Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1649: Head to Chaos Extreme

"There is a sacred place in the Chaos Supreme Realm, called [Voidless Realm], which has a special plant called [Voidless Child]. I have left this place for many years and I do n’t know where it is. For a moment, find a way to find nothingness! "Nie Tong laughed.

"Nothingness? Nothingness? What use is this thing?"

Nie Yun is strange.

Is n’t martyrdom the chaos supreme realm, what other treasures can help Nie Tong?

"What's the use, as long as you see it, you will understand! It's not good to say too much, brother, leave!"

Nie Tong smiled slightly, turned and walked away, disappearing from the crowd in a blink of an eye, as if teleporting.

"Hey, don't go away ..."

I didn't expect this guy to just leave, Nie Yun was depressed for a while.

He finally became sober, and he still had a lot of things to ask, such as the underground cracks in the Three Realms battlefield, the ancient corpses, even the ruins, and the ancient battlefields in the special world not far away ... Come on!

"I have to ask again ..."

Bian Nie Tong left so quickly, it is definitely important to do something, so that ’s why I ’ll talk about it next time.

"This guy has finally grown up!"

At this meeting, Nie Tong seems to have fully integrated the memory of King Xiuluo, becoming a true peerless powerhouse, and no longer the boy who is attached to himself.

Seeing this situation, Nie Yun was sincerely happy, even more so than being himself a strong king.

"Yes, let's see how my body changes ..."

Nie Tong left. Nie Yun did not start in a hurry, but hurriedly looked into his body.

After refining Chaos Red Lotus, she only knew that her physical body was harder than her master. Haven't watched it carefully.

The powerful soul power revolves along the flesh for a week, and Nie Yun's eyes light up.

After being tempered by Chaos Red Lotus, his physical body has far surpassed the master soldier, and he is full of energy and strength. Now even without using the Chaos Meditation Bottle, he can kill the master.

"Deserves to be a magic weapon used by the Feng Wang Qiang. It's too great ..."

Nie Yun could not help feeling.

This sturdy body will be in danger in the future, even if attacked by the powerful one. You can block without blocking.

His body is the strongest weapon, such as Ji Xujian, which has lost its effect.

"The void and boundlessness that Nie Tong said just now. Who do you know?" Knows his current strength. Nie Yun increased her confidence and looked at the people in front of her.

It is too long for Tong Nie Tong to leave the Three Realms. Although he knows that there is an ethereal realm in Chaos Supreme Realm, but time is like an arrow and the sea is vicissitudes of land. Now I do n’t know where he went. He did n’t say the specific location, so he had to ask the few in front of him. See who knows this place.

"Although I often go to Chaos Supreme, I have never heard of this place ..." Xiaoyao Xian shook his head.

"I also heard it for the first time. I haven't heard it before!"

"me too……"

Yi Duan Yi, Fu An Chao also shook his head at the same time.

The name seems very strange to them.

"You don't know?" Nie Yun was a little strange.

He has never been to the Chaos Supreme Realm, but Xiaoyao Xian, Fu An Chao and others have lived for many years. The three Supreme Realms must have wandered long ago. Even they have not heard of it. It seems that this place is not Not as simple as Nie Tong said.

Even after all these years, it is not necessary to have this place!

After all, the small world contained in the Supreme Realm is subject to change and is easily broken.

"Many small worlds in the supreme domain have owners. It is very impolite to enter without the owner's consent. Moreover, those who can open up a world to make an old nest are worst half dominated by the big three, strong There are also masters, so ... even if we wander in Chaos Supreme for many years, we may not know the names of all realms! "

Xiaoyao Xiandao.

"Oh, you haven't heard of that Void?"

"No, this thing has never been heard before, but it is definitely not easy for Lord Shura to remember it! Even ... I am not qualified for contact with such strength!" Xiaoyao Xian smiled bitterly.

What kind of strength touches any kind of circle, it is as if Nie Yun is in the Qihai continent, and the best person to know will win the heavens and create a secret world. The six most powerful, that is, Xu Yan and others.

I ca n’t reach my strength, I ca n’t touch anything higher, and even if I happen to encounter it, it ’s not luck but disaster.

For example, when Nie Yun was in the Qihai continent, even if he gave it to a master soldier, it would still be unusable, and if he did not get it right, he would tremble to the latter.

"This guy, running so fast does not make this imaginary clear, which makes me find it!"

Seeing that no one had heard of Void and Void, Nie Yun shook his head.

Hearing his words, everyone twitched at the same time, and they all laughed bitterly in their hearts.

King Sura's notoriety spread throughout the Three Realms. Everyone knew his strength and terribleness. Even if the three great kings such as Ashoka felt panic in front of him, I am afraid that only Nie Yun would dare to say so.

"Forget it, take a step and calculate a step, look for the Chaos Supreme Realm, you may find clues!"

I don't know the helplessness in the hearts of everyone, Nie Yun thought about it and made a decision. Now he can only cross the river with stones and take one step at a time.

"Happy, are you with us, or do you act alone?"

I look to Xiaoyao Xian.

Fu Fu An Chao, Duan Yi and others must be behind him. There is no doubt about this. As for Xiaoyao Xian, which belongs to a friend relationship, he can follow if he wants to, but he can leave freely.

"Let's go with you, nothing happens, although I don't know where the void is, but I am relatively familiar with the chaotic world and can show you the way!" Xiaoyao Xian laughed.

"Then I'll trouble you!" Nie Yun nodded, grabbed his palm, and Shenzhou appeared in the air: "Let's go!"

After speaking, he jumped into the ancient ship, broke through the chaos and flew to the Chaos Supreme.

I was previously under the pressure of Ashoka Fuling Fengtian, and time was tight. I had to speed up everything. Now that Nie Tong wakes up, Asoka and others dare not take any other action, and can enter any world without any fear, and become extremely rich in time.

So, after Duan Yi and Fu Anchao asked, Nie Yun had to give them the task of driving the Shenzhou ~ www.readwn.com ~.

Although they are not in a hurry to move forward, both of them are master-level strong and not slow. In less than ten days, they broke through the ocean of chaos and saw a big world appear in front of them.

世界 This world, like the Extreme Moon Region, is quietly suspended in a sea of ​​chaos, like a giant balloon, quiet and indifferent.

Chaos Supreme Realm, here it is!

ps: Recommend a book to a friend. Yueyue is a good friend of Laoya. At the last annual meeting, the great gods went to great health care. The two of us actually went to the supermarket. Sweat, real silk reeling, nothing The solution ... Here is his new book, everyone can see ...

Title: Supreme Miracle

Author: mid-yin

Introduction: Who in the world does not desire miracles?

I will let you be talented and gorgeous, I just want a miracle!

This is a world full of miracles, full of incredible, no matter how dazzling genius, it can't beat the miracle of that moment!

The young boy Ji Cheng came to such a world full of miracles.

Supreme Miracle, takes you into a new and magnificent fantasy world!




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 雨 爱 亭". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】 Bring your friends (@ 影 承 @ 新城 神 @ 字 书 文 @ 玉树 琼花 满目 春)

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