Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1654: Emperor Yong Ye Comes

"Nie Yun ... lord?"

The master of the Golden Pavilion first glanced, and then his eyes fell to the ground.

Regardless of whether it is the Oblique Moon Extreme Realm or Chaos Extreme Realm, no one does not know the name after Fu Ling Fengtian came out. Nie Yun, the new master, even forced Ashoka to leave. Is this the one in front of me?

No wonder he is indifferent to the threat of Prince Ye Ye, don't say that you are just a Prince, even if your Emperor Ye Ye comes, oh no, even if the sun dominates, it will be killed every minute!

"Nie ... Yun?"

He was different from Jin Gezhu's shock. The prince's scalp exploded and he almost fainted.

Although he was embarrassed, the name Nie Yun had been heard, and even the master had to respectfully exist, but he was run into it, and ... he was so offended, and for a moment the whole person seemed to fall into the ice cellar and wanted to die My heart is gone.

"Gold Pavilion, wrap me up!"

I knew that when I was born, I would have such a situation. Nie Yun shook his head, ignored the surprised eyes of everyone, and smiled and looked at the Lord of the Golden Pavilion.


The master of the Golden Pavilion jumped up quickly and did not dare to hesitate.

In front of this, Lord Nie Yun, the super-lord who is afraid of everyone in the three realms, thought that it was far away from such a big man. I did not expect that he would not only see it with his own eyes, but also be called "the Lord of the Golden Pavilion". This honor alone made him Some dizziness.

She quickly opened the seal and handed it to Nie Yun.

"Master, this thing should be used as a gift of retribution for Huibao Pavilion. For the many sins before, please forgive me!" The owner said in a hurry.

"No need. It's as much as you want, I have put the chaotic spar here! Hold it!"

Qi Nieyun's voice was very weak, but with majestic irrefutable.

冇 60; just some chaotic spar. In his opinion, it is just a bunch of vitality. Nothing. If you don't give money, you owe it to people, but not beautiful.

"Yes!" The Lord of the Golden Pavilion did not dare to refute, and quickly nodded in agreement.


As soon as Xi took the treasure into the world of objects, he heard a roar in the distance. Then a figure flew over quickly and came not far away, it was the Emperor Yongye.

"Wei Yongye have seen you dominate!"

For what happened here. He didn't know, but saw the scene in his own hands at the Three Realms Mopan, knowing that the people in front of him were the masters, and he did not dare to neglect.

"This guy is your son. You want to kill my master. You look at it!"

The eyelids also rolled over, said.

"Ah ... kill Nie Yun to dominate?"

The emperor Yongyong's face turned green immediately.

I heard the shout just now, and I knew that it must be the son who had done something wrong, but never dreamed of it, so rebellious.

Ye even killed by Nie Yun ... Are you blind or ... blind?

"I'm just such a son, I've been used to being too terrible, so ... I don't know how to hòu the sky, Nie Yun dominates the talk. If you kill this villain, I will let you lose my breath. I will start immediately!"

The Yongye emperor gritted his teeth.

He ca n’t help it now, but he has seen this powerful action in front of him. He just received a secret report. The dry blood dynasty was just killed by him. The other party is really angry. It will be a little bigger than the dry blood dynasty. The night dynasty is absolutely very simple, even the sunless master can't save it!

This is the oppression brought by absolute strength!

Moreover, other people did not know that, as an emperor with close ties to the powerful kings, he knew very well that King Shura had returned strongly, and this backstop of Nie Yun was King Shura!

Such a person would not dare offend him with ten guts!

"Your son, it will really cause you a lot of trouble!"

I glanced at the Emperor Yong Ye, Nie Yun said lightly.

He has good senses for this emperor. After all, this guy is willing to make friends after knowing that Ashoka will deal with him.

"Yes Yes!"

The emperor Yongyong nodded quickly.

"I came to Yongye Imperial City just this time to find you something. Your son, you can not kill, but I need your truth. If the answer satisfies me, today ’s things will not happen, and I wo n’t account. ! "

Xie Nieyun swayed in the palm of his hand with an irrefutable power in his voice.

太 The prince, Wei Xiao, is just a small person in his eyes. There is nothing in life and death. If he doesn't kill the Emperor Yong Ye to tell the truth and find nothingness, he will actually make money.

"The Lord asks questions, I must know that I can't stop talking!" Hearing the other party didn't mean to kill his son, the Emperor Yongye relieved and said quickly.


Xie Nieyun didn't speak directly, but flicked her finger, and a huge restraint immediately sealed the surrounding area.

Even if his ban is controlled by other masters, he cannot do it through observation, let alone others.

"I want to know the unbounded news!"

After doing this, Nie Yun stared at the Emperor Yongye tightly, his eyes with a sharp light: "I want to be honest, you should know the price of deceiving me!"

"Nothingness ... this ..."

The emperor Yongyue pulled out of his skin, his whole body was stiff.

怎么 "What? Inconvenient to say?" Nie Yun hummed.

"No ..." The Emperor Yongye shook his head quickly, for fear of offending this person: "I really don't know where this place is ..."

"do not know?"

Bian Nieyun raised her eyebrows. Tianer's talents were working just now, and she could hear the other party was telling the truth. However, although he did not know where the void was, he seemed to have heard this place before.

"Have you heard of this place before?"

"Yes, I heard my ancestors talk about it before!"

Emperor Yongyong did not dare to hide ~ www.readwn.com ~ ancestor? Sunless Patriarch? "

"Yes, the ancestor once mentioned it, but I don't remember clearly. If the master wants to know, you can ask him!" Emperor Yongye busy.

"You send a message to the sunless ancestor and let him come over! I'll wait here!" Nie Yundao.

No matter who it is, someone knows where the void is.

"I'll send a message to my ancestors immediately!" The Emperor Yongye was pardoned and relieved.

I changed to another master and said these things, letting Wuri dominate it instead of seeing him personally, would definitely cause unhappiness, but Nie Yun said that everyone took it for granted and no one dared to question and refute.

He is also the master, and Nie Yun has proven his status with real strength.

"You guys, don't take this evil animal back to prison immediately, without my order, don't allow it!" Knowing that Lord Nie Yun had let go of his son, Emperor Yongye put his nervous heart down and stood up Come and hurriedly command.


If others are amnesty, how dare to stay, and hurriedly lead Wei Xiao out, without saying a word.

The arrogant prince before, at this time became like a bereavement dog, shameful, but also know that this feud ... I am afraid I ca n’t report it in my life!

(The second one is here!) [To be continued] This text is provided by the Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 提供 带上 @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波】

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