Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1693: Ask separately

"what happened?"

At this time, Fu An Chao and others also flew up, looking at the individuals who were accusing each other in front of them, full of confusion.

"Nie Yun, don't you believe me? When did Xiaoyao Xian deceive you? This Lingxiu Emperor absolutely has problems. If you don't believe that you can probe the soul, it is definitely disguised by others!"

When I saw other people coming, Xiaoyao Xian's eyes brightened, his tone was firm, and he vowed.

"I can give you a soul survey, but I advise you to explore this Xiaoyao Xian first, don't be deceived by him, he is disguised!" Ling Xiu the emperor refused to let it go, staying alert and looking coldly Happy Xiaoxian, will shoot at any time.


Ji Fu dark tide and others focused on Nie Yun.

的 The situation in front of them is also confused. Seeing the posture of these two people, they will never give up. They say public justice, and the wife says that the wife is reasonable. Who is right and who is wrong, how can you tell?

"False ca n’t be true, it ca n’t be false. Some of you must tell the truth, and some people may tell the truth, whether it ’s true or not, even if you want to distinguish, Let me heal the injuries! "

Nie Yun was not in a hurry to determine who said what was true and who said it was false. Instead, his palms trembled, and two woody breaths entangled his fingertips: "This is two special breaths that can help you recover from injuries and also detect Your secrets are true or false, you will know at a glance! "

Nie Yun's soul will is hidden in each of these two woody spirits. Integration into the body can not only heal the injury, but also probe the other person's soul and body.

情况 The situation is weird at this time. Not afraid to show the slightest omission, only the villain and then the gentleman.

"Okay, don't you say I'm fake? I'll come first!" Emperor Lingxiu stepped forward. Gently grasp this woody breath into the body.

Let's sizzle!

At the same time that Qi Musheng Qi healed her injury, Nie Yun's thoughts also explored it and shook her head.

After investigation, this Lingxiu Emperor has no problems. No matter the soul, body, or others, they are not disguised by others.

Xie Nieyun is best at camouflage, as an ancestor of camouflage. For this ability, have a very high voice. After investigation, it is certain that the Emperor Lingxiu had nothing to do with disguise.


Confirmed that Lingxiu the Great, Nie Yun and others looked at Xiaoyao Xian together. Show a vigilant taste.

If the two of them are so opposed, one of them must be false. The Emperor Lingxiu is okay. It only shows that Xiaoyao Xian is likely to be disguised.

"Nie Yun, what do you mean? Would you rather trust this woman than me?" Seeing their eyes and actions, Xiaoxian was furious: "Well, isn't it just exploration? I will let you investigate!"

After speaking, the spirit moved and inhaled another woody breath.

Accompanying Xiaoyao Xian inhales the breath of wood. Nie Yun's face became weird, his eyebrows raised, he didn't know what to think.

怎么 样 "How? He's a fake. Let's catch him together!"

Wu Lingxiu, the Great Emperor, frowned, and stared at Xiaoyao Xian with a sharp look.

"Slow!" Seeing Fu Anchao waiting to start, Nie Yun waved his hand.

"what happened?"

Seeing his dignified expression, Duan was strange.

"What happened to the two of you just now? Will there be any misunderstandings?" Nie Yun looked at Lingxiu and Xiaoyao Xian.

"Misunderstanding? How could he and I have a misunderstanding, he sneaked up and started to run, and I almost lost my life here. There can be no misunderstanding!"

Emperor Wu Lingxiu sneered.

"This woman's viper heart, I suspect she is the mastermind of killing these people. Nie Yun, let's catch her together, don't believe her!"

Xiaoyao Xian also roared loudly.

The two masters once again confronted each other with their swords stretched out.

"Well, both of them are deflated, the void world is weird. If we kill each other, we will fall into the bosom of someone else. We might as well calm down and analyze the previous situation, we may find clues!"

Xie Nieyun stood in the middle of the two, and the strength of her body radiated out, lightly.

"What do you mean? Didn't you detect anything just after investigating him?" Lingxiu the Great Emperor Xiu frowned.

When I heard this, others looked at Nie Yun at the same time.

Haven't you explored them all? Who really is false should have known for a long time, why is it so much trouble?

"After my investigation ... neither of them had any problems and no disguise! So ... I thought there might be some misunderstanding!" Nie Yun smiled bitterly.

"Don't pretend?"

Everyone was a stunner, the Emperor Lingxiu and Xiaoxian Xian were at a loss.

The two seem to have no confidence in this result.

"It's impossible! Before you came, he was vicious and he wanted to put me to death. It was by no means a disguise!" After a while, the Emperor Lingxiu shouted: "If he is not fake, how could he be so fierce? The poisonous hand! "

"Lingxiu, don't you call a thief and catch a thief, I should say you, if you are not fake, why are you so excited?"

Xiaoyao Xian also snorted.

"Okay, don't make a noise. This is a strange thing. Duan Yi, Fu An Chao, Domination of Wan Fa, Zi Tong will not destroy you. You will also investigate the two of them. Whoever resists, who is false!"

Seeing that the two refused to give up to each other and said nothing, Nie Yun ordered.


Xi Fu dark tide and others came up.

It is true that falsehood cannot be true. It may not be true. He may have any flaws in the investigation by himself.

"Hum, wait until the detective finds out that you have a problem, just wait to die!"

Xiaoyao Xian did not dodge, stood in place and allowed to investigate.

"I should tell you this sentence!" Lingxiu the Great did not hide.

After a short while, Fu An Chao and others looked at each other, and came to Nie Yun with a strange look.

"Master, both of them ... in my opinion are true!"

"Me too, I can see nothing, there should be no problem!"

"Dominated by Nie Yun, I have lived with Emperor Lingxiu for more than billions of years, and I can swear with my life, she is no problem! Xiaoyao, we are also old knowledge, and true ..."

Uh ...

Several people gave the answer uniformly.

Their judgment is the same as that of Nie Yun. The two arguing powerhouses in front of them are actually ... both true!

"Talk about what happened just now!"

I saw that everyone had the same answer, and Nie Yun couldn't figure out why it was also true. The two would be so hostile, raising eyebrows and asking.

好 "Okay, I'll talk about what I just said. When I finish, you must know who is true and false!"

Emperor Wu Lingxiu stepped forward.

"Slow!" Xiao Yaoxian waved to see her say, "I think you will talk nonsense and distort the truth!"

"Since neither of you believe anyone, it ’s better to help Fu Chao, Duan Yi, and Wan Fa dominate. The three of you took Xiaoyao Xian to ask over there and fully recorded the process he said. Zitong and I will not be ruined Ask the Emperor Lingxiu individually, and after that, let ’s make a comparison! ”

Xie Nieyun thought for a while and arranged.

This is the best choice at present.

These two people have no problem after investigation, but they do not believe anyone. In his opinion, there must be some misunderstanding. As long as this problem is solved ~ www.readwn.com ~ all the troubles will be solved.

The two separated and explained what happened just now. Since then, they should be able to grasp the situation more clearly without being affected by the judgment of the other director.

"Okay, Lord Xiaoyao, to trouble you innocence, I will trouble you!"

Xi Futian came to Xiaoyao Xian and laughed.

"Rest assured, I will reveal to you the true face of this woman!" Xiaoyao Xian gave a cold drink, followed immediately behind Fu Anchao and others and walked to the side, not far away, Duan also waited for a move with the palm of his hand, arranged Sound insulation was banned, and several people talked.

"Lingxiu, let's start too, I hope you will tell what happened before, one hundred and fifty, don't hide anything!"

Xie Nieyun laid out a soundproof restraint and looked at the woman in front of her.

"Rest assured, I will say it all, let you know the true face of Xiaoyao Xian!"

Emperor Lingxiu raised his eyebrows, his voice was slow and smooth, with a strong anger: "Before I was separated from you, I came to this side with Xiaoyao Xian. When I came here, I suddenly found a strange thing. This incident has caused our alarm! "

"Strange things?"

不错 "Yes, when we first arrived in this village, we discovered that the villagers died not a minute ago!"

Emperor Wu Lingxiu said slowly. [Unfinished To be continued This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 Provided with @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波]

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