Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 166: Liu Chengze's shock


"What is the master's trick? It seems to be much more powerful than the mountains and rivers!"

"How could it be so strong? If the host attacks me with this trick, I'm afraid I will become a meat pie ..."

The three big monster pets are going crazy when they see the scene in front of them!

The master's attack is simply too powerful, and it is several times more powerful than the mountains and rivers!

"Awesome tricks, with the weight of the earth, the vastness of the land, and the ability to accommodate the multiplication of billions of souls, are the most magnificent ..."


The Mai man flew out of the mountain again. Although the attack just now was powerful, he only bleeded the corners of his mouth, and his internal organs were misplaced. He could not directly die!

At this time, he looked at Nie Yun, remembered the previous tricks, missed words, became more and more excited, and his eyes became hotter.

"What's your name?" Asked after a while.

"My trick is called the potential of the earth!" Nie Yun had already thought of his name and said casually.

"The potential of mountains and rivers, the potential of the earth, okay, okay! It seems that my sword skills are far worse than yours! You have to work hard! Admire you completely, say goodbye! "

The Mai people heard the name, laughed, and suddenly held their fists. The whole body fluttered through the sky like a meteor as soon as they flew away!

From appearance to departure, Nie Yun didn't even know his name, this man is really a monster!

"Whew! If it wasn't for the moment that created the earth's potential, I'm afraid I would be seriously injured this time, even if I didn't die!" I remembered the danger just now. Nie Yun was still worried.

To be honest, Mai's second attack. Shining nine days is really powerful. Of course, if it is not the coercion before death, if you want to create the second move so quickly, it will never be possible!

"Having the power of this land, combined with my supreme level of strength, the four Supremes of the Kamikaze Empire, and even the Lord of the Heavenly Sect. Have confidence in the battle!"

Nie Yun is very confident about the power of the earth.

This trick carries the heavy weight of the earth, carrying all things, not just the collision of power, but also the awe of the earth, really want to fight out, even if the Suzerain of the Heavenly Lord confronts him. May not have the upper hand!

"With such a strong attack, I have reached the highest level of the supreme level. In the future, as the vitality increases, the power of this move will only become stronger ..."

Although before reaching the Supreme level, the attack power may not be able to stand out, and encounter a powerful Supreme. Only to escape, and now that the earth's potential has been created, even if the real Supreme Peak is met, even if the opponent's martial arts are extremely powerful, Nie Yun will not be afraid anymore!

Sitting cross-legged on the spot has completely consolidated the situation of the earth. Until the stars fall, the sun rises. Nie Yun stood up.

"It's time to kill King Ning ... but before killing King Ning, let's deal with Liuchengze in Jibei City!"

Can be called a blood prisoner, Nie Yun is not a good person. Since Liu Chengze dare to find the Supreme to deal with himself, he has already committed the crime of death, no doubt he will die!

"You are waiting here, I will be here in a while!"

With a slight smile, Nie Yun instantly turned into a streamer and flew straight towards Jibei City.


"Daddy, can you say that this adult can kill that Nie Yun?" In front of the silent hut, Liu Yuan looked worriedly at his father.

"Haha, does this need to be said? Master shot, the young man must die!" Liu Chengze laughed. "As soon as we can, we beg him to give us the supreme falcon and the royal superior weapons, and with his character, he will definitely Promise! Who will our father and son be afraid of in Jibei City? "

"If we can bring these two things, we in Jinbei City are really not afraid of anyone! Haha!"

Liu Yuan's eyes lit up and he shivered with excitement.


Just when the father and son were thinking about a better life, a sharp scream suddenly made a figure flew straight from a distance and landed in front of the two.

"Congratulations on your success and the successful recovery of medicinal herbs ..."

Seeing the shadows falling down, Liu Chengze stepped up and said with a smile.

In his opinion, the adult in front of him shot it himself, the young man must be dead, and the petrochemical sarcoma must have fallen into his hands!


Who knew Liu Chengze hadn't finished his words yet, he heard a faint cold hum, and then a hot air wave rushed straight to the door, causing Liu Chengze to turn over two or three to fight.

"Sir ... you are ..."

"I'll let you go! Go now, eh!"

With a roar, Mai's throat was sweet, and a spit of blood spurted out, falling to the ground, slamming, but falling on Liu Chengze's heart.

"Adult is injured? The supremacy of the Supreme Supreme is injured?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Liu Chengze and Liu Yuan all stood still, unable to believe their eyes.

Extreme Peak Fighting will be injured, what level will the person who hurt him?

For a moment, both of them were stunned.

"Nie Yun, you can't crack this trick for the time being, but I will defeat you in the future!"

The Mai people roared, remembering the power of the boy's last move, the more he became more afraid.

The potential of the earth, even someone can condense the thick of the earth into swordsmanship, this talent is incredible!

I have always been very proud of myself, thinking that it took almost ten years to create two sets of swordsmanship. It turned out that people ... only three days to create two sets, and each set is more powerful than its own!

Had it not been for the Supreme Time himself and had strong strength, that sword would have been dead just now!

"I won't lose to you ... it looks like I will work hard again from now on!"

Although Mai people shocked each other's talents, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was not discouraged. On the contrary, the war was getting more and more high. It seemed that Nie Yun was his most important opponent and must be surpassed!

"Nie Yun? It really is Nie Yun?"

Hearing the Mai people talking to each other, Liu Chengze and Liu Yuan knew what kind of monster they had offended.

Can you spit the blood of Mai Mai with the supreme peak fighting power? Definitely the Supreme Strong!

The two of them wanted to kill the Supreme ...

"Go back and pack up and dodge ..."

Offending is the Supreme Strong who this man can't beat. The two no longer need to stay. They leave in a hurry and ride on the horse to Jibei city.

Now their biggest extravagance is that this Mai man did not disclose that he wanted to kill Nie Yun, otherwise, offending a supreme strong man would also indicate that the good days are over! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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