Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1651: Wai Po Court

It is indeed the largest treasure center in the Imperial City of Yong Ye. It is crowded with people, and the hall is full of various treasures and weapons.

"He's upstairs!"

When I entered Huibao Pavilion, Luo Qingcheng was still looking for the demon in the crowd, so he listened to Nie Yundao.

His soul has locked this demon, no matter where he can be found, others have entered the crowd.

"Is it chasing after or ... casually?"

Luo Luo Qingcheng glanced up the stairs and saw that the back of the demon had just turned around the corner and smiled.

"The items on the first floor of the Huibao Pavilion have the lowest value. The more you go up, the higher the value. This Buye tribe does not stay on the first floor and goes straight up, indicating that it is expensive!"

Support the dark tide road.

"Go up and take a look, there is nothing worth seeing on this floor!"

After looking around for a week, Nie Yun found that, as Fu Anchao said, the treasures on the first floor were very low, and most of them stayed at the level of the chaos Shenbing, and then nodded and took everyone up and walked up.

The weapons and items on the second floor are relatively advanced, but they are at the top grade chaos, and after looking around, they find that the demon is not on this floor, and everyone continues to move up.

There are obviously fewer people on the third floor. The large room has only a few people watching it, and there are a lot of treasures. The sparse counter has dozens of items.

Although it is not good enough, at a glance, I know that the level is much higher, and it has reached the peak of Chaos.

Dingfeng Chaos, a treasure that many lords may not have. It was actually sold directly at the counter here. This Huibao Pavilion is indeed not as low-level as Xiao Yaoxian said.

That demon. Stopped on this floor and was looking closely at a treasure.

Nie Yun glanced at it, it was just a tomahawk-level battle axe. It was nothing special and lost interest.

"This Huibao Pavilion will get all kinds of strange things, and sometimes you can find a good baby. In fact, I bought this wine gourd here!"

Xiaoyao Xian laughed.

"Oh? Then I have to take a closer look, if there is luck to find a good baby!"

Xiaoyao's wine gourd. Like the broken Shenzhou, it belongs to the peak chaos magic soldier, but regardless of the material or the refining method, it must be superior, because of this. This treasure. I'm afraid it is comparable to half-step dominating the magic soldier.

This kind of treasure is extremely precious. Although it is nothing to their cultivation, it is also a pleasure to be able to find out among some ordinary peak chaos.

Besides, Nie Yun can't use it, they can use it for Luo Qingcheng. Their level is too low, even if it is for the master soldier. I can't control it, I can't make it. Instead, he was wounded by weapons.

Walking slowly along the counter, looking at the sealed weapons below, Nie Yun secretly shook her head.

These weapons are incomparable to his broken Shenzhou, let alone Xiaoyao's wine gourd.


I was walking, but suddenly Nie Yun paused and stopped.

破 Under the counter in front, a worn-out golden seal was placed flat.

大 This big seal has a small groove on the top, bottom, and side. It looks bland, without any special features, and even a little shabby. If the material is not sharp, it may not fit here.

"This looks like a missing weapon, the material level is not low, but other missing things can't be found, it's waste!"

Support the dark tide road.

Many powerful weapons are not a unified whole, but are composed of countless parts, forming a unified whole, and the power is greatly increased. Once a part is missing, it will be scrapped directly without any value.

It looks like the thing in front of it looks like a rune and an ordinary iron block, not to mention other people. Even if Nie Yun's vision is to look at the groove, he doesn't know what weapon it is and what effect it has. .

Even the types of weapons are unrecognizable. Even with the skill of the sky, it is impossible to complete it without supplementing it. This is a waste and has no use.

"Some adults are interested in this weapon? This treasure is incomplete. Although it seems to be of little use, it has a great origin! Maybe you can buy it back and research, if you can find the hidden value, you will make a lot of money. It's up! "

When I saw several people stopping here, a girl in charge of selling weapons came over.

女孩 This girl's strength is not low, she has already reached the level of bronze armor.

发现 "Discover the hidden value? If I guessed well, this thing has been here for a long time, even more than ten thousand years! It will not be sold for so long, let us find the value, I am afraid it is not at this level yet!"

Support the dark tide road.

People who sell things like to add something to the history of the item to set off the mystery of the treasure and encourage others to buy it. In fact, the thing in front of you is a waste, and it is also a waste to buy it back.

"This ... things have really been here for more than 10,000 years ... but, indeed, there is a lot of history!"

Uncle was revealed by a word, the girl flushed and explained quickly.

"Oh? What's the origin? Let's talk about it!" Nie Yun was curious.

"This treasure was found on the battlefield of the Three Realms. It was said that as soon as it appeared, the sky was full of red light, and dozens of suzerain rushed to it. It instantly became a corpse and the soul did not escape. Things are called ominous things, no one dares to take them, and finally brought back by a half-step master. I do n’t know exactly what happened ... ”

The girl was busy.

I could only say half of it, and my face turned redder.

Before I even said that this treasure is good, in the blink of an eye, it became an ominous object, I am afraid the other party will not buy it.

"Ominous thing? No wonder you can't sell it!" Sure enough, as soon as her words were over, the voice of Fu Chao sounded.

"If several adults don't want to buy ... you can look at other things, we have a lot of treasures in Huibao Pavilion ..." After hearing what he said, the girl knew that several people would definitely not buy this thing, and immediately introduced other items.

"Let ’s not look at anything else, what price do you want for this thing?"

I interrupted her introduction, Nie Yun asked.

虽然 Although he didn't know what weapon it was, it gave him a kind feeling, as if he had seen it before.

Anyway, money is a lot of vitality for him, it is better to buy it and study it.

As for the so-called ominous things, he didn't care.

In order to reach this level, Xiu Xiu can see through the air for a long time. The so-called ominous is just that the air is reduced. For him, there are totally means to make up for it. It is nothing.

"Are you going to buy?" I thought there was no hope. When I heard the tone of the teenager, she seemed to want to buy something. The girl's eyes brightened and she hurriedly said, "The price is ... 1 million chaotic spar! If you really want to buy ... It can be cheaper! "

如果 If this treasure was not delivered by a half step to dominate the strong, it would have been taken from the counter long ago, but the strong must explain that it must be sold, which is also difficult for Huibao Pavilion.

Sell ​​it, the price is too high, no one asks it at all, do n’t sell it, and you are afraid to offend the half-step master. Over time, this thing has become a heart disease in Huibao Pavilion. If you sell it, all the commissions will be given to him.

Huibao Pavilion consigns goods with a 20% commission ~ www.readwn.com ~ One million is 200,000, which is a big income for anyone, no wonder she is excited.

"This scrap is worth millions? You fool! No wonder you can't sell it, you can only sell it!"

Fu Fu dark tide eyebrows wrinkled.

Chaos spar is a currency circulating in the Chaos Supreme Domain. It is very valuable. The average peak chaos soldier is about 100,000, and the top is hundreds of thousands. This abandoned weapon is actually one million. The price is a bit too high.

"This is not the price set by Huibao Pavilion, it was set by the half-step leader. We are only responsible for selling ... so ..."

The girl hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to say.

In fact, although this treasure does not make people see its purpose, there are still people who are interested, but after hearing the offer, almost everyone is discouraged.

At this price, you can buy one of the most peak chaos soldiers, and even a weak half step to dominate the soldiers.

"Okay, don't scare her. I bought this thing and wrap it up for me!"

Seeing the girl's appearance, Nie Yun smiled and said.

慢 "Slow, I bought this baby ..."

As soon as Nie Yun's words came to an end, he suddenly yelled, and several figures strode over the corner of the stairs. [Unfinished To be continued This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 Provided with @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波]

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