Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1678: Half-step Feng Wang Shenbing!

The five nails were like long swords with five stings, and the cold air pressed against the skin was pressing.

Look at the sharpness of your nails, you really want to be stabbed. Even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured.


Although shocked in her heart, Nie Yun was not desperate.

He has experienced too many dangers throughout his life, at this time he has not panic, and some are just calm and calm.

Wrist raised again, the sword in the palm, dancing like the wind.

At the beginning of the wind, Jian Mang shot from the tip of the sword, like five bright petals, releasing different rays.

The same sword Ling Yun, this trick is used hurriedly, not only is not worse than the previous power, or even better, five petals tore space, facing the five fingers "master of the master".

Buzz buzz!

The cold mang annihilated, and Nie Yun's wrist shook again. The long sword in his hand had cracked and broken.

长 This long sword is the master of the magic soldier. It will break apart when you touch the opponent's nails, which shows the strength of the opponent!

Yun Nie Yun thought that his strength surpassed his master and was able to stand on the top of the chaotic ocean. Now I know that this kind of thought is simply a frog at the bottom of the well.

Although the opponent's physical strength and strength are not much stronger than themselves, the opponent's tricks do not conform to the Three Thousand Avenues.

This kind of trick that does not meet the Three Thousand Avenues, the martial arts talent is useless, it is easy to disrupt his rhythm and fall into passive.

After all, it ’s not clear what the opponent ’s tricks are, or even where the strength of the trick is. I do n’t know where the main attack point is, how do I hit it?


Although the sword did not block the opponent's nails, it prevented the strongest attack. Jianmang, which was stabbed by nails, penetrated Nie Yun's body half an inch and could no longer enter.


Tochigi's vitality was working, the injury was intact in a blink of an eye, Nie Yun's wings shook, and she stabilized her body in the air, not backing away.

"Abominable ..."

"What the **** is this monster. What a great strength!"

"I didn't feel the perfect breath of the three thousand roads, how could they have the same strength as me ..."

"When did Shifang Tianyu come to this kind of monster ..."

Uh ...

I'm thinking about how this person is dealing with. Then I heard a lot of drinking, turned around, and saw a few other masters fighting with the men in black, at this time they were all passive.

These men in black don't have the strength of the “master of all law”. But also better than the ordinary master.

Newly-promoted masters, such as Fufu Dark Tide, fight with them, and the dangers are constantly emerging.

Fortunately, Nie Yun gave them the master soldiers they had received and let them recognize the master. Otherwise, I am afraid that these newly promoted subordinates may have fallen.

Xiao Xiaoyao and others have become masters for a long time. They have more time to study tricks and are more proficient in controlling the power of the master. They are comparable to each other. For the time being, there is no match.

I just glanced at it, and Nie Yun knew that regardless of victory or defeat, it was only temporary. The tricks of these people are very weird. There is a lot of vigor and bravery. If you stick to it, the losers must be Xiaoyao Xian and others.

"These men in black are actually on par with the masters, I'm not mistaken!"

"Where did these guys come from? If there were these people in the Three Realms, who would be able to stop them?"

"Their fighting is really terrible. We can't get involved at all, we can only hope that the masters can win a great victory ..."

Uh ...

Qin Yuxian and others on the ancient ship. The fists were squeezed tightly, full of tension, overwhelmed.

The situation in front of her eyes was beyond their imagination, and she could not accept it anymore.

A group of unknown characters suddenly appeared, and the one-on-one battle with the masters prevailed. If it was not for the first time, no one would believe it!

The three supreme domain masters are the most powerful, and the powerful kings are just lucky enough to qualify as kings. If they are powerful, they are definitely theirs, but now they ca n’t account for the cheapest in front of each other. The development of the situation, Unexpected.

"Hey, don't look at it, now you are thinking about how you were killed by me! As for the other people ... after you die, I will send them one by one!"

Seeing Nie Yun look at everyone with anxiety, "Master of Law" smiled.

"Go ahead!"

Nie Yun knew that if he didn't solve this guy in front of him, the others would only lose the way, and he wouldn't make nonsense immediately.

The physical body of the opponent is almost the same as that of the other one. Dominating the soldiers has no effect. It is also a waste to continue using it. It is better to use physical body to fight, punch to meat, the simplest and most direct.

"Hum, stupid!"

Hyun greeted him with a low hum in the face of "Lord of Ten Thousands" crying.

His nails didn't show up again, but his palms became like magnets. Every fist of Nie Yun struck, regardless of physical strength or internal strength.

I took a closer look, only to discover that his palms were like black ink, palms with swirling black gas, fists approached, and his soul seemed to fall into the abyss.

In the simple material attack, there is actually a soul attack!

"Whoever is stupid, you will know soon!"

Xie Nieyun was shocked in his heart, but his face did not show up. His elbows were used together, and the powerful force tore all directions. Under the violent attack, the entire Wanfa Palace issued a "squeak!" Voice, which seemed to collapse at any time.

If it is not the powerful formation of the masters of the law, so many masters fight at the same time, I am afraid it would have been ruined.

轰轰轰 轰轰!

Both of them are strong and unmatched physically ~ www.readwn.com ~ The close combat, the generated air waves will blow the other masters in the fight to one side, and can not be inserted at all.

Attacks of this level, once they inadvertently got in, let alone help, they couldn't be smashed into meatloaf directly, and they didn't know how to die.

"Nie Yun, your physical body is so strong that I have to admire it, but good luck is over, because you will die soon! You can force me to use a weapon, you are proud!"

After fighting for a while, the two were on equal terms. Although the "Master of All Laws" was fierce, he could not kill Nie Yun. No matter how strong Nie Yun was, he could not hurt the slightest. The former knew that there was no way to continue to fight like this. Winning, the eyes were cold immediately, as if some kind of decision had been made.

When I heard this, Nie Yun felt cold.

Sure enough, from the time the opponent appeared to fight him, he never took out a weapon!


There was a roar like a dragon's groan, and a bone-cutting knife suddenly appeared in the palm of the “Master of All Laws”. The surrounding space was shaken, and it was broken in layers before instilling power.

"Nie Yun be careful, this is ... half-step Fengshen!"

Many of the fighting masters, at the same time, felt the turbulent power here, all hurriedly looked over. When seeing the bone-cutting knife in the hands of "Master of Wanfa", Xiaoyao Xian's pupils shrank and shouted loudly. Fear and shock. [Unfinished To be continued This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 Provided with @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波]

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