Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1650: Buye

"The chaos supreme domain is so large. Is there anything worth noting? Let's find it first!"

Looking at the glorious chaos in front of him, Nie Yun secretly sighed and asked a few people with a smile. 》

In fact, he had a final decision in his mind, but he wanted to ask the opinions of the people in front of him, "I think we should go to [Jingnan Xinghai]. I've been to this place. It's extremely confusing. Lord Shura said that there is a lot of imagination. May be here! "Zi Tong said.

Without danger, Nie Yun not only released him and the Bald Lord from the world of things, but even Luo Qingcheng and others stood behind him at this time.

Although Luo Qingcheng and others are of low strength, it is never harmful to take them to see more. As long as he is there, no one hurts them.

"I think I should go to [Ziyutianyu]. This place is one of the most prosperous places in the entire Chaos Supreme Realm. It is hidden in the city, and where is the Xinghai in the extreme south. I do n’t know how many people have found it, but I ’d rather find it here! "The Bald Lord hummed.

"I think it's most likely that [Qing Ming Mountain], that place is full of aura, countless strong people cultivate their lairs ..." Duan Yidao.

"I think Jiuxiancheng is the most suitable. Even if you can't find it, there are countless fine wines there. It's a worthwhile trip ..." Xiaoyao Xian's eyes brightened.

"Ahem, I'm afraid fine wine is your focus ..."


Everyone said different answers, and each said the location was different, and they were separated by countless distances. It would take me a long time to travel all these places.

Hearing this, Nie Yun couldn't help crying.

They all make sense, but if you look for it like this. I'm afraid I can't find it.

There must be countless powerful places to look for in these places. It must have been searched by other powerful men long ago, so searching for a needle in the haystack is no doubt.

"Where are you going?" Seeing him, Xiaoyao Xian knew he must have a final decision in his heart and asked.

"Since we don't know nothingness, maybe someone else knows, I mean, we can ask the leader of the greatest power in Chaos Supreme!" Nie Yun said his intention.

Xiaoyao Xian and others are not aware of the void. Does n’t mean that other people do n’t know, as long as you find an understanding person, all the problems will be solved.

"Do you mean ... the night dynasty?"

Everyone understood it. Eyes light up at the same time.

Yeah, it's better to ask someone than to look at it with dark eyes.

The biggest force in Chaos Supreme is nothing but the Yongye Dynasty. The Emperor Yong Ye also knew everyone. Although he is not as good as everyone else, he certainly knows more than them.

Moreover, after the blood emperor's affairs, Nie Yun knew that such an emperor might quietly work for the Chaos King, otherwise there would not be a scene in the cracks under the Three Realms battlefield.

Therefore, to say who is most likely to know nothingness in Chaos Supreme Realm, Emperor Yong Ye is definitely the best choice.

"Where is the Imperial City of Yong Ye?"

Knowing that other people also want to understand. Nie Yundao.

Everyone doesn't know nothingness, but the dynasty of the night is the core of the rights of the entire chaos supreme realm. No one should not know.

"I'll show the way. How to get to the Imperial City!"

Fu An Chao laughed and drove the broken Shenzhou to break through the sky of the Chaos Supreme Realm and flew straight in one direction.

The leader of the chaos is extremely fast, turning into a thin line in the sky, and disappearing in an instant. I am afraid that no one can find the chaos supreme domain except the master.


Chaos supreme domain, the imperial city of night.

As the core of a supreme realm, Yongye Imperial City is prosperous and vast. No matter the number of strong people or the economy is no worse than that of the Imperial City of Dry Blood, it is even stronger.

As soon as everyone came, they didn't rush to the palace. In any case, they didn't rush in time. They just happened to look at the gap between Chaos Supreme and Oblique Moon Supreme.

Speaking carefully, the gap between the two big worlds is not large. If there is no difference, there is only one point. There are more races in the Chaos Supreme, and the composition of the crowd is more complicated.

Shortly after entering Yongye Imperial City, Nie Yun saw dozens of different races.

"Asoka has a narrow-minded mind and the King of Chaos is too heavy-hearted. The Chaos King is the best-tempered of the three kings. Therefore, Chaos Supreme Realm contains more chaotic marine life. Multiracial! "

Happy Yaoxian.

Although they are supported by King Shura behind them, they dare not speak up badly about other powerful kings.

"Oh!" Nie Yun understood.

"Nie Yun, look at that person, very much like the six demon monsters of heaven and earth!" The people walked while chatting, looking at the strange objects around them, suddenly Luo Qingcheng pointed at him.

Following the direction of her fingers, Nie Yun glanced at her, and her heart was stunned. As she said, a person not far away was very similar to the demon tribe.

The demon people are normal humans. They were formed after being infected with Shura's murderous power. King Shura has not existed for hundreds of millions of years. Where is the demon here? Could it be the people of Shura Supreme?

"That's called [Buye tribe] is one of the races that Chaos Supreme Realm has long ago! It's not a demon tribe!" Xiao Yaoxian glanced and said with a smile.


Nie Yun froze.

He has a heavenly eye and powerful soul. He quickly saw this person clearly. He must be a demon. How could it be Buye?

"Yes, it is the Buye tribe. I have also heard an interesting rumor about this race!" Fu Anchao also recognized the race and explained.

"Oh? What rumors? Let's hear them?" Nie Yun smiled. "Could I guess? Is it related to the Shura Supreme realm that was destroyed?"

"Shura Supreme Realm? No!"

Fu An Chao shook his head: "Although I haven't seen Shura Supreme, I have heard many rumors that the humans there are no different from us, and completely different from the Buya tribe!"

"Eh? Impossible, right?" Nie Yun raised his eyebrows.

King Shura has a strong killing spirit of Shura, who will be infected by him will become a demon. This is how the six demon races of heaven and earth came. The world of Shura Supreme was created by him. The humans in it are all right?

"The Buya tribe is indeed not related to the Shura Supreme Realm. Legend has it that the first Buya tribe appeared in the Xieyue Supreme Realm!" Xiaoyao Xian also said.


"Master Xiaoyao said yes, it is indeed the Xieyue Supreme Realm, and that rumor also said that, it seems that it is a caravan in the Xieyue Supreme Realm, traveling in the Three Realms, oh, it should be the Four Realms at that time, I do not know What happened was almost wiped out by the entire army. Only two people fled back and turned into this pair. They searched the best doctors in the entire Supreme Realm, and they were not optimistic! "

"The last two married with their spouse, and future generations are just like them. It is no longer difficult to change, so there is a Buye tribe!" Fu An Chaodao said.

"What the **** has gone through? Will it be like this?"

"I do n’t know, it is said that they became like this because of eating carrion and being sanctioned by heaven and earth. What it is, it is no longer possible to study it! The people of the Buya tribe are ferocious and have suffered in the Xieyue Supreme Realm. In the large-scale siege, I ca n’t stay any longer, here! This kind of person is best not to mess with them. Although they are not very powerful, they are very revengeous and cruel by nature, and everyone is unwilling to deal with them! "

Help the dark tide.

"Eating carrion? World sanctions?"

Nie Yun shook his head.

It is by no means so simple. He is most familiar to the demon clan, because humans and King Shura were infected during the battle and had nothing to do with the carrion.

Could this Buya tribe be made by King Shura?

"It seems that I have to ask Nie Tong in the future ..."

Thinking for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ Unable to think of it, Nie Yun had to give up.

"Nie Yun, this demon has gone to the previous Huibao Pavilion. Shall we follow it?"

Luo Qingcheng seemed to think the same. He didn't think the Buye tribe appeared out of thin air. He kept watching and saw him enter a building and said quickly.

"Hui Bao Pavilion?"

Looking at Nie Yun, he saw three big characters written on the building.

"Huibao Pavilion is the largest treasure center in Yongye Imperial City. It is also famous in the Three Realms. If you want to buy treasures, it is definitely the best place to come here, or should we look over?"

"Let's go!"

Nie Yun nodded and took everyone to Huibao Pavilion.

(The second is here!) (To be continued ...)

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