Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1690: Time freeze

"Isn't time still? You mean ... someone kills these people every time before us?"

Seeing her so confirm, Zi Tong could not help but question.

If time is fixed, it can also explain Tongshun, why they came here, and people have just died for a minute, but ... if they were killed by someone, there must be no one in front of them. See them coming. Time to kill people!

This time, not only did Zitong not ruin the question, even Nie Yun also showed strange meaning.

Even him, he didn't see whether this was just beheaded or killed by time. Since Emperor Lingxiu dare to be so sure, she must have her basis.

"Yes!" Emperor Lingxiu nodded his head slowly, grabbed the hay in front of him, and threw it into a boiler not far away. As soon as the hay came into contact with the burning flame, the huge flame immediately burned: "If time is fixed ... The fire does not burn like this! "

Time freezes, a kind of seal that seals everything at a certain point in time. Like a picture book, have you ever seen someone add firewood to a picture book to make it burn?

"Time seal freezes the seal. We are the key to unseal the seal. In which village we enter, the seal in which village is immediately unsealed. Do you think it is possible?"

Help Fuchao interjected.

What he said is also very likely. Since the seal of time freeze is possessed, if the condition to release the seal is them, even if they do nothing, once they enter the village, it still means that time continues to run, and the scenes they see, nature and the sight same. All died a minute ago.

"It's not a seal of time!" Lingxiu the Emperor affirmed, stood up, straight ahead: "Look at the smoke from the village in front!"

那个 The village in front. Before the crowd passed, the cooking smoke rose, accompanied by a gentle breeze.

Xi Lingxiu the Great Jade raised his hand and pushed it in the palm of his hand.

Her palm does not have any destructive power, but only forms a faint whirlwind, which blows straight towards the cooking smoke. The original wavy cooking smoke is along the direction of the whirlwind. Changed direction immediately.

"If it is a time-stop seal, just now. It should have broken the pattern, let's wait for five minutes to see it in the past!"

Emperor Wu Lingxiu said lightly.

"good idea!"

I have to say that this method of the Emperor Lingxiu is the best way to check if time is fixed, if it is really time. If they touch the seal when they touch it, the seal has been untied, and five minutes later, the condition of the deceased should be six minutes. Otherwise, it proves that it is not a time-stop seal!

Wu Jingjing stood still, and the crowd waited for five minutes, and then hurried to the village and opened the door of the house casually. Glancing at the dead body lying on the ground, Xiao Yaoxian shook his head: "It's still a minute!"


Everyone was a little unbelievable, at a glance. They all looked strange.

Like Xiaoxian Xian, this person just died a minute, so to speak ... When Lingxiu the Great used the palm to blow his cooking smoke, this person ... was alive?

I was alive before, and they were beheaded as soon as they arrived ... who on earth could know their whereabouts so clearly?

And. In the end, who is so hot, whether old, weak, sick or chicken. As long as there is life, all beheaded and killed, none left!

Everyone took a sip of air, looked at each other, and saw panic in their eyes.

这 This thing is too weird, even if they have the mastery of mind and insight, they still can't explain it.

"It seems that someone knew that we were coming, and every time they could rush in front of us and kill these people ... but, I don't understand, what is the purpose of this person?"

Nie Yun frowned.

Neither a time freeze, nor a seal, shows that someone rushed in front of them to kill them, but ... whatever purpose they have, what is the purpose of this person?

If you really want to target them, you will kill them directly. After all, they are not strong now, so why bother?

"I don't know, but we can analyze his killing methods, and maybe we can see some clues!"

I thought for a while and couldn't figure out what was going on, helping the dark tide.

Hearing his analysis, everyone nodded secretly.

Indeed, the most intuitive way to know the purpose of the other party is to look at the killing technique, and perhaps to see the clues.

"These people were all killed by a strong spiritual force. Their souls were instantly annihilated, and nothing was run away. No specific method could be seen, but it must be an extremely vicious soul attack!"

The Great Emperor Wu Lingxiu paid attention to this point and explained.

"Vicious methods of soul attack? Unconsciousness and traces of struggle that can make people die must be the impact of the soul. These people are not strong, and they do n’t see how strong the people who killed them are. I hope he meets a strong man and stops him so we can find clues! "

Nie Yun nodded.

灵魂 This soul attack can be either a weird martial art or a cruel weapon. It is difficult to distinguish without a powerful opponent fighting.

The people who died in these villages were very ordinary. From the corpses, it can be seen that the most powerful people are not in the early days of Tianjing. There is no cultivation of Xiaolong. People of this strength can be killed with just a little attack. In the method, at most, only the soul attack can be seen, and the specific tricks, weapons or martial arts, cannot be speculated.

"Master, what shall we do now? Go ahead or ..."

Wu Zitong didn't ruin it.

The others also turned their heads.

The situation now seems that someone is really targeting them. If they continue to move forward, they will die more people. If they don't go, they will probably stay here forever and find no way out.

听 "Listen to my orders!"

I hesitated for a moment, Nie Yun's eyes flickered, and he had a plan.

It is certainly impossible to stay here. His purpose here is to find the void. Now that he has found nothing, naturally he will not give up. Besides, if someone targets them, if he does not find them, the other party will definitely have other means.

"Lingxiu, you walk east with Xiaoyao Xian, Zitong will not destroy you and you will walk west with Duan, Wanfa rule you and Fu dark tide, walk north, I am south alone!"

Nie Yun quietly transmitted a message: "Let's split into four directions and start at the same time. No matter what the front is, go 100 kilometers, all return immediately, one hundred breaths, if you can't get back to the origin, others search immediately in the direction!"


Everyone nodded at the same time.

Moving in four directions will definitely disrupt the rhythm of the previous "killer", and if not done well, you can force the other party to show signs.

Also, proceeding at the prescribed time, moving forward within one hundred breaths and returning two hundred kilometers, to them, it was nothing, but for the space pressure here and for the current strength, it is equivalent to flying as hard as possible!

Doing your best to fly is also to force the opponent to appear.

Everyone was smart, and immediately understood the intention of Nie Yun's arrangement ~ www.readwn.com ~ nodded secretly, but his face did not show up.

The most frightening thing now is not the strength of the opponent, but who the other party is, how many people, I do n’t know at all, what if they show something special to the other party? So, be careful as well!

"Okay, let's go!" After the explanation, Nie Yun whispered, and flew straight in the correct direction.

The seven masters turned into seven rays at the same time and flew in four directions. There was no sign before. No one could imagine that they would suddenly change their previous trajectory and disperse away at such a fast speed.


Nie Yun headed straight to the south, with several breathing efforts, already flying over four or five villages.

There are many villages in this place, and they are not large. Each of them has about one hundred households. Although Nie Yunfei has n’t looked at it carefully, he can see at a glance that these villages may be the same as before. died.

Because of the streets and courtyards, I have not seen half figures, not even a single animal tweet!

"Is this ... this killer is in my direction?"

Xuan lamented the cruelty of the other side, but her fist clenched involuntarily.

灭 Killing all the people in the village so quickly, it means that this person is most likely to be ahead!

(End of two chapters!) [To be continued] This text is provided by the Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 Provided by @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波】

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