Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1658: 1 punch

The master did not experience the battlefield of the Three Realms. He only heard the story about Nie Yun's strength and dismissed it.

"Dan God dominates this, do you mean?" Nie Yun looked over.

"What I said is what he meant. Danshengu doesn't welcome you. Get out now! Otherwise, we're welcome!" Seeing Nie Yun ignored him, the master's face sank and he suddenly drank.

Hearing his rude reprimand, Nie Yun's eyes were like electric mansions, and he shot straight, "What kind of thing are you! I have a conversation with Dan God, do you have a place to interject?"

"Why? Want to do it? Others are afraid of you, I'm not afraid, relying on a weapon to show off your strength, we don't use weapons if we have the ability, and we are playing brightly ..."

This master is full of contempt.


Before the words were finished, the opposite Nie Yun suddenly moved, like a spring thunder blasting, making people unprepared, the compressed air burst suddenly, causing a series of ripples.


A fist struck in the air and pierced the dominator's face.


The master didn't expect Nie Yun to be so fierce, he immediately started to disagree, his face changed immediately, and he hurried back. Regardless of what he just said, a round shield shook his palm and appeared in front of him.

This shield appeared in the air with a heavy sense of calmness. At a glance, I knew that I had reached the level of mastering the soldiers {一 + 本} read} novels, and the defense was amazing.

Nie Yun's speed was fast, and his response was fast enough. Once the shield came out, others immediately knew that the attack would end in failure.

Dominate Divine Shield, even if you use Dominate Divine Shield. Not to mention the physical body.


When the wind blew, Nie Yun's fist did not recede and dodge, but straightly met the shield in front of him.

"Ask for shame!" Seeing his actions. This master Lengheng.

Others don't know about his shield. He knows it very well. It is made of special items and is extremely hard. If his fist comes in, even the master will be shattered and injured.

"Oops. This is the Lord of Heaven, and this shield is made from the scales of his body. It is extremely hard. It is difficult to break the Lord's soldiers ..."

Seeing that Nie Yun didn't hide or dodge, he rushed directly, and the sun dominated the skin.

Anyway, the opponent has already taken out the weapon, and thought that Nie Yun would immediately offer a chaotic meditation bottle to fight against it. Who knows, with their fists, they attacked the shield. Isn't this the shortcoming of oneself and the strength of attacking the enemy?

Dan God dominated and sneered.

This Nie Yun sounds like a thunderbolt, but now it looks very reckless, but it is also normal. He has such strength and arrogance at such a young age. It's nothing strange to just use it for your own use.

He was still a little bit afraid of his arrival. Now being so reckless, this shyness disappeared immediately.


Everyone's thoughts are different. Just when most people think that Nie Yun is going to be unlucky again, the fist of the latter and the shield dominated by Tianyu have already touched each other, and a crackling crackle is transmitted to everyone Eardrum.

"Look your bones aren't broken ..."

Hearing this voice, Tian Yu's eyes brightened, but the excited expression had not completely bloomed from his face, his pupils shrank sharply, and his eyes were full of shock: "This is impossible ..."

Because at this moment, he had discovered that it wasn't the bones of the opponent, but his shield!

Dominating the magic soldier, the incomparably hard shield under the opponent's fist, a crack appeared, turned into powder and exploded, the huge fist has blinked, and has come to the front.

At this point, Tianyu's master had no regard for why the other party could break his master's divine soldier, and the most thought was to retreat.

However, the opponent's fist was like the poison of the cheekbones, and he was chased after him, no matter where he fled, he could be caught up.

The body hurried, a defense master appeared from the body surface, protecting his head and face.


The fist came forward and touched the defending master soldier, and another shattered sound, this time nothing else, but the sound of defending master soldier and skull.


Tian Yu's master never dreamed that the dignified master would die so quickly. The other party did not use other tricks, only one punch, extinct all his vitality.

Didn't you say he relied on only one weapon? How can you be so close to me ...

However, it is useless even now to regret it. The corpse fell from the air and was caught by a vine fiercely in mid-air and swallowed into jerky. At the same time, Nie Yun's hand was in his palm. .

"Zi Tong is not destroyed, here!"

With a single stroke to kill the Lord of the Heavenly Emperor, Nie Yun's body flew back to the broken Shenzhou again, looking indifferent, as if he had done a trivial thing, and at the same time throwing the pseudo-origin avenue to Zitong without destroying it.

Luo Qingcheng's strength is too low to qualify for refining this kind of thing, so don't leave it to her. Zitong is not his loyal subordinate. Let him refining, and he can once again have a master.


The breath converges and devours the pseudo-origin road. After a few breathing efforts, Zi Tong has not ruined and stabilized the breath. Like Futan Chao and others, he has already reached the dominating level.

"Thank you, master!"

Zi Tong did not destroy and quickly fell to the ground.

He knew that recognizing the person in front of him would inevitably gain great benefits, but he did not expect that the benefits would come so quickly and he would become the master in such a short time.



This series of accidents happened too fast. The master of the Dan God and others were all in situ, and they were going crazy one by one.

One boxer shattered two masters, and killed another master who is known for his defense ... What is this power?

Too terrible!

"He must have improved again ..."

At this moment, everyone thought at the same time.

Some time ago, he could only rely on the Chaos Meditation Bottle ~ www.readwn.com ~ to kill the other masters. Now, one of them will be killed with one punch, only one thing can be explained, that is ... the strength of this person has improved again !!

In a year or so, I reached the dominating level from the beginning of Putianjing. After being promoted to the dominate, it took less than a month to kill the dominator such as pinching ants ... without such a pervert!


The master of the Dan God, the master of Xuehan and others gave birth to a strong chill from behind.

In the face of such evil stars, they knew that they were definitely not opponents. When the body flickered, the huge array of Danshen Valley immediately turned on, and the remaining three bodies flashed at the same time, disappearing from the front of Nie Yun.

The reason why I dared to come out and talk to Nie Yun just now is because of the defense of Danshen Valley. The defenses made by the eight major masters have worked together. From the perspective of Danshen, even if Nie Yun's strength is strong, it can still be blocked.

"Master Dan, give you ten breaths of time to think about what I said before, otherwise, I'm just ashamed!"

Seeing that they were scared to hide back to Danshen Valley, Nie Yun smiled slightly, and his voice passed straight in. (To be continued ...)

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