Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1652: Prince

The first one, looking like thirty years old, with eyebrows tilted, with high majesty, it seems that once angry, there will be a human head landing, and the situation changes.

A few others are also extraordinary. Each one is dressed in luxury, and at a glance, he knows that he has a lot of status.

"Wrap us!"

Luan Duan also looked at the other side, ignored it, turned to look at the girl in front of him, said lightly.

Since the owner wants it, take it, no matter who the other person is.


My sister-in-law was startled, and the baby inside was taken out immediately when the seal was started.

"Slow, haven't you listened to this? We want this baby!" I ignored Duan and ignored them. A young man in the crowd came up with the taste of Yi Zhiqi.


The girl was startled and hurriedly looked at Nie Yun.

She is just a little person selling things in Huibao Pavilion, no one can offend.

"Everything comes first when you buy things, we settle down first, of course it belongs to us, this is a million chaotic spar, here you are!"

Nie Yun was not angry. He smiled slightly, and with a stroke of his palm, a pile of spar fell on the ground, like a hill, no more than one million.

"I was the first time I heard that I would come first and then come, I do n’t know who has the most money and who takes it?"

The young man at the front snorted and turned his head back: "Li Yu, take out the money!"


The young man who spoke before looked at Nie Yun and others as if they were looking at a group of beggars and humming. With a flick of his wrist, a pile of spar fell to the ground, larger than Nie Yun's.

"This is 1.2 million chaotic spar. Little girl, don't hurry up and pack things for our young master?"


The little girl did not expect what had not been sold, and it became a hot sale at this time. For a while, she couldn't accept it, blinked, and didn't know what to do.

"Not yet hurry up, do you want to annoy our young master? Do you know who our young master is? Things that don't have long eyes. Don't want to get in trouble, just be smart!"

Seeing the girl's hesitation, Li Yu sneered. He scolded and looked at Nie Yun and others, knowing that he was scolding the little girl, and actually told Nie Yun to them.

"I think you want to die ..."

Seeing this guy's behavior, Duan Yi rushed up in anger. Don't say he is the master now. The host is even more afraid of the existence of all the masters. Just saying that he came here at first, as long as his identity is clear, no one dares to presumptuously!

Now this guy is so attitude, has ambition leopard courage?

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Nie Yun on one side waved his hand and dumbed up immediately.

"Oh? Who is your master? Forgive us we have never heard of it! Can you tell us in detail?" Nie Yun laughed.

For this kind of person, he has nothing to be angry about, but just feels weird.

Although this group of people did not deliberately release breath. The exposed strength is not weak one by one, as long as these people are not blind. You should be able to see how dare you be so arrogant?

Is there really anger or a problem in my mind?

"Huh, I don't know what is dead or alive. Our young master is the Prince of the Yongye Dynasty, Wei Xiao! I haven't immediately kneeled down to see the Prince!"

Li Yu shouted loudly.

"When is the prince?"

When I heard this, the little girl selling things was startled, her face paled, and she fell to her knees.

No wonder he has such confidence. When he is a prince, this status can scare everyone. To oppose him is to oppose the entire Yongye dynasty. No wonder such a big show.


Ji Nieyun and others looked at each other, and almost did not laugh.

家伙 The identity of this guy may be daunting to others, but for them, they are pinched to death, I am afraid that the Emperor Yongye would not dare to talk nonsense!

After all, the Emperor Yongye did not dare to speak like this when he saw them. I am afraid that this guy is so arrogant that he dares to do so.

"It turned out to be His Royal Highness. We didn't recognize it. It was really rude, but ... we don't know this treasure. If His Royal Highness can explain to us what it is and what its origin is, it will be nothing to you! "

Xie Nieyun did not tear his face, but said lightly.

Although he felt a little familiar with this thing, he didn't see that since the other party was willing to buy such a heavy copy, he might be able to recognize it.

"Don't kneel down to see His Royal Highness, do you want to die ..."

Li Yu didn't expect to show his identity. The other party didn't get down on his knees, but asked the words, and even heard the tone, without explaining the use of the treasure. He didn't plan to give it to the prince.

"Well, Li Yu!"

Before he finished speaking, Prince Wei Xiao spoke, and with a high-spirited attitude, he looked at Nie Yun: "This is a royal secret, there is no comment! Of course ... if this lady speaks in person, I will You can say it! "

After finishing talking, his eyes fell on Luo Qingcheng, full of fiery.

Looking at his appearance, Nie Yun came to understand that this guy must have liked Luo Qingcheng and competed with himself, I'm afraid he wanted to show it to the beauty.

Hongyan misfortune, I did not expect the reason is so simple ...

I want to understand this, he also knows why the other party is so bold, dare to trouble them.

For Nie Yun and others, the prince certainly can't see cultivation, but for Luo Qingcheng, he definitely can see that Luo Qingcheng's low strength, in his opinion, others must not be high, but just use some secret method. Just cover up the true strength.

Because of this consideration ~ www.readwn.com ~ and the identity of his prince, this dare to be so arrogant and unbridled.

Understand this, Nie Yun shook his head: "If you don't want to say, I'll buy this thing! Little girl, please wrap it up, it seems that the purpose of this Crown Prince is not this treasure!"

"Presumptuous! It seems you are not seeing the coffin and crying! Ignorance has reached its limit!"

Seeing his identity, the young man was still talking like this, Prince Wei Xiao sneered: "Generals, you see, these people despise the king. I now suspect that they intend to rebel and want to be against the Yongye Dynasty. You know what to do! "

"His Royal Highness rest assured that we will never let go of this kind of rebel!"

"I want to rebel against the dynasty. I think they want to die. I immediately arrested them and tortured them to see if they had any associates!"

Uh ...

I heard the words of Prince Wei Xiao, and a few people who were standing behind him smiled, walked over, clucked with fists, his face was cold.

几个 These people have a killing breath. At a glance, they know that they have been fighting for a long time. The breath on their bodies was released gently, and they are all half-step masters of the small triple level.

This strength, even in the Yongye Dynasty, should not be low, no wonder the prince is so arrogant that he has to rely on it.

(The second one is here!) [To be continued] This text is provided by the Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 提供 带上 @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波】

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