Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1683: Ink

Chapter 1683 Mo Yan

"Yes Yes!"

The man in black nodded quickly.

"Mo Yan, are you afraid of consequences if you dare to betray Putian?"

The man in black just promised to go down, and the "Wang Fa Master" severely injured by Xiaolong on one side grinned his teeth.


Hearing the words "Master Putian", the man in black shrank his eyes, as if thinking of something terrible, and his body trembling involuntarily.

"Pig-Pig Island-Fiction. Who is Putian?"

Seeing that Mo Man in black was so scared, Nie Yun looked at the "lord of all law."

Let a man in black who has the power to dominate hear the name lose his will, I am afraid that this person has at least the strength of the powerful king!

When did Chaos Ocean think more of Wang Fengqiang?

"Master Putian is a super strong, you guys are no different from the ants in front of him, even if you call those strong kings, they are not vulnerable in front of him! Nie Yun, if you know, let us go immediately Lest you be retaliated, otherwise ... your entire Three Realms will be ruined by your stupidity! "

Speaking of Putian, the "lord of all ways" face is full of worship and admiration.

"So powerful? Where is this Lord Putian? Is he also the Chaos King?" Nie Yun asked.

"Well, you don't have to tell me, I won't tell you! It is my greatest glory to be loyal to Lord Putian. Today I lost to you and I despise the enemy, but ... you are not qualified to kill me!"

"Master of all kinds of law" has a look of contempt and agitated his body, and seems to want to explode.

But in the world of things. He was not even qualified to explode. As soon as Nie Yun's spirit moved, all the amount of violent violence in his body was completely suppressed. Can no longer be tumbling.

"Don't think about self-explosion and suicide, you don't have a chance here!" Nie Yun looked indifferent, and when his spirit moved, a powerful force closed the mouth, ears, nose and other organs of "Master of Law", leaving him six knowledge.

When this guy listened to the words, Zhīdào had a strong enthusiasm for the "Master Putian". Such a person would put life and death aside for a long time, and the interrogation should not have much effect. It is not far from this Mo Yan greedy for life and fear of death, you can start from him.

With a slight wave, the six consciousnesses of several black men were also blocked. Nie Yun came to Mo Yan.

"No one else can hear what you say, and I assure you that everything you say will not be heard by your Lord Putian ... if you cooperate with me. It will keep you alive. If you don't cooperate, there is only a dead end. One! "

There is not much nonsense, Nie Yun's body exudes, like Jiangshan Dachuan, giving people a feeling of incomparable, every sentence, like a sledgehammer ringing in the bottom of my heart, finished the sentence. Mo Yan felt red eyes and tight muscles. The spirit is oppressed to the limit and will collapse at any time.

"I said, I said ..."

Mo Yan didn't have much resistance.

"Where do you come from and what does it have to do with those ancient corpses?"

Nie Yun hummed.

"We started from ..." Mo Yan explained quickly, but only three words were spoken, his eyes narrowed suddenly, the whole man showed a terrified expression, and his whole body kept twitching and shaking.

"What's wrong?" Nie Yun froze, his face also sinking: "Well!"

As soon as he stepped in front of Mo Yan, the spirit of Mu Sheng spread wildly.


Mo Yan's body fell to the ground, but Mu Sheng Qi was useless.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

This scene scared everyone, and Xiaolong hurried over.

"Some people have banned their souls, not even Zhīdào themselves. Once the secrets are leaked, the souls will be wiped out!"

Nie Yun has an ugly face.

No matter what he did, he was never disadvantaged. He never expected that he would always suffer in the face of these people, and even entered the world of things and asked questions, and the other party had already made a complete plan.

Soul restraint ... Once touched, it will die, why not ask anything?

"Who the **** is it? There will be such terrible restrictions and strength?"

Nie Yun's fist squeezed.

It used to be that the dominating power was the most powerful existence in the whole chaotic ocean besides the powerful king. Now it seems that this is not the case. There seems to be a horrible race that is stronger than the dominant and even stronger than the powerful king!

This thing, like a cloud covering his heart, disturbed his heart.

"Nie Tong must be in the case of Zhīdào. Be sure to ask next time when you see it!"

Thinking of Nie Tong's anxious departure, Nie Yun Zhīdào, this guy must be Zhīdào, otherwise, it would not be so urgent.

"Nie Yun, look at these bodies ... haven't they just died? What's going on?"

Thinking in my heart, suddenly a voice sounded, Xiaoyao Xian found something, turned his head, looked along his fingers, and at a glance, his face sank again.

The corpse of Mo Ya and another man in black who had just been killed by the dragon in front of him had changed their appearance and rotted, as if he had died for several months, with a stinky smell that made people nauseous.

As soon as a person dies, the corpse rots, and it turns out to be so strange.

According to normal circumstances, the strength of the dominating power has long reached the state of immortality. Even if it is dead for hundreds of millions of years, there will be no change. Frown, unknown.

"I'm Zhīdào, these people are not alive, they are corpses themselves!"

After watching for a while, Nie Yun seemed to think of something, suddenly said.

"Not a living life?"

Everyone couldn't figure out what he meant.

"Their race should be in another dimension, it is difficult to pass, so the soul comes down!" Nie Yun hesitated, and said slowly: "This kind of coming, because the load is too large, the living people can't bear it, only Carrying corpses, so ... the ones that just fought against us are actually corpses. Once the soul dies, it will no longer be able to maintain and restore the original corpses! "


"What's going on? Why didn't I understand?"

"Anything like this?"


Xiaoyaoxian and others all blinked, wondering what was going on.

Only Xiaolong stood there, thoughtfully, as if to understand.

"It is normal for you not to understand. I will explain this in detail later!" Nie Yundao.

This kind of soul descended, borrowed the body to return the soul, and possessed super strength. He had encountered it in the floating heavens and continents. At that time, when he went to the demon world, he was regarded as the carrier and carried the soul power of the spiritual world.

Xiaoyao Xian and others, who live in the Extreme Moon Region, are inherently powerful. They ca n’t understand these things without the territorial boundaries such as Zhīdào.

It seems that it will only be explained slowly in the future.

"What do these people do?"

Xiaolong and he came from the heavens and the earth. They had known about these things for a long time, and after thinking about it, they came to understand and pointed to the few people left in front of them.

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