Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1694: How to break the game?

Chapter 1694: How To Break The Situation?

"Not a minute ago?" Nie Yun was shocked, exulting. www *

After they entered the realm of the void, all the villages they met became graveyards, and everyone died a minute ago, not a minute ago ... doesn't explain that the distance is close to the truth?

Zi Tong didn't destroy her eyes, and she was clearly thinking the same as him.

"Yes, we thought the same way as you at the time, and felt that those killers must be hiding in this village!"

After taking a look at the two, the Emperor Lingxiu continued: "So, we explored it carefully and searched carefully, and sure enough, we found clues! That is the group of stone statues!"

After speaking, Emperor Lingxiu pointed in one direction.

"Stone statue?"

Nie Yun and others froze, looked along her fingers, and saw the end of the village at their feet, and stood a pile of life-size stone statues.

"Check it out!"

Nie Yun and Zi Tong looked at each other without breaking, and flew over with the Lingxiu Emperor, and soon came to the stone statue.

These stone statues are a bit old and dilapidated. At a glance, you know that they have experienced countless storms. The colored patterns on them have fallen off at this time, exposing purple-gray stone tires.

There are a total of five statues here, all of which are life-size, because I don't know how many years have stood here, and my face can no longer be seen, but the body shape is very clear, can be clearly distinguished, all are men.

"This ... Master, this stone statue looks like yours ..."

Suddenly, Zi Tong did not destroy one of the pointing statues.


Nie Yun looked. His face changed slightly, and the stone figure in front of him really looked exactly the same as his body, although his appearance was unclear. There is absolutely no difference in manners and height and thin body ratio.

"That ... same as you!"

Shocked in his heart, Nie Yun looked at a stone statue next to him, his face changed again.

Because the shape of this stone statue is exactly the same as that of Zitong. If the color on the stone statue does not fall off, look away. Definitely the same person!

"That's Futanchao, that's Duan ... and Wanfa Master!"

Zi Tong did not destroy and also saw the unusual, the figure of the five stone statues were seen at this time. It is exactly the same as the five of them, as if specimens were made according to the shape and shape of the five of them.

"What the **** is going on? The appearance of these stone statues, at least for many years, we just came in ... how can there be our stone statues here?"

Nie Yun was confused. A chill came from the bottom of my heart.

Entering here has not been smooth. Wherever people go, some people kill people first, and now there are exactly the same stone statues. What happened in front of them is really weird.

"No, why aren't you and Xiaoyao Xian?"

What Nie Yun thought of was looking at the Lingxiu Emperor in front of him.

"Why not. Look at those two stone platforms!"

Looking back, Nie Yun saw two stone platforms, but it was empty. Nothing at all.

"When we first arrived, there were our stone statues on it. I felt weird. I walked to them and touched them lightly. Who knew that the stone statue touched my finger. It immediately shattered into powder and turned into smoke and dust!"

The Emperor Lingxiu spoke slowly. An expression of resentment appeared on his face: "Just when I was weird, I immediately saw the statue of Xiaoyao Xian came alive, and a sword stabbed at me! I was unprepared at the time, and my lower abdomen was penetrated by a sword, and I was angry. Fight against it, not long, you are here! "

"Uh? You said that the statue of Xiaoyao Xian is alive? The one who ... fighted you just now is that one?"

Nie Yun froze.

"Yes, there will never be a mistake, I saw it with my own eyes, and I also hit a sword! So, I know this guy is absolutely fake! Although I don't know what method was used to make it impossible for you to see, but keep it He will certainly be a scourge, putting us in danger! "

The Emperor Lingxiu vowed.


Nie Yun didn't rush to answer her, but looked to the stone statue in front of her.

Using the talents of Tianyanshi to observe carefully, the pile in front of me is definitely a real stone statue without any signs of life.

The stone statue turned into a human ... and also slaughtered her. Is this ... true or false?

If it is false, the flaw is too obvious.


My heart was weird, a sound of wind rang, and Fu Anchao waited for someone to fly over.

"the host!"

Fu An Chao and others came to him.

"What did Xiaoyao Xian say?" Nie Yun passed the thought together.

"He said that when he came here, he met a stone statue exactly the same as theirs. When he went to observe the stone statue, the stone statue of the Emperor Lingxiu suddenly changed into an adult, and there was a sword behind him. ... "

Fu Anchao and Duan Yi's thoughts were passed on at the same time, and the words of Xiaoyao Xian were repeated to him.


After listening to their recounts, Nie Yun was helpless. Xiaoyao Xian and Lingxiu said that they were exactly the same. They all turned into stone figures, and they attacked him, even the details.

How is this going? Who is lying?

"Master, what can I do?"

Fu Anchao and others also learned from Lingzi's unscathed mouth that what the Emperor Lingxiu said, looked at each other one by one, and felt that it had collapsed.

"What they say may be true or false. In this way, the four of you look at the two of them. Do n’t let them fight. I will look at these stone statues, and I may find some clues from them!"

Think about it, Nie Yundao.

"it is good!"

Everyone knew that there was no other way, and nodded at the same time.

After making arrangements, Ning Yun raised his feet and walked towards the stone statue.

Since the Emperor Lingxiu said that these statues would move, he might as well see what happened.

A few steps came to the stone statue of his own shape, and made a circle along.

No matter from which point of view, this is carved from ordinary stone, without any power fluctuations, and without any energy surrounding, ordinary to the extreme.

Go to the stone statue and touch your finger lightly.

The stone statue shook twice and made a "squeak!" Sound, crashed to the ground, and shattered into numerous stones of various sizes.

His stone statue was broken, and Nie Yun looked at the other stone statues. The other four did not live as the Xiaoyao Xian and Lingxiu said, and remained still.

I walked to the other four stone statues, and each one touched them. The four stone statues made a "squeak!" Sound at the same time, and they fell to the ground one after another and fell into rubble.

Nothing happened.

"This ... are ordinary stone statues. How could it become a living person?" Looking at the crushed stone again, Nie Yun still didn't find any problems ~ www.readwn.com ~ came to everyone.

At this time, even he was a little confused and a little dizzy.

Who are these two people telling the truth? Who is telling lies?

The two are so hostile, there must be no possibility of conspiracy, separate inquiry, and impossibility of collusion ... but they are exactly the same, they are all stone statues ... how could a stone statue become human? And he could n’t even see the flaw?

Is it possible ... both of them are lying?

Turning his head again to look at the broken stone statue, Nie Yun couldn't help shaking his head.

Now he felt as if he had entered a torrent. If he couldn't find a direction, he would be led by his nose and no way out.

Eyes looked at the others one by one, not only Lingxiu the Great Emperor, Xiaoyao Xian, it seems that everyone has a problem, but they don't know how to solve it.

When they came to the Netherworld, starting from the decrease in strength, they seemed to have entered a weird trap. Without their own opinions, everything went according to the thinking of others.

"Master, stone statue ..."

Seeing that the stone statue was fragmented, Nie Yun came over again, and Duan Yi and others hurriedly saw it.

The current weirdness, they also felt it, one by one said it was not nervous that it was false.

I just hope that the owner who has repeatedly created miracles can create miracles again, take them out of the psychedelic in front of them, and successfully go out.

"These stone statues ... are indeed carved from ordinary stones, without any special! Whoever lies between the two of them, I can't tell now ..."

Seeing everyone's expectations, Nie Yun smiled wryly and shook his head.

This may be the biggest difficulty since his rebirth. There is no life crisis, but with a dizzying confusion. Who in the world has set this up, and how can he break it?

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