Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1688: Strength fades

"This guy really has a special constitution!"

Seeing that the blood dominated by Dan Shen had such an effect, Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

I was just holding on to a try-out mentality and didn't have much hope of success, but the results were unexpected.

After seeing this scene, the Emperor Wu Lingxiu, the Master of Wanfa and others finally realized why, for so many years, only the **** of Dan had entered the void, and even if other people came here, they could not find this place!

The void world, hidden in the void, is between existence and non-existence. How can it be found if the trace is not revealed.

I sighed and looked carefully at the black hole in front of me.

The mouth of the cave is extremely dark, like a giant monster, the soul cannot penetrate, let alone explore the contents.

"You can't see anything inside, if you rush in ..."

Xiao Xiaoyao and others also came to him and looked at them for a while, each one looking ugly.

The hole in front of my eyes revealed a thick and dangerous atmosphere. Although Dan God had been in control at the beginning, not only did he not die, but also gained great benefits, but many things could not be copied!

He is as if his blood can lead out of the hole. He goes in to gain benefits, others go in, and if they do n’t, he will fall.

"You are all here. If you don't go in, wouldn't you be disappointed? Go!"

There was a smile on Nian's face, and Nie Yun flew straight, regardless of other people's thoughts.

During this time, I have been working hard to find this void world. At this point, if I give up, I don't think it is ridiculous.

Although Nie Yun must go in, Nie Yun was not reckless. Secretly defend the air of defense to the whole body, one hand pinch Jiuyou Cleaver, and the other hand grabbed the crown of true blood. Drilled into the black hole.


As soon as Xun came to the black hole, a powerful swallowing force spread all over his body. When his body moved, Nie Yun disappeared from the crowd.


Fu Fu An Chao waited for him to see him in, and flew over behind him.

After a short while, many of the masters entered.


After a while, the light appeared again. Nie Yun saw the situation in front of him.

I am an empty continent, green and full of vitality.

I felt the law of the surrounding space. It is similar to the Three Realms, but it seems to be more stable. Even if his strength is matched with half-step Fengshen, it cannot be broken.

I walk on the ground. Stepping on the dirt, "squeak!" The fragrance of the surrounding flowers and plants is passed in the breeze, and the nose and nose, such as the smell of Zhilan, are full of fragrance.

"the host……"

He walked a few steps and heard a series of footsteps coming from behind him, helping Anchao and others came to him.

"The Void Realm is such a paradise?"

"Good fresh air, solid laws of space ..."

Everyone also found the place special, looking at each other. Somewhat strange.

I am especially dominated by Wan Fa, and my eyes are full of confusion.

Shifang Tianyu is chaotic. I never dreamed that there is such a pure land in this place.

"This is the void world ... I was here too ..." The Lord of Dan God was afraid that Nie Yun would do something to him, and quickly explained.

"You are here too? Good, then lead the way! But don't try to let me untie the restraint on you, and if you have any other ideas, if I have a single idea, you will lose your soul and no one will Cure! "

Nie Yun said lightly.

只有 Only the Dan **** has come to control this void world. If you are not careful, if you do any tricks, you and others will definitely win. Therefore, it is better to be careful.


The original excited expression of God of Lord Luo Dan was depressed and walked ahead.

"Although I have been here, it may be a special cause of the void world, and many things are almost forgotten ..."

God of Roots dominates.

"Here it is ... the ability to forget things!"

Xiao Xiaoyao quietly passed on a message to Nie Yun.


I didn't need him to say it, he felt it.

I also doubted whether the Lord of the Dan God lied before entering this place. He only knew that the rules of space here really have the ability to make people forget. Even the strong masters are not immune.

It is foreseeable that if there is no special solution, once they leave the place, all their memories about it will be completely erased.

You need to know that those who dominate the ranks can basically do it without forgetting it. Even the slightest thing can never be forgotten for hundreds of years. What is the reason for this situation, even if you have insights such as Nie Yun and Xiaoyao Xiandu not sure.

At this time, not only the two of Nie Yun realized this, but others also realized that they didn't know what they were thinking.

"No ..."

I walked away for a while, suddenly Fuming Chao shouted.

"What's wrong?" Nie Yun turned his head.

"How do I ... feel like my strength is constantly diminishing?" Fu Anchao busyly said.


As soon as he said this, everyone hurriedly felt their own strength, and suddenly they looked at each other with a look of fear in their eyes.

"My strength is also reduced!"

"The power of the master level is not available now, it seems that I have returned to the half-step master level!"

"Me too, what's going on here? How can you get weaker when you come here?"

Uh ...

Many masters all shouted out, full of nervousness.

No matter where you go, even if you are in danger, as long as you cultivate in your body, you will not be afraid. At this time, the more you move forward, the lower your cultivation will be, and anyone who feels changed will feel psychological breakdown.


Among all the people, Nie Yun has the strongest strength and the slowest decline in strength. At the beginning, I didn't feel anything. As soon as Fumin Chao reminded me, I felt wrong, and his face was low, and he asked.

What is happening now is too weird to go back first!

Although I want to find out the secrets of the void world, I can't die here!

Everyone also thought of this, and Qi brushed back, and soon came to the place where they came before, all of them shrinking their pupils.

The front of my eyes was as empty as nothing, and the black hole before it was ... gone!

"The exit is gone? What should I do?"

"Try the blood of Dan God to control the exit!"

I stood there for a while and found nothing. The masters sent out their thoughts one by one, looked around, and couldn't find them, and then they felt real panic.


The Lord of the Dan God was once again stabbed in the body, the blood scattered in all directions, but unlike in the Shifang heavens before, the black hole did not appear again.

"Although I can't remember clearly, but I seem to know that when I come here, I can only go out after passing the assessment. As for ... what kind of assessment I really don't remember, I just remember to kill myself!"

God of Roots dominates.

"Slay yourself?" Nie Yun couldn't figure it out.

"Now my strength has decreased again. It doesn't seem that there is a change in the place we go, but ... with time, our strength continues to weaken!"

Support the dark tide road.

"Yes, my strength has also decreased. Now I have only the suzerainty level. I'm afraid it won't take long before I will fall to the top of 诛 Heaven Realm ..."

"Without strength, how can we go out? What is the case of beheading ourselves?"

Uh ...

A panic atmosphere spread in everyone's hearts.

If there is a monster now ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everyone will not be afraid even if it has the same strength as Moji, but the inexplicable strength will fade and everyone will start to feel powerless.

大家 "Don't panic, everyone has been out of the realm of the Lord of the Dan. At the same time, he went out. We can go out with so many masters!"

Xie Nieyun comforted everyone.

Speaking to comfort others, in fact he was also secretly shocked. Since the rebirth, the wind and the waves have been seen much more. This kind of strength keeps regressing and feeling powerless, but he has never encountered it.

"Regression of strength, Dantian will not decrease also ..."

An idea popped into my heart, and I hurriedly looked into the sea of ​​qi, glanced at it, and couldn't help sighing.

虽然 Although his strength keeps going backwards, the number of Dantians has not decreased, there are still three thousand, it looks round and full, and there are no flaws.

看看 "Look at the world of things ..."

When the spirit moves, the mind enters the world of things.

At this time, the world of receiving things has not been reduced because of cultivation, and it is still the level of the supreme domain. It seems that it has not changed much, and it can also accept people.

The world of admittances hasn't changed much. Nie Yun breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that this effect of diminishing strength is not all effective, at least not to his own Dantian.

(The second one is here!) [To be continued] This text is provided by the Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 提供 带上 @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波】

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