Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 165: Battle of the Supreme (Part 2)

"Haha, Nie Yun, I didn't expect that you were young, but your strength was beyond my expectations, and it was worth my sword!"

Suddenly, the two fighting were separated, and Mai Mai laughed.

"Is it worth your sword? You deserve my sword!"

Facing the arrogance of each other, Nie Yun snorted and dealt with the same words.

"This guy is so arrogant that he deserves to use his sword. He really thinks he is something! If it weren't for the owner to let us do nothing, the three of us rushed straight up and tore him apart!" Hearing the arrogant words of Mai , The wind wolf king was so angry.

"That's right, arrogant guy, Zi Tong, if he doesn't know what to do after a while, you go up and pierce it!" Heiyan was also very angry.

"When the host was just fighting, he was carrying Xuanyu's sword. If he took it down, he would be faster than him!" Zi Tong hummed.

Although the three monsters of Heiyan, Zitong, and Wind Wolf King are just the beginning of the Supreme, but united, even if the Supreme peak, don't want to seek benefits!

"Hum, don't slap your tongue, tell you that my swordsmanship is not martial arts, but I created it myself. Once I use it, the power can't even control myself. If you are killed, it is not good. ! "

Seeing the teenager learn to speak by himself, the Mai people hummed.

"Self-created?" Nie Yun frowned, his eyes showing surprise.

The reason why I can create the momentum of mountains and rivers is because of the uniqueness of Xuan Yu's sword, and the second is that the two generations are human. Although the strength is not very strong, the knowledge has reached a very high level. It is not difficult to create some tricks!

The other party looked like he was in his thirties, and it was terrible to reach the extreme level. It ’s a genius!

"You can use your own tricks. I admire it, but ... I created it myself. It is so powerful and uncontrollable. If you die unfortunately, even if your life is bad!"

The shock in my heart flashed, and Nie Yun stunned.

"You also made it yourself? OK, OK. I had fun today!"

Hearing the young man said that his tricks were also self-made, Mai Mai laughed, his wrists shook, and a long sword with light appeared on his palm.

"The sword is named Can Xue. The royal rank is top grade. I have been following me for more than eight years and defeated twelve Supremes. I have killed three, blown my hair, and are extremely cold. It is my best weapon!"

"Royal superior weapons? Yes! My Xuanyu sword is made from Xuanyu and is not sharp. On the contrary, the sword did not open, only followed me for three days, but killing you is enough! "

Nie Yun once again took out Xuan Yu's sword on his back.

"Just three days? Xuan Yu? Okay, let me see your sword skills!"

The Mai people heard that the sword only got three days. Obviously hesitated, but then laughed. The palm of his hand trembled, and the Can Xue sword on his palm sprang up immediately.

Can Xuejian itself was shining, this turn, just like the dark night smashed the sky and stars, countless sword shadows stabbed from all directions to Nie Yun.

"Homemade swordsmanship, falling stars!"

With a long cry, the Mai people named their swordsmanship.

"The sky is full of stars? Good name! Look at my own swordsmanship, mountains and rivers!"

Seeing the sword light in front of him, it was indeed like the stars in the sky, and Nie Yun shouted excitedly. Xuanyu's sword was raised, and the power of the mountains and rivers was condensed.

One is the limit of skill, the sky is full of stars, one sword comes out, and hundreds of phantoms!

One is to reduce complexity to a simple one, drop ten sessions, attack with one move, and mountains and rivers fall!


The two major attacks fought together, and a milky white mushroom cloud appeared in the sky instantly. The powerful attack power of the two swords erupted all the living creatures within a few hundred meters, leaving no one left.

"A strong attack ..."

"How could he block his master's mountains and rivers, how could it be ..."

The three monsters were all surprised when they saw the scene in the air, their eyes were widened and they couldn't believe it.

Heiyan and Zitong faced the host ’s mountains and rivers in one fell swoop. The move was like a mountain top, and it was impossible to resist. In front of him, this Mai man broke it with such a fancy sword.

"The power of mountains and rivers has the shape of mountains and rivers, the power of mountains and rivers, good swordsmanship! However, if you can catch my second swordsmanship again, it is really amazing!"

The Mai people did not expect that this attack by the boy was so powerful, his eyes were bright and he took a deep breath.

"You still have the second skill?" Nie Yun's fist tightened.

The sword-making method just seemed to be evenly matched. Actually, I was slightly disadvantaged. Although I blocked the opponent's attack with a method of falling ten times, the strange sword energy entered the body along the sword of Xuanyu. !!

If it weren't because he was a therapist, I'd be seriously injured now!

I can't resist the first move, how can I resist the second move?

"My second skill is called shining nine days. Once you use your power, you have to be careful!" Mai Mai introduced his second skill.

After fighting with the boy in front of him for a while, he had already expressed a sense of sympathy. Although the desire to fight made him unable to stop, he introduced him for fear that the other party would not be able to resist the death.

"Shining for nine days?"

Nie Yun's heart moved.

Just now the sky is full of stars, and there are sword lights everywhere, and the power is dispersed. This trick is called to shine for nine days. What can shine for nine days? Of course it's the sun!

There are countless stars in the sky, but there is only one sun, indicating that this attack will focus on one point, once it is used, it will be a kill!

The first move of the falling star is a bit unstoppable. Can this move shine for nine days?

For the first time, Nie Yun doubted his strength.

"No, I can't doubt, I will win!" As soon as this feeling came up, he was crushed by Nie Yun.

"A sword in the sky, shining for nine days!"

At this moment, the second sword of the Mai people shot out, and in the moment the air seemed to have an extra scorching sun, shining with the holy light, stabbing slowly.

"So strong ..."

Before the sword came to the front ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun felt that his body was confined by a special force, and he couldn't move even if he wanted to move. For a moment, it seemed like death came, completely covering himself.

"I can't die. As soon as I die, my family, my friends, and her ... I can't die!"

There was a strong desire for survival in my heart, and Nie Yun screamed, her eyes suddenly sobered from the light of the scorching sun, and she saw the earth not far away.

"The earth? The mountains and rivers are heavy, but how can they be compared to the earth! The earth is the true source of strength and the true power!"

There was a flash of light in my mind, and the second trick I couldn't figure out before was instantly connected. Xuanyu's sword was drawn out, as if he carried the thickness of the whole earth and severely split it up!


The two major attacks, the Mai people had not figured out what happened, the shells generally flew out, inserted into the rock wall dozens of kilometers away, hit the rocks and splashed, and the huge mountain was also under a strong attack. A crack that is too thick for one person will collapse at any time! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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