Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1657: Lord of Dan

"Compared to dominate the soldiers? This Dan God dominates a big hand!" Nie Yun sighed.

Refining a master soldier requires a lot of precious materials. He made the entire residence like this, which is too expensive to imagine.

It is indeed the famous master of Dan Dao, and he is really rich.

"Yeah, I felt incredible when I knew his decision at first, but later I saw it with my own eyes, and then I realized that this guy is just a lunatic. With so many materials, he can master dozens of soldiers, and he can make dozens of pieces. That's wasted! "

Dayless dominates and sighs.

"No waste, this is where he is clever. Anyone can't break the residence. Even if there are several masters besieging at the same time, don't be afraid!" Nie Yundao.

Although the defending master soldier can block the attacks of all the masters, after all, they are monks, and they are attacked, they still have a kickback force. When they encounter siege by several masters at the same time, even if they are not killed, they must be terrified. With this kind of dominated soldier level, the residence is different. No matter how many masters come, you can also sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and smile at the wind and rain without any harm.

"Oh!" Hearing this, the Sunshine Master disagreed.

Dan God dominates such a high position in the master, who will take the trouble of the world and ask him? Besides, it is a theorem that you can dominate the undead. If you can't kill, you will be ashamed at best. There is no particular contradiction. Who wants to do this? After all, you are making him lose face now, he hates it, and it may make you lose face!

Because of this, there is no particularly big contradiction between the masters and they basically do not work.

The other masters are not worried about these. The most prestigious Dan **** dominates, but it is absolutely wasteful!

If there were so many treasures, several master soldiers would have been refined. Reward your descendants.

The dominating strong is very energetic, often wandering the chaotic ocean, posing as an ordinary person, getting married and having children, and many of the masters have many illegitimate children, because of his blood. There is only one descendant, and it is another matter.

"What weapon does Dan God dominate? Is there any helper?"

Seeing his expression, where did Nie Yun know what he was thinking. But didn't explain much, and then asked.

"The most powerful weapon dominated by Dan Shen should be his alchemy, called" Tian Di Ding ", which was formed by condensing hundreds of first-class worlds. He dominated the level of the gods!" Wuri dominated: "As for His helper. Many of the masters have made good friends with him. His Danshen Valley often has a master's company, like the Xuehan he saw before, he lives there! In addition, I heard that he has also refined some The elixir of battle can be used as a soldier ... Of course, this is only a legend. I have never seen him do anything. I don't know if it is true! "

"Satan is a soldier?"

Nie Yun showed dignity.

Rumors can't be groundless, since some people say so. It must be true.

Reaching a certain level of elixir will produce self-smartness and possess terrible fighting power. The master of the elixir can refine the elixir that is useful to the level of the elixir, indicating that these elixir really need to be transformed, and the power is not as good as the master Too much difference!

If such a terrible elixir is refined, it will not be difficult to sedan into soldiers.

"Tiandi Ding is made of five elements. It is said that the power of gold, wood, water, fire and soil is very powerful. I have not played with him and I have not seen him perform it. Therefore, it is not clear how it is, but everyone is the same. Master, if the means are exhausted, it should be almost the same! "

Sunless dominates the road.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded.

Although the Sunless Lord said so, but he didn't know how to make peace, he always felt that the Dan God was a little weird.

Thinking of this, I asked some more questions. The Lord Sunri and the Lord Dan were very familiar, but all the answers they knew were not concealed in the slightest.

After hearing the conversation, the more Nie Yun knew about the master of Dan, the more he became curious.

Entering the realm of nothingness, the kid who can't use the elixir becomes the world-renowned master of Dao Dao, and successfully becomes the master. No matter from which point, it is worth playing.

"Nie Yun is dominated by Danshen Valley!"

Moving forward while chatting, a few days later, Sunless dominated his finger forward.

Everyone looked around, surrounded by mountains, filled with clouds, and countless spirit beasts, **** beasts flying in the meantime, the scenery was indescribably gorgeous, like a fairyland.

Rich auras converge like a storm. There are elixir everywhere in the mountains. Some treasures that are hard to see in the Three Realms are all over the ground, as if they came to a huge medicine garden.

"Dominated by Nie Yun, should I go in and out in advance or ... directly?"

Without knowing Nie Yun's intentions, Wuri asked.

"Don't rush, you don't have to pass, Duan Yi directly shouted and told Dan God to dominate, Nie Yun came to visit!"

Nie Yun turned his head.

"Yes!" Hearing the command, Duan also stepped forward to the bow of the boat, looking up at the misty mountains in front of him, and a loud voice sounded: "Nie Yun dominated Xiaoxian Xian, Sunless dominated, Duan also dominated, and Fu dark tide dominated. Come and visit the Lord of Dan, and look forward to seeing you! "


The sound was like a thunder, rushing straight into the depths of the clouds and fog, constantly pulsating inward, penetrating through the heavy array method.

Although Duan also did not have any glory under the cover of Nie Yun, he was the master, and his strength was on par with those of the sunless master, Xiaoyao Xian, and others. At this time, he shouted with all his strength, no matter how many formations could not stop the slightest. Straight into Danshen Valley.

"This ... Master Nie Yun is so prestigious, we have come down so many masters ... I am afraid that the master of Dan God will not be afraid to come out directly ..."

Seeing Nie Yun's actions, the Sunless Lord was a little speechless.

You have directly registered with so many strong people. As long as the Lord of Dan is not stupid, he must know that the people are not good.

If this guy has been hiding in the valley, even if you are strong, there is nothing you can do!

"He will come out!" For his doubts, Nie Yun chuckled, with a strong confidence in his eyes, somehow, the sunless master saw this look, and the previous doubts disappeared instantly, as if there were no The young man couldn't do it right now.

Gently turned around and glanced at the others, seeing Fu Anchao and others with a convincing attitude, only to understand that the personal charm of the young man in front of him can already affect the mood of the dominant.


Like Nie Yun said, Duan Yi's shout ended shortly after, a series of wind sounded, and several figures flew out.

The first one is the Dan God who has been seen before. The three behind him are Xue Han who is listed. The remaining two are not seen by Nie Yun, but they have extraordinary strength and domination.

"It was originally dominated by Nie Yun. I said goodbye to that day, and I still remember your heroic attitude ... I wonder if I came to Danshen Valley this time, what's the matter?" It is obvious that the appearance of Nie Yun and others is not old, Dan The Lord of God directly opened the door and asked.

"I came here to look for the Lord of Dan. There is indeed something, and I hope the Lord can help!" Nie Yun laughed.

"Oh? I don't know what? If Nie Yun's ruler finds it difficult, I'm afraid I can't do it!" Dan God's ruler said, it was an indirect rejection.

"Dan master do not rush to refuse, just listen to me and you know, why not ... let's describe it alone?"

Glancing at Xue Han and others, Nie Yun said lightly.

"A separate story?"

Dan God dominated his skin, glanced at the young man in front of him, and quickly shook his head: "If there is anything, just talk here, just talk about it alone ..."

With this guy alone, he hasn't had the guts.

"That being the case, then don't blame me for talking abruptly!" Seeing him reluctant to speak alone, Nie Yun is no longer covering up, anyway, everyone on his side knows his purpose and directly speaks: "I want to find nothingness, I also want to worry that Dan God dominates the way! "

"Go to nothingness?"

Dan God dominated the skin of his face ~ www.readwn.com ~ There are many things that other masters have found. He didn't say a word. Nie Yun asked directly, he didn't know how to answer.

"I'm really sorry, the things of the infinite world, after I left, I forgot, let me find, I can't find it!" Hesitated for a moment, Dan God dominated.

Although his expression pretended to be extremely regretful, as long as he was not stupid, he could see that it was only a resignation, and only he knew what was going on.

"Forgot? Lord Dan said and laughed. What if I insist on showing you the way?"

Nie Yun said lightly.

"Hey, Nie Yun dominates the tone so much, since the Lord Dan said so, even if he knew it, he didn't want to go, so why not ask for it!"

Lord Dan hadn't spoke yet, a master behind him sneered.

(I will change it today. I have been busy recently. I hope everyone forgive me. After next Friday, it should be a lot easier ... oh, don't slap,) (To be continued ...)

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