Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1689: Weird village

"Apart from the decrease in strength, are there any other changes?"

The world of receiving things has not changed, and Nie Yun relaxes. If it is really dangerous, they can take everyone into Dantian. It is not necessary to do so now.

After all, everyone is the dominant one. If you do n’t even have the ability to respond, you do n’t deserve to stand on top of the Three Realms and enjoy the admiration of millions.

"Nothing else has changed!"

All checked carefully, and everyone shook their heads at the same time.

"That's good, it's just a decrease in strength! It's nothing! As the master, you have experienced three disasters and nine difficulties. As long as you have the understanding of the avenue, you can cultivate back sooner or later. It's not a big deal. Don't mess up!"

Nie Yunlang said.

The immortal talent in his voice made everyone's slightly impetuous mood gradually calm down.

"Yes, it's just a reduction in strength! We all stepped up from the weak, and there is nothing to lower!"

"Become the master. Which one does not experience countless heart robbery, human calamity, and heaven calamity, and the decrease in strength does not mean that there is no, even if there is really no, we can practice step by step again!"

"This is because, with the experience of the master level, you must do more with less effort, bypass the previous detour, and go straight to the other side!"


Everyone is not a ubiquitous generation. They can reach mastership. The mind has already cultivated = one = this ~ reading = novel = like steel. After Nie Yun reminded them, they all understood that the previous frustrated atmosphere had disappeared, one after another.

It's just a reduction in strength, no big deal.

"Go, look ahead. Find out what weird in this place, find out why, maybe we can recover our strength!"

See everyone's fighting spirit restored. Nie Yun smiled and walked in the right direction.

Where they appeared, there was a special energy barrier behind them, there was only one direction to pass through, and they had no choice anyway. The crowd was worried and just walked behind.

The soil is soft. Stepping on Shangman can clearly feel the warmth of the ground.

As we move forward, everyone can clearly feel the loss of power on their bodies, though. There was no previous fear.

Looking at the mental state of the crowd, Nie Yun nodded secretly.

These people have stood on top of the Three Realms for a long time and have relied on strength for a long time. Has a great tempering effect on mood. If strength can be restored at this time, I am afraid that even without the so-called Void, strength will definitely improve.

No wonder the void world is weird. The effect of tempering the mind alone is unmatched elsewhere.

"My strength doesn't seem to be diminishing ..."

After walking for half a day, I didn't see anything, I was still full of eyes, and I didn't find the so-called Void. Suddenly, Xiaoyao stopped. Relieved Road.

"I don't seem to be lowering anymore, it is probably to realize the strength of 500 roads, iron armor generals!" Fu An Chaodao.

"Me too, it's almost iron armor will repair!"

"It seems that our strength has fallen to the limit! It should never be reduced ..."

Everyone felt for a while. After the reduction of strength, there was not much difference, and they were all about iron armor.

Nie Yun also felt for a while, and found that his strength was similar to everyone, and it was about 500 avenues, but he had a great advantage in physical terms, and was comparable to the strong one thousand avenues.

With such strength, Jiuyou Bone Sword is definitely not used. Even the master soldiers are difficult to use, and they can control some chaos soldiers at most.

Before the monstrous cultivation became this less than half a day, I really didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"How about Zitong not ruining you?"

Zi Tong's intact body is Chaos God Mountain, plus there is no soul, it should be least affected.

"I, like them, is also the strength of 500 Avenues, but ... physical strength should be comparable to the strength of 700 or 800 Avenues!" Zi Tong did not destroy his head.


Nie Yun nodded.

It seems that Xianli Xiu has basically dropped to about 500 avenues, and the physical body has fallen to a smaller extent, but it is far worse than before.

"Look, there seems to be a village ahead!"

The crowd stood in place to study the current strength, and suddenly, the Emperor Lingxiu shouted.


The crowd could not help but look for a while, looking in the direction she was looking, and at a glance, it turned out to be strange.

The sight before me was obscured by a faint mist, and the half-day sun shone, and the mist gradually dispersed, exposing a small village.

There are no tall houses in the village, with a simple meaning, it seems to have stood for hundreds of millions of years without any change.

"I don't know if anyone, look over!"

When he saw the village, Nie Yun was full of strangeness. Even if he hadn't seen it before, the village seemed to appear suddenly without any sign.

"This place should be empty ..."

"I don't see any traces of human existence in this place, and it should be nobody!"

"Who knows, you should know when you get there!"


Everyone was interested in seeing the village, and walked along.

The village was quiet in front of the eyes, like a scroll. Three weird characters were carved on the village headstone. Nie Yun and others recognized it for a while but nobody recognized it.

Walking towards the village, many houses were smoking smoke, as if someone was cooking a fire, but the streets were empty, as if time was fixed at a certain time, but the people inside were missing.

"There is no resentment and murderousness in this village. Can the people inside be killed in an instant! Even the ability to resist!"

Lingxiu the Great Road.

As a woman, she observed more carefully.

According to common sense, killing or taking away all the people in such a large village will definitely cause some confusion and make some traces. Now the whole village is quiet as usual, and even the cooking smoke has not stopped, it is impossible for everyone Really killed instantly?

If there are still living people, why is there no sense of life in the crowd?

"Just look at it and you'll find out!"

Nie Yun's face was heavy. After looking around, he found that the family was smoking smoke and pushed in.

There seems to be something in this place that can obstruct his sky eyes. Since it can't be seen outside, go in and see and always find the answer.

The door opened, and a corpse sat quietly beside the boiler. The fire was burning, and the burning was flourishing. Xiaoyao Xian hurried over and gently touched the corpse's neck.

"Just died, it looks like less than a minute ..."

"Less than a minute? That said, the killer shouldn't have gone far?"

Nie Yun froze.

Not only were there people in this place, but also the people who had just been killed. Even him, he felt bewildered.

"should be!"

Happy Fairy nodded.

"Go out and see!"

It was determined that the body had just died less than a minute, and Nie Yun hurried out with everyone.

When I waited for someone to see this village, it was only a minute later. So, did n’t the murderer just leave?

Quickly walk along the main road of the village, and push open the courtyards. They are the same as before, with corpses, and the expressions of the corpses have all died shortly, and the expressions of the corpses have not changed. In.

"There is a village ahead!"

Out of this village, another one appeared in front of him. Nie Yun speeded up at his feet, hurriedly rushed over, opened a yard casually, and found that a corpse was also lying. The time of death seemed to be a minute ago.

"What's the matter?"

Everyone was weird this time.

This is true for one village, and so is the second village. No matter where you look at it, it reveals a lot of weirdness.

"move on!"

A look around ~ www.readwn.com ~ found that this village is the same as the previous one, there are no living people, and Nie Yun's face has also become low, and continues to move forward.

The village in front is connected to the village, and they are not far from each other. They walked seven or eight villages in a row, and the situation was the same as the first one. Everyone couldn't help it anymore.

"Don't ... the time here freezes a minute after these people die?"

Happy fairy speculates.

Some spaces have the ability to freeze time. If these people die at the same time, and then someone tries to freeze them in this time period, the scene in front of them will appear.

"No ... these people just died! It's not time to stop!"

Nie Yun has not answered yet, Lingxiu said with a heavy face, his voice was cold and indifferent.

(Go to the medical examination today, work overtime last night, at 2 pm in the next chapter!) (To be continued ...)

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