Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1691: Xiaoyao Xian is gone

Taking a deep breath, Nie Yun realized that his palms were sweaty.

He can kill silently under his eyelids, and step forward one time each time. Although he hasn't met, he already knows the terribleness of the opponent. Such an opponent has high strength and great imagination. If he is not careful, he will be damaged. The other hand!

In the case of other people, such opponents must have been unbearable for a long time, but Nie Yun was very excited.

He is a hunter by nature and loves this challenge the most, the harder the better.

The celestial eye talent is working to the extreme, the eyes appear slightly golden, and look around slowly.

The opponent must be hiding in an unknown corner, watching him, looking for a chance to give a fatal blow.

"Wings of Phoenix! Skywalker Talent!"

With the intention in mind, the wings of the Phoenix suddenly appeared behind him. The talents of the Skywalker were working, as if there was a Changhong at his feet, the speed was twice as fast as before.

The opponent beheaded and killed the people in the village in front of him, and he must not have guessed that his speed would suddenly increase.


After a minute, he stopped and looked down at the village in front of his eyes, his eyes narrowed again.

The people in this village are also dead, and it looks like they were killed a minute ago.

"Isn't speed enough?"

The speed has accelerated. The time of death of these people was actually a minute ago. Nie Yun was a little strange.

Could it be that the other party knows that they will suddenly accelerate?

This acceleration is half a minute earlier than before, if the other party does not know his whereabouts in advance. These people should have died about half a minute!

"I'm slowing down, I don't believe you can figure it out!"

The heart's means were strange, and the speed of the flight suddenly slowed down.

Since the other party thinks they will accelerate. Slow it down, Nie Yun doesn't believe it, he can still find the rules!

At the same time, Nie Yun's body flickered, and the talents of the Earth Master moved, and the whole person fell from the air to the ground.

Before he was in the dark and the other was in the dark. Being able to observe all his actions clearly, now hiding. Don't believe he can kill the villagers in advance!

"I'll give you some more!"

After doing this, Nie Yun didn't stop, there was a funny smile in his eyes, his body flickered. One gasification and three cleansing tricks were performed, and three Nie Yun appeared at the same time, flying away at three angles like different directions.

Conceal, travel, and cooperate with Yiqi Sanqing. I don't believe that the other party can kill the villagers in advance!

Walking along the ground, Nie Yun was not in a hurry, but slowed down. After a dozen breaths, his body flickered. Appeared in a village, opened a door casually, his eyes narrowed again.

This time he came over irregularly. And they also walked underground, who knew that the dead here still died a minute ago, no different from before.

The same thing happened to the other two avatars too!

"It seems that this method is not working. I am afraid that the other party has special means to clearly see our every move!"

Several villages were tested in succession. No doubts were found no different from before, and Nie Yun was half-hearted.

Whatever you did before. There are traces to follow, and now, people are confused, even him, a little confused.

"Gather with others first!"

After thinking for a while, Nie Yun decided to gather with others first.

The appointed time is up, plus nothing is found on his side, maybe others will find more.

Put the two avatars into the world of things, and speed up to fly to the place previously agreed.

"Are there any new discoveries?"

Quickly returned to the agreed place, and saw Fu Anchao and others standing in place, frowning one by one, wondering what to think.

"the host!"

Seeing him come back, relieved.

"The murderer should be on the north side. Just now, I and the master of Wan Fa marched all the way. Everywhere I went, everyone died for a minute. There is no difference between them. Our speed is not fixed. The result is still the same. See Coming to that murderer, we have mastered our rhythm completely and can kill people ahead of time! "

Help the dark tide.

"No, the murderer is in the west, and Zitong and I have encountered this situation all the way!"

Duan Yidao.

"You guys met too?"

Nie Yun is getting colder.

They are moving in all directions in order to prevent others from killing people in the front. As a result, others are the same as themselves ... Can they be divided into four teams?

Even if they are divided into four teams, their walking speed is not fixed and is completed by their own minds. How can these killers estimate the time so accurately?

This is too unexpected.

"Say this ... Master, you have the same situation with us?"

Seeing his expression, Fu Anchao's face sank.

They are united. Someone hides in front of them and kills them. They are divided into four directions and cover such a large area. How can they do this? Is the other person a ghost?

How could there be such a powerful omniscient prophet?

Everyone who was killed was just a minute away ... not only Nie Yun, but also Duan Yi and others who couldn't help pouring cold air ~ www.readwn.com ~ felt a deep panic.

The enemy in front of him seemed to be able to figure out their laws and know what they did, and they ate them hardly without any resistance.

"Master, what shall we do now?"

Everyone looked at Nie Yun.

The things in front of us are too incredible, even more than the experience in the Valley of the Ghosts.

Although it was weird at first, it was only a fantasy and psychedelic spirit after all, but the scene at this time was real. Every step of the crowd seemed to enter into the calculations of others. It was helpless. This is really terrible!

"The other party can figure out our every move. Rather than being scattered, we should gather together. Let's act together and take care of each other. In the event of something, we will respond better!"

Think about it, Nie Yundao.

After decentralization, he found that no matter how they did it, they were in the design of the other party. In this case, everyone should be united together. Since then, they can also take care of each other and face dangers together.

To avoid being in all directions, one side is in trouble, the other side is difficult to rescue, and they are broken one by one.

"The host said that the opponent's means were very strange. If they were broken one by one, they would be in trouble. It would be the most correct to join together!"

"All right, don't run away ... eh? Why are Xiaoyao Xian and Lingxiu the Great not here?"

Nie Yun's pupils shrank.

I have been calculating the "murderer" before, and I have paid little attention to it. At this time, I found that Xiaoyao Xian, Lingxiu Emperor ... are not there!

Are they ... haven't returned yet, or ... have something happened?

Nie Yun's heart was a little cold. (To be continued)

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