Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1656: Tangami Valley

"Yeah!" Wuri dominated with emotion: "Although we both master the Three Thousand Avenues and do everything we can, but when it comes to alchemy, the master of danshen is the strongest. We ca n’t make many elixirs, It's as simple as a kid's toy in his hands! It can't be compared! "

"Listening to you, I am more interested in this nihilism. Where is Dan God dominated? Take me to find him!" Nie Yun stood up.

It is obvious that the master of Wu Wuri is not the same as Nie Tong. The void in Nie Tong's mouth is just a world, not too special, but the place in his mouth can change the ability of people and make people yearn for it.

找 "Looking for him? I'm afraid the Lord Dan will not say that the last time I went there, I lived with him for 3,000 years, and played chess with him every day, but this guy didn't reveal the slightest ..."

Wu Ri shook his head.

"If you find it, let's say it, I don't want to say anything ... I will try to get him to speak!" Nie Yundan said indifferently.

"Uh ... that's okay!" Wuri dominated before thinking of this evil star in front of everyone, and could not help laughing.

The master of the **** Dan is very good at mastering elixir and has a high status in the master. No one can do it hardly. Besides, hard work is useless. Everyone is similar in strength to the master. For a long time, no one else dared to persecute this master, although other people wanted to know the nothingness.

However, it is difficult to say everything because of a misfortune such as Nie Yun.

"The Lord of Danshen lives in Danshen Valley. It is about five or six days away from here. If Nie Yun is not in a hurry. I can let Yongye prepare for the landlord's friendship!" Dan God dominates, Sunless dominates.

"No need. Go as soon as possible!"

Nie Yun did not want to delay more, said.

"That's good!" Ji Rizhu stretched his body, moved slightly, and flew outward: "I'll lead the way!"

I said that people had left Huibao Pavilion and reached the air.

"Wei Yongye, I'm not thinking about today's affairs. However, your son, it is best to take good care of it. If I encounter a similar situation next time, I will not notify you and directly kill it!"

Looking at the anxious Yongye emperor standing on one side, Nie Yun said lightly. Yi La Luo Qingcheng and others. Immediately flew out behind the Sunless Lord.

Xiao Xiaoyao and others did not hesitate to follow the flight away.

"Yes ... Gong Nie Yun is dominated!" Emperor Yong Ye was sweating coldly.

In the face of this boy, his heart seemed to be seen through by the other side, full of panic.

"If this bad animal is not well taught, I will be killed by him sooner or later!"

I remembered the actions made by Wei Xiao, the yelling of Emperor Yongye.

The Nie Yun dominated him for his face this time. I am afraid that not only Wei Xiao is going to die, they will never be able to keep it forever!

His Majesty "Your Majesty. Wasn't this Nie Yun dominated by Asoka King Fuling Fengtian investigating? Why ..." The owner of Huibao Pavilion Jinge came over.

"Don't mention it again. Asoka's Fuling Tian has been cancelled. Don't mess with this adult if you don't want to die!" After listening to his question, the Emperor Yongye pumped a few times and hurled.

家伙 Which pot is this guy who doesn't open the pot, can't you see that the Sunless Lord is so scared to see this? I dare mention this crop, but fortunately it has not been heard, otherwise, there is no need for Huibao Pavilion.


Seeing the emperor's attitude in this way, the Lord of the Golden Pavilion realized that he had said something wrong and was sweating.

"Well, you are doing a good job today. Nie Yun, the master who has not provoked, is angry, and he stopped the beast in time, so that he did not make a big mistake. It is a big credit! From today, Huibao If you have any trouble, come to me and I will solve it for you! "

Dried blood emperor road.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" The owner of the Golden Pavilion did not expect such a benefit, and quickly bowed down in excitement.

Xie Nieyun, this big tree, he was not able to rely on him and was not qualified to associate with others, but being able to pull up the dried blood royal family was enough to make him Huibao Pavilion bigger.


The howling wind screamed, and the Sun dominated the rapid flight ahead.

He tried his best on this flight, even the master was a little bit out of breath, but who knows that Nie Yun behind him was walking in the same way as the court, and didn't feel anything.

To know that he was flying alone, Nie Yun brought Luo Qingcheng and others, and finally pulled Xiaoyao Xian and others. Such a heavy burden seemed to be fine in his hands, no matter how fast he was, he could easily relax Catch up.

Until this moment, he did not know that this Nie Yun not only relied on the chaos meditation bottle. He could not compete with strength alone.

He originally thought naively that as long as the Chaos Meditation Bottle left Nie Yun, there would be no way. Now it seems that such a childish and ridiculous idea.

"Nie Yun, do we have a rest ..."

飞行 Fly for several days with full strength, the Sunless dominion can't bear it anymore, so he has no choice but to say helplessly.

"Let's take an ancient ship, so you can hurry up!"

Xie Nieyun grabbed the palm of his hand and threw the broken Shenzhou out, and his body fell into a vertical position.

Ji Wuri dominated and could not fly, so he had to follow it.

"You point out the direction, help the dark tide and the section, you take turns driving!" Standing at the bow of the ship, Nie Yun ordered.

"Yes!" Fu Anchao and Duan Yi had already broken the road by driving Shenzhou. The huge ancient ship immediately turned into a light and flew straight to the distance.

无 "Dayless, you and me talk about Dan master in detail, so you have to prepare in advance!"

I stood on the deck ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun smiled and asked Xiang Wuri to dominate.

I need to know more about each other to get a better grasp of the situation. It is best not to take a shot against a master. Of course, if you have to take a shot, you will never hesitate.

"The Danshen Valley where the Lord of the Dans dominates is the best place I've seen for defense. If I rush, I'm afraid it will be difficult. When I get to the place, I can mix in as an old friend, and then I should go inside and outside to break the formation and let you guys Come in!"

The sun dominates the road.

"Oh? Defense is the best, why do you say that?"

Puppet masters have similar strengths, and their respective defenses are not much different. According to the Japanese master, the defense of Danshen Valley is definitely far beyond the ordinary level.

"I said before that the Lord of the Dans is a master of alchemy, and many of them are willing to make good friends with him. Danshen Valley is the one that he spent countless treasures, together with eight masters, and took 20,000 years to refine. Although the name is a valley, it is actually a huge treasure that can fly and move. The defensive formation is all activated, which is like dominating the soldiers. If we really do n’t want people to enter, we ca n’t dominate ... ”

Wu Wuri shook his head. Although he said that we can do nothing to control it, what he said is that Nie Yun in front of him can't force it.




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 雨 爱 亭". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】 Bring your friends (@ 影 承 @ 新城 神 @ 字 书 文 @ 玉树 琼花 满目 春)

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