shura the brother of the master? This ... this ..."

"No wonder the master has progressed so fast, and he is not afraid of Asoka, it turns out he has such a powerful brother ..."

Fu dark tide, Xiaoyao Xian, and others looked at each other and felt that their cognition collapsed.

King Shura, King Ashoka, King Chaos, and Lord of the Kings, no matter which of the four kings is unattainable in their eyes, the existence of the supremacy is not seen once in billions of years, these days have followed Nie Yun I have seen twice without saying that the four kings are the fiercest and most powerful Shura king is his brother ...

The news sounded in their ears, and they all felt mad.

King Shura is his brother, who is he?

No wonder it can reach such a level from the beginning of Qitianjing in about one year, and this status is too bad!

"King Shura ..."

Not only was the dark tide and other people shocked, but even the Chaos King and the King of Killing and others looked at the young man in front of them, showing panic one by one.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, this boy was much stronger than them. Now he is back, and the king seems to be stronger than before!


The King of Chaos and the King of Kills glanced at each other, the two huge heads disappeared out of thin air, then the chaos boiled, and the two tall figures rushed straight to this side.

They knew that the energy body could not fight King Shura. The dear rushed over!

In the blink of an eye, the four powerful kings gathered together, and the chaotic ocean roared like waves. It seems to be congratulating this occasion.

With the fall of King Shura, this scene of the four kings gathering at the same time has not been seen for many years.


"Asoka, I didn't expect to see you for years. You have become more and more cumbersome. You have to fight against a master! You really have to fight!"

In front of the three kings. Nie Tong looked indifferent, making a big move. The flame surrounding Nie Yun once again condensed into a red lotus flower, which he caught in his palm.

The powerful lotus before was like a toy in his hands, and he couldn't break it anyway.


Lengheng, a flash of light in the palm. The beating flame above the lotus gradually stopped, as if completely suppressed, Nie Tong's wrists trembled slightly, and the flowers flew towards Nie Yun.

"Brother, even if you get compensation from Asoka, swallow it, and temper it, you will get great benefits!"

"it is good!"

Nie Tong appeared at a critical moment, and Nie Yun was relieved. Then I felt like my body collapsed, reaching for the flowers, regardless of Ashoka's ugly face. I swallowed.

Knowing that his younger brother could not harm him, he did not hesitate even though this flower made him suffer.

Coo coo!

When the flowers entered the throat, they felt not the previous scalding, but a kind of warmth, and the limbs and bones were instantly replenished. The whole person almost moaned in comfort.

Feel the help of warm power to the muscles, knowing that this is the key to promotion of the flesh. Nie Yun immediately ignored the people in front of her, and sat down to digest the power in her body.

"Abominable ..."

Seeing his chaotic red lotus was taken away and refined, Ashoka looked livid, and coldly wanted to kill.

"Dare to do something to my brother and ask you to compensate for a chaotic red lotus! You want to talk about the price? In this case, I will teach you and let you know who can't offend!

Nie Tong Lengheng, stepped forward, pointed to make a sword, and stroked forward.

His fingers didn't seem to be too fancy, but he had a mysterious world that seemed incomprehensible. It seemed slow, but no one could hide it. Even though Nie Yun knew so much about Kendo, he felt dizzy at first glance.

This sword technique has reached the realm of complexity from simple to simple, realizing the true meaning of chaos, and knowing how many times better than his sword Ling Yun.


Unexpectedly, King Shura said that he would do it by hand. He did not follow the rules at all, and Ashoka's expression was stiff, and he hurriedly raised his arms to meet him. Although his tricks were also extremely mysterious, but compared with Nie Tong, he was still a little worse than a roar His arms softened and flew out, his face was pale as wax paper, with strong hatred in his eyes, but he did not dare to continue.

It was just a move, and immediately separated from the competition. Also the strong king, Asoka's strength is obviously lower than Nie Tong.

"Asoka ..."

The King of Chaos and the King of Kills hurriedly supported Ashoka, full of anxiety.

As soon as Nie Tong shot, they immediately knew that after the boy was reborn again, his strength was stronger. One by one, he was full of vigilance and did not dare to take action.

Although they are very confident, seeing Ashoka defeated by one move, they do not feel that they can persist in a few more moves.

"You two want to take a shot too?"

Nie Tong's eyes looked in the past, and his gaze came with a sense of calm.


Seen by the eyes, the two great kings of Chaos and Lore King couldn't even say a word.

"Get off! If you dare to trouble my brother and Guixuhai again, I will surely kill your Bihai Xuantian, Tianxu Palace, and the Temple of Killing!"

Nie Tong's indifferent eyes crossed the faces of Asoka, Chaos, and King of Lore, respectively, like the blade.

Bihai Xuantian is the home of King Ashoka, hidden in the highest peak world of the Oblique Moon supreme domain, even if the dominant power is not found, Tianxu Palace is the palace of the Chaos King, and the lore temple is the lore of the Lore King , Are also in their own big world.

Nie Tong directly spoke of their old nest, and their attitude was obvious. If they dared to do anything, they would be welcome!

"King Shura, you're ruthless!"

Hearing the naked threat of the other party, and the unveiled intimidation, Ashoka and the other three turned pale.

They were all powerful kings, and they were always stubborn, scared, or threatened for the first time.

"I'm cruel? Just kidding. If I were cruel, I wouldn't kill you at the beginning, Shura Supreme Realm would be destroyed!" "

"King Shura, don't be arrogant. Although our strength is not as good as you, but the three kings join forces. You are definitely not an opponent. Don't force us to take another shot!"

"If you are so arrogant again, be careful just to come alive and die again ..."

Hearing Nie Tong's merciless words, Asoka's three popular puppets shouted at the same time.

One of them may not be the opponent of this young boy in front of him, but the three of them are united.

"Really? Let's try it!"

Nie Tong took a big hand, his momentum rose sharply, and his body flickered. He had appeared in the middle of the three Ashoka. His left hand was pressed down, and a force that surpassed the limit suddenly shot out. He shot to the Chaos King on the left. With one finger of his right hand, he rushed to the king of lore with a sharp taste.

Both hands attacked at the same time, the strength was not weakened, but it was more severe, and a huge shadow gathered in the air, as if the left and right hands held a big world and attacked the two.

"Oblique Moon Supreme ... the Three Realms battlefield? What have you refined ..."

Seeing the phantom appearing in Nie Tong's left and right hands, the two powerful kings had their pupils contracted at the same time and hurried back.

Rao is that they retreat quickly, still being swept away by the attacking forces, one by one with a grey face and a embarrassed face.

"My Oblique Moon Extreme Zone, have you refined ... the dried blood dragon seal?"

King Ashoka understood that his whole body was shaking.

"Yes, I ’ve refined the dried blood dragon seal ~ www.readwn.com ~ equal to control of the dried blood continent. At least half of the Xieyue Supreme Realm is under my control. I also refined the heart of the Three Realms. The battlefield of the Three Realms is completely Within my control, so ... my strength is not only restored, it is stronger than before! If you want to kill me, you must destroy the Xieyue Supreme Realm and the Three Realms battlefield as before, otherwise ... I die, no doubt dreaming! "

Nie Tong put his hands together and regained his former look again.

"Okay, okay, it seems we all look down on you ..."

Upon hearing his words, Ashoka and others looked pale.

Destroy the oblique moon supreme realm. The King Shura is not dead yet. I am afraid that Asoka is finished. As for the battlefield of the Three Realms, with all the hard work of the three, it is really going to be destroyed, and the king of chaos and lore will be greatly damaged!

In other words, if they want to kill Nie Yun, they must first damage themselves by 800. Even so, the other party may not be able to kill!

So ... the current Shura King can't kill them anymore!

(The first comes!) (To be continued) R466

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