Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1682: Powerful Little Dragon (2)

Not only is Mo Ya crazy, even other people are staring at each other's eyes, speechless.

Mo Ya's attack was so powerful, they all dodged, but they didn't hit the other side. The other side attacked slowly like a turtle, and drew on his face fiercely, and ... hurt him, this **** what happened?

According to the normal situation, even if the master stands in place and does not resist, let the people in the early days of Qitianjing fight desperately, it will not hurt the slightest. What happened?

Read it right!

Everyone was dizzy.

"I want you to die……"

Mo Ya collapsed even more. When they saw the expressions of the crowd, they didn't know what they were thinking about.

But the palm hadn't landed on the other person yet, and the other side's face was aching again.


Another cricket made a circle in place.

"You dare to brag about this kind of garbage? Why don't you die!"

The two slap-pumping opponents didn't know the northeast, southwest, north face, Xiaolong put his hands on his waist, humming, looking at him, as if he was teaching a junior who was unknown.


Keeping her shape, Mo Ya spit out old blood.

Where does this all come from, and what happened without it?


My heart was shocking, and my men still didn't stop. This time, I didn't dare to use too strong tricks, and punched straight, like Canglong went to the sea, went straight, without any fancy.


The fist had just come out, and his face was hot again. Another puppet, this time did not hold back, a spit of blood spurted. Teeth also dropped.

Nima, heaven and earth, can anyone tell me what happened?


"Couldn't this predecessor be ... the Wang Fengqiang posing?"

Xiaoyao Xian and others also widened their eyes.

The Moya just now fought against him with Xiaoyao Xian, with fierce means and scheming, even he. They all thought it was impossible to overcome, but the thin young boy slaps his face for three consecutive times. Without the slightest retention, the other party is as ridiculous as the child in front of him ... it would not be disguised as a strong king!

"Feng Wangqiang? Your imagination is so rich ..."

Nie Yun laughed.

Regarding the world of things, he didn't want to explain too much, and Dan Tian evolved into a supreme realm. It's too shocking.

Except for a few people such as Xiaolong and Luo Qingcheng, he didn't tell anyone, even though Fu An Chao and others only knew that he had a space comparable to the supreme realm, and didn't know that in this world, he was the only master No matter what you do, one idea can be done.


Xiaolong didn't know the shock of others, even if he knew. I will definitely accept it frankly, and slap one after another before closing my body. A few times in a row, Mo Ya was fainted, his eyes were black, his head was cracked, and the whole person would explode at any time.

"Sir, save me ..."

Can't stand it anymore. Knowing that this person could not be his opponent in front of him, Mo Ya hurriedly yelled at "Master of Wanfa".

"And call for help. Then you die first ..."

Xiaolong knew that Nie Yun would not let him kill the "Master of Ten Thousands of Laws", and he did not include this. He grabbed the palm and pinched Moya.


Seeing that Mo Ya, who dominates the strength, is the same as the toy in the hands of the kid in the early days of the heavens, the "Master of Ten Thousands" finally knows that the other party is strong, he can no longer hold back, screams and rushes over.

At the same time, the half-step Feng Wang Shenbing in his hand raised, it seemed that as long as the opponent did not stop, he would make a fatal blow.

"Stop? Okay, here you are!"

Xiaolong didn't bother to pay attention to his threat, his wrists shook, and a "click" sound, Mo Ya's head was struck down by him, and the body was thrown away.

"you die!"

Seeing Xiaolong's lack of interest in his threats, he killed Moya as a wind, and the "master of the ten thousand methods" felt that his blood was rushing into his head and was about to explode.

The Jiuyou Cleaver in his hand suddenly turned into a shooting star, splitting Xiaolong's head in the past.

Although this is Nie Yun's world, after all, it is just an ordinary supreme realm. The power of the half-step Feng Wang Shenbing broke through the sky and came to the top of the dragon.


Jiuyou Bone Knife fell on top of Xiaolong's head, and even had no chance to resist, but instead of splitting his head in half as expected, he made a crisp sound and sparks all over the sky.


"Master of Wanfa" only felt a sore palm for a while, his mouth was numb, and Jiuyou Bone Sword almost released his hand.

"What are you doing? Tick me?"

Looking up, I saw that Xiaolong not only was not cut into two, but also looked at with a smile, as if the attack just now had no use to him, not even the mosquito bites!

"This ... this ... impossible!"

"Master of Laws" is crazy.

He took out Jiuyou's bone-cutting knife, and Nie Yun couldn't resist it. Why was this kid in the early days of the heavens blocking it casually?

"What's impossible, this is my strength, Master!"

Xiaolong raised his eyebrows and slap out.


"Master of Wanfa" is no different from Mo Ya just now. He was toppled to the ground with a slap.


Struggling to stand up, the "Master of All Laws" collapsed.

What monster is this guy in front of? Half-step Feng Wang Shenbing was chopped on his head, but there was no fart, and his arm was numb. He was so defensive, and his teeth were slaped by the opponent ...

"It's amazing ... dominated by Nie Yun, if you invited this senior out just now, we don't have to be so embarrassed ..."

Xiaoyao Xian, Lord of the Sunless and others saw Xiaolong's performance and realized that he was strong and full of worship.

"Please invite him out?" Nie Yun was speechless.

All the performance of Xiaolong just now is his control over the world of receiving things. It is better to say that he is in control than the dragon is fighting.

Xiaolong just walked across the field, really want to fight with his strength, the other side goes down in one breath, whether he can live is unknown!

Therefore, asking Xiao Yaoxian and others to invite him out is nonsense.

"My boss told me not to kill you. I won't kill it first, but the crime of living is hard to spare!"

Both sides felt collapsed, and the dragon in the middle stepped forward, slaping one after another.

In the eyes of the “Master of All Laws”, the opponent ’s palm speed is not fast, but I do not know why they ca n’t avoid it. A series of crisp sounds, dizziness, and no chance to resist a punch. It ’s like a pool of mud. Ground.

"It's your turn, rest assured, I will be very easy ..."

After half-hitting the "Master of Ten Thousands", Xiaolong looked up at the remaining seven men in black.


Hearing these words, the men in black were so scared that their faces changed at the same time, brushing back.

The strongest "adults" among them were all killed by blink of an eye, how could they be rivals.


Anxious in my heart, I couldn't take care of so much. Seven people were divided into seven directions, and they fled after turning around.


The seven talents just flew up, followed by a faint sound in their ears at the same time, and then "click!" The seven were frozen in the air as if they were items in the ice block, and could no longer escape.


Xiaolong came to a man in black, torn it from the air, and stomped his face on his face.

"You run away! I think you run away ..."


With a hard foot, the guy's head turned into powder.

Kill one and come to the other again.

Seeing the misery of Mo Ya and the guy just now, this man in black was already trembling with fear ~ www.readwn.com ~ He was frightened and yelled out: "Do n’t kill me, as long as you do n’t kill me, let me do everything Row……"

Despite having the dominating level of strength, the guy in front of him is too powerful. The power is beyond his imagination. Under such pressure and deterrence, he can no longer hold on.

"Good! Now what I ask you, what do you answer, if there is a half-truth! The first two are your end!"

Seeing that this man's confidence collapsed, Nie Yun nodded and motioned to Xiaolong not to rush over.

His purpose of letting Xiaolong shoot is actually this. Xiaolong and they have never seen it before, and they exhibited extremely powerful means when they appeared, so that they would have the meaning of fear from the bottom of their hearts. Since then, loopholes are easy to appear!

When there are loopholes, it is easier to ask what he wants to know, which is also a kind of psychological offensive.

It takes advantage of human fear of the unknown.

(Chapter 2 is here!) (To be continued)


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