Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1659: All souls gather sky array

"Nie Yun is dominated. Our well water does not violate river water. I hope not to be aggressive!"

There was a sound from Danshen Valley, and the fog was heavier outside, like a natural cover that enveloped the whole valley.

"Ten, nine, eight ..."

With his hands behind his back, Nie Yun ignored the words of the other party.

Weak and strong food, when he was young, others never sympathized, and this situation would not stay.

He must go to the Void Realm. In this case, the other party does not say ... then hit him so far!

This is not overbearing, but strength!

On the way, I chatted with Wuri Lord, and I also knew that Dan God dominated him.

Although this person is the master and has a good reputation, it is actually not a good person. Among the three realms, who knows who has good medicinal materials and natural treasures will rush to ask for it, **** it, in order to refine Danshen Valley, more It is to shatter countless small +. Worlds, killing unknown creatures.

To simply say murder, Nie Yun's past and present life add up to less than one billionth of his murder!

Even if he deals with the dominator, this person has no good looks and is full of arrogance. If it is not Nie Yun's strength, I am afraid that this time he will come, the attitude will be another!

Especially when the Shura world was killed, it was slaughtering hundreds of thousands of miles, blood is red, the mind is fierce, the means are hot, and it is appalling!

Because of this, Nie Yun used such a means to deal with the wicked.

Of course, if he is good, he will definitely use another attitude.

"You ... hmm, don't think I'm afraid of you. Even if you say your throat is broken today, I won't take you to the void, but I will die this heart!"

Seeing this boy ignore his words. Directly counting down, Dan God dominated many words in the mouth, uncomfortable with anger, but helpless.

The opponent did not reason with him at all, and his strength was so fierce. Since becoming the master, he has encountered such a difficult opponent for the first time.

"Dan God dominates. Just let you lead the way. Nothing. It is good to promise Nie Yun to dominate. If you do not agree, Tianyu dominates is the result. Why not make yourself unhappy ..."

Looking at the heavenly master who has become a dead body on the ground, the sunless master twitches his skin. Shouted quickly.

He didn't know it. At first I promised how wise this young man was, otherwise, I am afraid that he is almost the same as the Lord of Heaven and has already died on the spot.

"Sunless, you are less likely to pretend here. If you didn't bring him, how could my Danshen Valley be hit by this catastrophe!"

Dan God dominated, humming, without the slightest dominance.

"Three, two, one ..."

The effort of dialogue between the two. Nie Yun had shouted ten times, and looked up at the misty valley in front of him: "Ten breaths have arrived. Lord Dan, you are not sure? You want me to break in?"

"Nie Yun, I know you are strong, but I, Danshen Valley, is like an iron bucket. If you want to come in, I'm afraid you don't have the ability!"

The cold hum of the Lord of the Dans rang: "And, tell you, do n’t force me. I once completed the Chaos Rune. The Chaos owes me a favor. If you let him kill you, even if you slaughter the master as a baby, Definitely dying! "

"Really? Then you try it!"

Seeing that the other party did not know how to repent, and still threatened him, Nie Yun snorted and strode forward to the valley in front of him.

With this kind of strength, he has supreme majesty among the masters. If the other party does this, it is tantamount to confronting the provocation. If he doesn't do it, it will be difficult for him to look up in front of other masters.


Moving forward, the fog in front of it immediately rolled up, like boiling water, a strong repulsive force rushed forward.


With a cold drink, Nie Yun palmed forward.

Five fingers are equivalent to five master soldiers, with a hell-like coldness, and under one grasp, they shot five brilliant swords and smashed into the mist in front of them.


The foggy cloth was usually torn from a hole, revealing huge cracks.

The fog broke, and the image of the valley appeared in front of it. Like the ancient ship, it became a whole, with a vast and simple power. With only a glance, Nie Yun stopped.

This Danshen Valley is probably more powerful than Lord Wuri said. No wonder Lord Danshen dared to fight after seeing that he had killed Tianyu Lord. It turned out that he had to rely on it.

"All souls gather in the sky array ... Dan Shen, who is known as a great man outside, is dominated by him, but I didn't expect it to be so hot!"

After a closer look, Nie Yun recognized the formations around the valley, and frowned.

All souls gather in the sky array, it is formed by extracting the unyielding and unwillingness of the souls of souls, and infused into the formation method. Looking at the scale of this large array, the souls contained in it are absolutely innumerable. For this purpose, this guy uses no means at all. I am afraid that this large array of light refining will kill at least tens of thousands of first-class worlds!

Nie Yun will show no mercy when it comes to extracting the soul-refining formation method, whether in the floating heavens or the heavens and the earth. In his opinion, this is a way of hurting the peace, which is simply the devil's doing.

"Everyone is the master, Nie Yun, can you guarantee that you have not killed anyone in order to improve your strength? Don't pretend here ..."

Dan God dominated sneer when he heard what he said.

"I've killed people, but I can guarantee that they did not do anything about it!" Nie Yun shook his head, his left and right arms turned into a dragon and a phoenix, and whistled forward.

Although Xiaolong and the Phantom Phoenix were resurrected, but his arms possessed the strength of the dragon and phoenix but did not recede, his arms were cast at the same time, and the dragon and hissed hissing, tearing at the unified valley in front of them.


Armed with Nie Yun's strongest physical strength, he bumped against the valley, a violent roar, and a powerful force shot, shaking the surrounding mountains into powder.


The valley is like a big bell, sounding melodious sound through the mountains.


Nie Yun's power collided on the valley's defensive diaphragm ~ www.readwn.com ~ The all-soul gathering heaven controlled by Dan Shen also attacked, in which the soul's counter-breath breath penetrated his sea of ​​knowledge through his fists.

Hundreds of thousands of souls are unwilling to resent. As soon as they enter the sea of ​​knowledge, Nie Yun immediately boils and the soul almost collapses.

This is the most powerful reliance of Danshen Valley!

Dan God controls the means and strength to dare to confront Nie Yun.

Counterattack in defense, even if Nie Yun's strength, fell into passive.


Knowing that the Hui Jian in the sea was cut, all the negative emotions were cut off, Nie Yun was relieved, and just wanted to continue to shoot. Suddenly his spirit moved and his face changed.

"You're not dominating power ... how can there be such a strong means? Who are you?"

I saw that in his knowledge of the sea, I do not know when an extra thin line, as thin as a hair, is parasitizing between his soul, quietly corroding his power! (To be continued ...)

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