Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1677: Wan Fa Gui 1


The ancient ship marched forward, the formations and space in the Palace of Manfa in the front and children's toys shattered into a dark piece, extending straight.

"So powerful attack ..."

Emperor Wu Lingxiu, Lord Wuri, and others stood on the deck and saw this scene. All of them were slightly trembling, and it was difficult to stop them.

古 Under the control of Nie Yun, this ancient ship is too powerful. If he had confronted him before, he would be killed alive!

Regardless of what defense you dominate the magic soldier, what dominate the strength, under absolute attack, it is of no use!

This is the real power!

"Tian Luo Di Wang!"

"Master of Wanfa" took a rest and slowed down, seeing the ancient ship rushing towards him again, his face became distorted, dark fingers grabbed forward, and a huge fishing net blocked in front of the ancient ship.

渔 The whole body of this fishing net is dark and has a metallic luster. When it flew out, it was immediately nailed to the eyes, as if fused with space and embedded in the air.

The Tian Luodi net, in front of this "master of the ten thousand law" weapon, seems to be more powerful than the master soldier.


When the ancient ship of Luo Dan touched the Tianluodi net, it suddenly seemed to be caught in a quagmire, and the fierce impact was swayed by the fishing net and immediately became invisible.

No matter how Nie Yun joined the ancient ship, it was like a body caught in quicksand and unable to extricate himself.

"This fishing net is weird! Others enter the cabin and dominate the strong and fight with me!"

Seeing that the ancient ship was so powerful that it was blocked by fishing nets, Nie Yun knew the dark net. There must be something weird, and it was too late to elaborate, the body flickered. The wings of the Phoenix unfolded and flew out.

The fishing nets entangled the ancient ship, and the power of the ancient ship's onslaught disappeared, but the fishing nets were also caught and unable to move. Since then, the two magic weapons of the two sides are involved with each other and can only be connected by short arms. Meet soldiers.


The masters of the ancient ship Dandan God flew out at the same time, blocking in front of the "masters of the Wanfa" and others.

"Nie Yun dominated, forcing them to release Wan Fa dominate!"

I just stopped. Nie Yun heard the anxious voice of Lingxiu the Great.

"Wang Fa is in their hands?"

"Yes, although I don't like him, but he has been very good to me all these years. I can't see death. So I promised this monster. Cooperate with him in acting and lead you over. I hope Lord Nie Yun will not blame ..."

Emperor Wu Lingxiu quickly explained.


Nie Yun nodded.

That makes sense.

怪物 The monster in front of him captured the real master of Wan Fa and used it as a threat. Although the Emperor Lingxiu did not like each other, he couldn't watch him killed, so he had to act with him.

It seems that the real purpose of this guy is himself, and he knows that he will definitely come over. Put down the Tianluo Di net and wait for it to drill.

I can figure this out, and I know the feelings of Emperor Lingxiu and King Shura. Also know the relationship between King Shura and himself ... Who are these people?

Xie Nieyun was shocked in his heart.

It's the most terrifying thing that the other party knows what they know, but they don't even know who the other party is.

"Without the Danshen Ancient Ship, you just wait to die!"

Seeing that Tianluodinet locked the ancient ship, "Master of All Laws" sneered, a move in the palm of his hand, and the eight people behind him brushed over.

They are a total of nine people. On Nie Yun's side, Xiaoyao Xian, Fu An Chao, Duan Yi, Zi Tong is not ruined, the sun is dominated, and the Emperor Lingxiu is only seven.

"Whoever is dead is not certain!" Nie Yun snorted, turning his head and instructing: "These people are weird, don't keep your hands, just go all out!"

After speaking, regardless of the others, his body fluttered, and he rushed straight towards the "lord of ten thousand law" directly ahead.

At the same time, dozens of tentacles were born on his body, reaching the dominating level of the heart of the heart, whistling to attack the other two men in black.

In this way, Nie Yun alone involved three people, leaving the remaining six, Xiaoyao Xian and one person each.

"You take care of yourself!"

Seeing Nie Yun's movement, "Master of All Laws" sneered, palms erected, and straight down.

This trick doesn't have much skill. It uses the hand as a knife, similar to the most common martial arts on the floating continent, but with the power to tremble the space.

I broke through ten thousand ways, this hand knife actually played the power to dominate the magic soldiers, even far more than that!

"There is no three thousand avenues, but a special power!"

Seeing the other hand's simple and simple hand knife, but with another flavor, Nie Yun was shocked.

With Sanqian Dantian, he knew very well about Sanqian Avenue. Any trick and careful calculation can find the root cause of Sanqian Avenue. The attack by this "lord of ten thousand laws" was in front of Sanqian. Any kind of avenue is different. It can be said that it is beyond the avenue category!

As long as it is chaotic marine life, it is necessary to implement the Three Thousand Avenues. It is incredible that this person actually surpassed this power!

"Thunder Kyushu!"

I knew it wasn't the time to think about it. When she saw the opponent's knife was fierce, Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned, and she whispered, and greeted her with a punch.

Fighting in close quarters, his strongest attacking trick is this Thunder Kyushu, in conjunction with the Thunder of the Three Realms, replaced by other masters, he can definitely kill with a punch.


The time and space in front of his eyes were distorted by the powerful fist wind. A desperate force spurred along Nie Yun's arm. With his strong body, he slammed into the "master of the ten thousand laws" in front of him.


When the fists hit each other, Nie Yun only felt that the head of the fist was swept by the blade, and the pain was so hot that the whole person could not help but take a few steps back.


His face sank.

After tempering the body of Chaos Red Lotus, Nie Yun's strength has far surpassed that of ordinary masters. The actual confrontation actually suffered a big loss. How could the other party have such a strong physical body?

However, Nie Yun suffers, and the other party seems to be upset. Although he has not retreated, his face is distorted, as if the majesty is deeply challenged.

"Abominable indigenous waste! You can hurt me, Nie Yun, today you must die, no one can save!"

With a loud roar, the ten nails of "Master of All Laws" became like blades, eyes with a gloomy cold, and people would be buried alive.

他 In his opinion, the Nie Yun was absolutely in front of him. He never dreamed that he had suffered two losses in a row.

"One sword Lingyun!"

Ignoring the roar of the other side, Nie Yun's wrist rolled over, and there was already a long sword in his palm.

Although the Xunji Xujian was broken, it killed a number of masters. There are still many long swords that dominate the magic soldiers. The sword is a stroke, and the sword gas is spreading.

This is his strongest skill in swordsmanship. The opponent's strength is strong. He doesn't need to deal with cards, he can't deal with it at all.

"One way!"

"Master of Wanfa" sneered, his fingers turned, and ten slender nails turned into ten sword horns, converging in the air like fishing nets.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Ling Yijian's attacks all landed on the fishing net. A storm-like sound couldn't be penetrated!


Xie Nieyun's face changed.

Ling Yijian Ling Yun was his strongest trick. I thought that even if he couldn't kill the other party, it would make it difficult for him to take care of the first place and panic. Now it seems that the strength of the other party is too small.

The strongest trick is to block the sword awn formed by the opponent's nails. It seems that his strength is even higher than himself!

Wasn't the Lord the strongest under the title of King Feng? what's the problem?


Time should not be thought about ~ www.readwn.com ~ Master Wanfa "blocked Nie Yun's sword Lingyun, his dark eyebrows became as if burning, and his right hand grabbed forward.

As sharp as the nails of the dominating **** soldiers, Xun sharply shot a few cold mansions, just like the cold body attacking. In the blink of an eye, he penetrated into Nie Yun's bone marrow, making him tremble involuntarily and difficult to contain.

The strength of the other side is too terrible. Even Nie Yun's current strength cannot dodge, let alone fight back.


Blood splattered, Nie Yun's face flushed, and the whole man flew out involuntarily.

If he didn't divide Tian Xin Teng out to attack the two men in black, he should be able to block this attack, but at this time, he is like a target hit, without any resistance.

"Well, why is this guy so powerful? Damn ..."

The body flew upside down and saw that the other's nails had not been recovered, but continued to pierce, with helpless power, Nie Yun was anxious.

到底 What kind of monster is this? Can we die here today?

(The first is here! Talk about the update plan for this month. This month, because I have to go back to my hometown to celebrate the New Year, and because I am admitted to a teacher, I need medical examination, political review, and training. The outbreak is definitely impossible, but it wo n’t break. Ya's goal is a minimum of 120,000 words, hehe, not many, but for me so many things during the year, there are a lot, I hope you don't scold me ... hehe!)

Alas. . [Unfinished To be continued This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 Provided with @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波]

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