Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1655: The Void Legend

After arranging the prince, the Emperor Yongye quietly glanced at Nie Yun and saw that there was no dissatisfaction on the other side's face, so he was relieved, took out a jade card, and left a message.

At first glance, this jade card is known to be special, which contains the imprint of the soul of the sunless ancestor. As long as the idea is passed in, the other party will soon know.

"Master, wait a moment, my ancestors are still in the chaotic ocean, and they will come over immediately ..."

The jade "hum!" The Emperor Yongye glanced and said quickly.

"Yeah!" Nie Yun didn't say much, looked at the demon who followed him before. The movement was just too loud. The demon was frightened, but he didn't leave.

"come here!"

Looking at the demon, Nie Yun ordered.

"Me?" The demon was unbelievable.

In front of this, Nie Yun, a big man from the Three Realms, asked him to do a little man?

"Not yet come here!" Duan also yelled.

"Yes Yes!"

The demon confirmed that the other party was looking for himself, and came quickly, her legs were a little weak.

"I'm not malicious, but I have some doubts in my heart and want to investigate!" Nie Yun passed a light thought, passing his finger forward and falling on the demon. After a moment, he retracted his finger.

"Today's events, you will forget when you go out, and no one will know if you ask!"

With a slight hum, the demon stepped back, staggered out, and disappeared in front of everyone after a while.

Just now Nie Yun searched all his physical soul. This guy is exactly the same as the six demon monsters in the world. There is no slight gap, the so-called Buye tribe. In fact, the demon race!

The six demon races in the heavens and the earth were born because they fought with King Shura. The relatively comfortable place in the Three Realms actually had this kind of race, which made him wonder.

However, I don't know why the status of this monster is not high. Although I read the soul of the other party, I didn't find relevant content. I had to let him go.

When the soul evacuated from the opponent's body, he did something by the way. If he had seen him today, the demon would forget it completely. Even the most powerful people can't ask anything.

"How about it, isn't it a demon?"

Luo Qingcheng came curiously.

"Well, wait for Nie Tong to come back and ask!"

This kind of thing can only be understood by asking Nie Tong, thinking too much will not help much.

"Okay!" Luo Qingcheng stopped asking.

"Some adults, or ... Let's wait in the VIP room!" The owner of Jinge asked carefully.

Nie Yun took a look and saw that the noise just now caused a lot of people to come over. He didn't want to be watched, nodded immediately, followed the VIP room after the host of the Golden Pavilion.

Waited in the VIP room for a while. Just heard a gust of wind, an old man strode in.

"I have seen Nie Yun dominate the sun!"

The Sunless Lord quickly fists as he enters the door with a respectful expression.

Although the same dominates, he knows the opponent's strength and tries to keep his attitude as low as possible.

"Come to you, it's not the old one. It's troublesome, I hope the Japanese will forgive me!" Nie Yundao.

"Where did Lord Nie Yun say? It's my pleasure to be able to do something for you!" Lord Riri quickly waved his hand, and the other party was just polite. If he kicked his nose on his face, he would not know how to lift him up.

"It's polite to be ruled by the sun. Everyone is the ruler. It's not necessary to be so restrained!" Nie Yun laughed, looking at him like himself.

"Uh ... I don't know what Master Nie Yun wants me to do?" He didn't dare to answer.

He was a bit strange. If Nie Yun had such a strength, if he couldn't do it, he would certainly not be able to do it. What's the use of finding himself?

"Just let you take me to a place and smoothly take me there. I owe you a favor, even if you have the enemy, I can kill it for you!" Nie Yun didn't rush to say something, but it was faint Road.

"I owe you a favor ... to kill the master?" The sun-ridden master's eyes immediately became hot, and his excited fist squeezed.

Others say that, he definitely thinks it is bragging, but the young man in front of him does have such strength, which he also saw with his own eyes.

Although he has no enemies, but with this kind of favor, no other master will dare to offend him and trouble him!

A relationship, a promise, is equivalent to a talisman, other amulets do not dare to move.

How can you keep this good thing?

"What the **** is it?" Although excited, the Sunless Master has not been stunned. After all, the greater the benefit, the more difficult it is for him to do things.

"It's simple, take me to nothingness!" Nie Yun said lightly.

"Nothingness? Nothingness?" Wuri dominated for a moment.

"Yes, here it is!"

"I've heard of this place, and I've searched for it, but it's not easy to find, and the crisis is so severe, and I have failed several times in a row.

"Listen to others and want to see it!" Naturally, Nie Yun couldn't say that it was King Shura, and said casually, his face was confused: "What does it mean that you ca n’t find what you just said? Voidless entrance where?"

"The Void Realm is a legendary realm. This incident is also circulated among the few who dominate the strong. It is said that this realm is hidden at the junction of time and space. It ca n’t be searched in the past and future. No one can get in, the chance has arrived, and a little person can get a huge chance out of thin air! "

Sunless dominates the road ~ www.readwn.com ~ Oh? Is there such a place? Is it a legend, or has anyone actually entered? "

If it is only a legend and the truth is difficult to tell, who released the news? What is the purpose? If anyone had actually entered, who was that person? Are you still alive now?

"It seems that someone has gone in, and this man Nie Yun has also seen it!" Wuri dominated.

"Oh? Who?" Nie Yun Nie Yun was strange, had he met? Why don't you have any impression?

"It is dominated by Dan God!" Wu Ri dominated: "Dan God dominated was a small person, not to mention alchemy, I have never seen anything like Dan medicine. Who knows if he accidentally entered the void, and immediately became Wu Shang Dan when he came out. Daoqiang! One-handed magic technique, shocked the world! Even those of us who have comprehended Dandao Avenue can't compare! I have talked with him once, but he is so secretive about nothingness that he just said that he had found the previous life. Skill! Because of this, countless masters have been tempted to look for a turn, but in the end all failed, no one succeeded! "

"Anything like this?" Nie Yun's face looked strange. (To be continued) R752

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