Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1653: Arrogant Prince

"Things of ignorance! The Emperor Yongye is wise and decisive, how can there be a waste son like you?"

Seeing Wei Xiao's move, Nie Yun sighed.

Emperor Yongyong Ye was still good after he was enshrined by Asoka's command. Both grace and insight, this prince, like the bale, had no successor, and was sad.

"A man with the strength of Emperor Yongye has no problem living for hundreds of millions of years. His son has been made a prince since he was a child. He has not been crowned for such a long time, and it is inevitable that he has a psychological abnormality ..."

Xiaoyao Xian sipped his wine and said casually.

Seeing the throne unavailable, greed overwhelms the mind for a long time, and pride instills in my mind, it is not surprising to become this look.

"As far as I know, the Emperor Yong Ye does not seem to be a human race, but a special kind of chaotic life. Their blood is very difficult to continue for future generations. They only have such a son in their lifetime, so they are very spoiled, and they are normal ..."

Fufu Undercurrent seems to know very well.

"It's a miracle that this guy can live to this day anyway!" Nie Yun nodded with a smile.

Sticking sticks out of filial piety, spoiling Wuyilang!

Is too spoiled and will only bring devastation to the child.

家伙 This guy is so arrogant and lawless. In this case, he can survive and is very nourished. The Emperor Yongye may have spent a lot of effort.

"His Royal Highness ..."

After several generals who originally planned to rush over, seeing their strength revealed, the people in front of them were still indifferent, and hesitated.

Prince Li is proud and arrogant, thinking that his father is omnipotent. However, these generals knew that there is a sky outside the world, and there are people in the world. After these people have shown their identity and demonstrated their strength. Still this way, there is only one possibility, that is, don't care at all!

He didn't even care about the Yongye Dynasty ... I'm afraid the identity of these individuals is not so simple.

"Dare to ridicule me and kill them all! No ... Keep that woman alive, everything else is killed!" Prince Wei Xiao was really embarrassed, and did not take this into consideration. Hearing everyone in front of me dared to discuss it in person. His right and wrong. Despising majesty, yelling wow, look sullen.

"Hurry up. I'm responsible for something that happened. I don't believe that in the Imperial City of Yong Ye, others can turn the sky!"

Seeing that the crowd did not move, the Prince continued to growl.


Several generals hesitated. See Prince's order is beyond doubt. Still gritted his teeth and walked forward.

Behind the Yongyong Empire, do you have the support of the day, and the three realms are not the greatest, and you are not afraid that others will find trouble!

"His Royal Highness, a few adults ... have something to say ..."

As soon as the fighting broke out between the two sides, an anxious voice sounded, and then a middle-aged person hurried in and blocked between the two sides.

"Governor ..."

I see this person. The girl who sold things before seemed to see the savior. Hastened over.

"What happened?" The cabinet owner asked quickly.

"That's it ..." The girl hurriedly explained it again.

I heard something that could not be sold for tens of thousands of years, and suddenly came to two customers, but also grabbed the purchase, the owner felt that it was a bit broken.

"Gold Pavilion Lord, you are here just right, these people dare to oppose me, what should you do, you should know!" The Prince seemed to know this person, swayed with a big hand, and said coldly.

"His Royal Highness is out of wrath. Both of you are my guests, but it ’s just because of a contradiction in buying a treasure. It ’s better to be like this. I'll be sitting together. Let's smile, how about enmity?"

Said the Lord of the Court.

As the owner of Huibao Pavilion, both parties are his customers, and he is not good at doing things that offend one party. The only way is to deal with the mud and let the two parties end peacefully. Otherwise, they really fight and have a great impact on his voice. .

"A smile, a grudge? I call you Lord of the Golden Pavilion to give you face, these people irritated me, the acquaintances, immediately caught them, let me dispose, you can let go of your Huibao Pavilion, otherwise, I Seeing that you don't have to continue driving! "

Wei Xiao sneered.


I did not expect His Royal Highness His Highness would be so angry, the host of the Golden Pavilion was a bit ugly, and I didn't know what to do.

"Some adults, this is His Royal Highness, or else ... you give up?" Hesitated, the Lord of the Pavilion of Grief looked at Nie Yun and others.

As long as these quarrelsome people take a step back and apologize, depending on the identity of the owner of Huibao Pavilion, he may still be able to deal with it, and it is best that both of them are happy.

"Let's give in? Why don't you let them give in?" Nie Yun smiled playfully.

"He is the prince of the dynasty, the emperor of the night, the emperor of the night, and no one dares to offend. We have been so proud in the imperial city, and we have no way to hope that there is a large number of adults. Our small business, after the incident, I will personally repay you. ... "

The master of the Golden Pavilion hurriedly conveyed his voice with respect.

Although I do n’t know what the identity of these people is, I can come to this floor without fear of His Royal Highness. There must be terrible reliance. This kind of person cannot afford to offend.

No one dares to offend when doing business and seeking survival in the cracks.

"No need, please wrap this thing for me. I will leave immediately when I get it, without giving you any trouble!" Nie Yun waved his hand and said casually about the "goodwill" of the Golden Pavilion master.

The sunless ancestor behind the Emperor Yongyong Ye is nothing in his eyes, how can he be afraid of a milky prince.


Jin Ge Pavilion's main skin is drawn.

He didn't expect to talk about this all the time, but he was so tough against counterattack, and he all wanted to cry.

"Haha, did you see it, this guy does not see the coffin and does not cry, Lord Jin Ge, let it go. I will let him know who can offend and who can not offend!"

Nie Yun's words were not heard. Wei Xiao heard it clearly, his face stunned, and his palm waved again: "What are the generals waiting for? Kill these people, I will go back and ask the father and the emperor for my help. you guys!"


"Thank Your Highness!"

A few generals' eyes lighted up, and their faces came over with a puppet.

"His Royal Highness, please raise your hand ..."

Looking at the prince not far away, Lord Jinge was full of begging. Seeing that begging was fruitless, he hurriedly waved to Nie Yun and others: "Let's go, and take your time to leave this right and wrong place ..."

"Hey, let me go!"

Seeing his movements, Nie Yun shook his head, pulled him away, and turned to look at Duan Yi: "Take care of these guys, and let the Emperor Yongye come over to apologize in person!"

"Yes, master!"

Yi Duan also endured this prince for a long time. Hearing this, he smiled.

陛 "Let Your Majesty come over and apologize, who do you think you are? Seek death!"

"I don't know if something is alive or dead, everyone shot together!"

"I thought there was some power, but I didn't expect it to be arrogant!"

Uh ...

He thought that Nie Yun had some power. When he heard this, the generals all laughed.

Let the Emperor Yong Ye come to apologize? who do you think You Are?

I must be bragging!

I thought of this, several people were angry at the same time, and shot together.

After several half-steps dominated the strong at the same time, the third floor of Huibao Pavilion was immediately shrouded in huge power.

"It's over ..."

Looked again ~ www.readwn.com ~ The owner of Jinge stepped back involuntarily and fell over.

He thought he could prevent the fighting between the two sides, but now it seems that he can't avoid it.

With so many half-steps dominating the shots at the same time, Huibao Pavilion's formation will certainly not be able to persist. I am afraid that it will change from Huibao Pavilion to "Ruin Pavilion" after a while.


Seeing that these people actually dared to shoot at him, Duan Yi Leng hummed, and he could not see any movement. The sky's power immediately burst like a bubble, and several half-step dominating generals felt a huge force at the same time. Soft, kneeling on the ground.

"Come and kneel down for our master too!"

He knelt down under the pressure of these people, and Duan Yi grabbed the palm of his hand. Prince Wei Xiao hadn't responded yet, so he pinched his neck and fell to the ground.

"You ... you dare to treat me like this, I let my father emperor kill you all ..."

I fell to my knees, Wei Xiao was startled, and then I knew how terrible the other party was, but still undead, his face was green, and he was screaming wildly.

"Don't shout, I'll let your father come over!" Seeing him dead, Duan Yi sneered, and said lightly, "Wei Yongye, Lord Nie Yun waited for the drive at Huibao Pavilion, less than a minute, Just stop seeing your son! "

Although the voice was not loud, it kept spreading outwards, spreading the blink of an eye throughout the Imperial City. [Unfinished To be continued This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 Provided with @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波]

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