Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1692: Reprimand

Chapter 169: Mutual Accusations

"We don't know, it hasn't appeared, it might be delayed, or we'll wait for a while!"

A glance in one direction helped the Tide Road.

Just now, Xiaoyao Xian and Lingxiu Emperor were walking in the East, and now there are no half figures. It seems that they either forgot the time or were delayed by something.

"Don't wait, it's been a hundred breaths long ago, the strength has reached our level, the possibility of forgetting time is very small, something must have happened!"

Nie Yun's body was very straight, and he looked to the east.

Xiaoyao Xian and Lingxiu Emperor are the masters. How can such powerful men forget the time? The only explanation is that they have trouble in the direction they are going to and they have encountered an irresistible external cause.

If the two dominate the level of strength, it's nothing, now that strength, once something goes wrong, it will fall.


Knowing this, Nie Yun didn't dare to stay, and flew straight to the east.

"Although the Emperor Lingxiu and Xiaoxian Xian now have no dominance, they are all old monsters who have lived for hundreds of millions of years. One seems to be drunk all day long, but he is in fact very clever. If they can't cope, things are definitely not easy! "

Fu An Chao hesitated.

"What do you mean?" Nie Yun raised an eyebrow. "Don't you mean to save them?"

"No, I don't mean it ... I mean, we are so bright and easy to be discovered by others. If we make preparations in advance, even if Xiaoyao Xian really encounters any danger, there is nothing we can do ..."

Help the dark tide.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Nie Yun nodded.

Fu Anchao said it well. The two Xiaoxian Xian are both extremely intelligent. The trouble they can't cope with is very difficult for them and others. Once they are in trouble, they and others rush forward so brightly that they must fall into the same. trap.

"What should we do?"

See that he didn't mess up in this situation. Nie Yun nodded involuntarily, with a sense of inquiry in his tone.

"I have a few pieces of concealed armor here. They are made from concealed avenues. After being put on, they can have concealed effects. I mean it very simple. Let's put on our armor and move forward quietly. It ’s really dangerous. Be prepared! "

Fu Anchao said, when his wrist was flipped, several armor-like things suddenly appeared on the palm, which was engraved with special lines and outlined the entire lines of the hidden avenue.

A glance, Nie Yun knew. This hidden armor and the talent of the hidden division have the same magic and are a rare treasure.

Although the level is not high, after putting on. But it can make people hide their tracks and have unexpected effects.

This thing is of no use to the dominant power, but for them now, it is a treasure that they have to have, which has a great effect.

"Okay, let's all change!"

Although there is a hidden atmosphere can be used. But Nie Yun did not refuse to take over an armor. As soon as the body wore on the body, the power flowed in the lines of the armor, and it really felt the same as using the concealed air, and the whole person was hidden in the void.

"This is an air of ethics. You don't need to care what it is. You just need to absorb it into your body and you can unblock the ground! It's no different from comprehending the avenue. This time we don't go in the air, go underground!"

Nie Yun also gave everyone a walk.

The crowd nodded quickly and absorbed the breath of the earth.

Here their strength is reduced. Although they are the masters, they have many abilities that cannot be used. With the spirit of the line and the hidden armor, it is much simpler to hide the body.

The five of them were ready, while drilling into the ground and walking forward quickly along the ground.

Below the ground, it seemed very quiet, and Nie Yun gave everyone a breath of heaven and eyes, looking forward while walking.

After walking 70 or 80 kilometers, Xiaoyao Xian and others were still not found. Everything on the ground was the same as the previous road. The dead were everywhere, but these people died not a minute ago, but a period of time. Already.

The basis of these dead villages proves that they are moving in the right direction.

"There seems to be a fight ahead, hurry up!"

Suddenly Nie Yun paused, his ears were on the wall on the ground, he listened carefully, and he told the crowd solemnly.

The ground transmits sound waves faster than the air, and it is easy to feel distant battles underground.

Hearing the battle, everyone looked dignified, followed by Nie Yun and flew away in the direction of the source of the battle sound waves.

A moment later, when I arrived at the battlefield, the ground was a mess, all the houses in the real village collapsed, and two figures were in full swing at this time. At any time, the birth and death were identified.

"Xiao Yaoxian and Emperor Lingxiu ... how did they fight?"

Seeing clearly the two men who were fighting, Nie Yun couldn't help but stay there.

The two people who are fighting now and who do not count on life and death are actually the Xiaoxian and Lingxiu Emperors they are looking for!

At this point, the two were fierce, and both of them had blood on them, and each suffered a minor injury.

Judging from their methods of attack, it seems that they have hatred that is not common and cannot be resolved.

"They won't fall into the illusion!"

Duan also saw the situation of the two, which was full of strangeness.

"I look alike ..." Zi Tong nodded: "It's similar to our last experience in the Ghost Valley, and I can't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy in a fantasy world. Maybe they all treat the other as an enemy ..."

"Not a fantasy!"

Before Zi Tong's words were not destroyed, Nie Yun shook her head.

He can still see if the two have entered the illusion. At this time, the two eyes are clear and keen, and they obviously know who the other party is and who the other party is.

"No, I'll check it out. If they fight like this, they will fall down!"

Nie Yun can't stand it anymore.

"Master, can't go there, in case this is someone else's trap?" Duan also busy.

"Can't control the trap or not. If they don't pass, one of them will inevitably die, or even both will be seriously injured. No one wants to see this situation!"

Nie Yun, despite the dissuasion of others, flew out of the ground and flew straight towards the two Xiaoxian two who were fighting.


People are in the air, Nie Yun's palm stroked past.


The strong force formed a wave of air, and an air wall appeared between the two fighting men, blocking their deadly attack.

"Nie Yun? Come here, there is something wrong with this happy fairy!"

"Nie Yun, you're here just right. Take this person down. She is definitely not the Emperor Lingxiu!"

The two saw Nie Yun's joy at the same time, and the two cried out at the same time ~ www.readwn.com ~.

"what happened?"

As soon as he arrived, he heard a strange conversation between the two, and Nie Yun froze.

I thought that the two were fighting because of robbing a treasure or disagreeing with each other. I never dreamed that I would blame each other and say that the other party has a problem, what can be the problem?


The Emperor Lingxiu came to Nie Yun, her white and beautiful face was full of anxiety: "This Xiaoyao Xian must have been attacked by evil spirits. He just attacked me and killed me. If I had some life-saving measures, I would have died a long time ago. It's up! "

"Evil spirits attack?" Nie Yunman was surprised.

"You don't believe it, he stabbed it in and made me almost die!"

The Emperor Lingxiu had always had a lower abdomen, and Nie Yun found that her lower abdomen was dripping with blood and was penetrated by a sword. If it wasn't for avoiding fast and clever means, this time is definitely fatal.

"She lied, Nie Yun, don't believe her! You should know, I never use a sword, how could I attack her with a sword?" Xiaoyao Xian rushed over, but also anxious: "Hurry away from her, she I was attacked by evil spirits. I was attacked just now, and my injury is proof! "

At this time, Xiaoyao Xian turned around, and there was a huge **** horror behind him. From top to bottom, it was similar to the injury of Emperor Lingxiu. It was also caused by a sneak attack. It was not a quick escape, it must have been split in half by a sword. Already.

"What's the matter?"

The two accompanied each other, and both were injured in a sneak attack at the same time. Even Nie Yun was a little unclear about what happened.

(Who is going wrong? Can you guess? Hehe, Netherworld is even more weird than the Valley of the Souls ... Finally, I wish you all a happy new year, and by the way ask for two monthly passes ...) (To be continued)

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