Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1695: The strongest killing trick!

"Then ... what shall we do?" Duan Yiwait collapsed.

The weirdness of the things in front of them was beyond their imagination, making people confused and confused.

怎么 "What shall we do? What do we not need to do? I ask you, what do we do now?"

Xie Nieyun did not panic like everyone else, but with a confident smile, did not answer their questions, and asked.

"What we need to do most ... find the killer who killed everyone in the village, and distinguish between Emperor Lingxiu and Xiaoyao Xian who said true and who said false!" Zi Tong hesitated without hesitation, and spoke first.

不错 "Yes, we should find out who is doing so many things in the layout, so that we can crack the mystery, find the weak points, and escape from this place ..."

Xuan Wanfa nodded in approval.

"I think so too!" Fu Anchao agreed.

"Oh? You think the same way?" Nie Yun looked at Fu Anchao who spoke last time: "You are so smart, why are you confused this time?"

"Is confused? Master, I don't know what you ... mean ..." Fu Anchao stunned.

"Oh, you have a good idea. Finding the killer who killed everyone in the village can really unlock the fog, but ... we have been searching for so long, but we haven't found anything, you must be sure to continue to find and find That so-called murderer? What if you can't find it? "

Xie Nieyun stared at Fu dark tide.


There was a sense of confusion in the eyes of Zhifu Anchao, and he didn't know that he was staring at Nie Yun. Or something else.

Ignoring his turmoil, Nie Yun laughed: "In fact, you don't have to say it, you have a judgment in your heart. It is not possible to find it, but you ca n’t find it! The other party can turn us around, but there is no way, really If we don't want us to find it, we can guarantee that we can't find it! "

"Uh ..." The others were silent at the same time.

Hey, yeah, that killer can be found. It must have been found long ago, and now it takes so much effort. Nothing was found, it has been explained that the other party is hiding deeply, it seems that even if you continue to find it, it is useless work. No clues can be found.

But if you do n’t check it, you ca n’t be stuck here all the time.

"Let them lead their noses, we will never find out, now we can only do the opposite!" Looking at the expressions of all the people, Nie Yun seemed to have made a decision and smiled slightly.

"Do the opposite?" Everyone didn't understand.

"Everyone rests in the same place, Xiaoyao Xian, you and the Emperor Lingxiu. Coming up later, is there a good wine? Come out and have a drink!" Ignoring the questions of the crowd, looked to Xiaoyao Xian. Nie Yundao.

"Place to rest? Wine?"

Everyone showed strange expressions.

What is this for? Rest, don't you want to leave here?

"Yes, it should be!"

Suddenly, Duan Yi's eyes brightened, he came to understand and gave Nie Yun a quiet thumb.

I deserve to be the master. Sure enough, his mind was too meticulous.

Now the other party has fully grasped their actions, no matter what they do, they will fall into the design. Falling deeper.

There is only one way to get rid of each other's design-than patience!

I spent so much thought on designing them, and certainly had some plans. Now I do n’t catch up, rest in place, and spend time with the other party, the other party is definitely not willing.

As long as the other party moves, they will be aware of it. In this way, by using static braking and turning passive into active, all conspiracy designed by the other party will become nothing.

等待 While waiting for this move, it seems simple, but it is actually the best and safest way to do it now.

Fu Fu An Chao and others seemed to realize this and laughed one by one.

"Don't wait for me to comment, but what if this woman sneaks in again? We can't stand here waiting for her to kill!" One finger pointed at Lingxiu Emperor, and his glorious glances.

"Relax, I'm here, she can't sneak attack!" Nie Yun smiled and looked at Xiaoyao Xian, dispelling his concerns: "Don't think about it so much, don't take out the wine yet, I gave your monkey before What about wine? Let's drink this, rest assured, I won't drink it, I will make it for you! "

"Monkey Heart Wine? Good!"

With a reluctance on his face, Xi Xiaoyao Xian once again gave a vigilant look at Emperor Lingxiu. A wine gourd appeared in the palm of his hand, came to him, and handed it over.

Seeing that he was still angry and difficult to put down, Nie Yun smiled and reached for a wine gourd. However, when his fingers and wine gourd approached each other immediately, suddenly, a flash of cold mang flashed. The weird Jianmang shot from behind the gourd and pierced his brows straight.

This speed is extremely fast. Like lightning, no one can imagine that Xiaoyao Xian will suddenly shoot, nor can he imagine that the original situation will be replaced by a sword.

No matter who wants to sneak attack, he must have murderousness on his body, no matter whether the murderousness is more or less, he can be perceived in advance.

Almost all the masters who are sitting are masters. Once they kill, even if there is no action, they may know in advance and make a judgment.

This has become the instinct to dominate the strong, and even if it is lowered, it will not be lost.

Xiaoyao Xian's sneak attack, not only did not kill, let people feel in advance, more importantly, Jianmang is extremely fast, people do not have time to react at all!

I can say that this is the perfect assassination!

Assassination Avenue, the most perfect attack!

If this assassination is recorded and passed on, it will definitely become a model and plaque for all assassins. It is simply perfect, perfect and impeccable. No one can find the loophole.

No surprise, let alone Nie Yun's strength is now reduced to five hundred avenues. Even if there are two thousand, he will surely be stabbed in the eyebrows, his soul will fly away, and the gods will be difficult to save.

"the host……"

When I saw this scene, Duan also waited for the scalp to explode at the same time, and felt that he was going crazy.

However, in the current scene, none of them can help, and they can only watch the splendid sword spirit, approaching Nie Yun inch by inch, seeming to devour all his vitality.

"Master, let me help you ..."

Xu Fu's dark tide moves the fastest, with a long cry, the person jumps up, his sword flickers in his hand, and he straightly pierces in the direction of Xiaoyao Xian.

However, although his sword has been practiced for life, it is over. The sword is two or three meters away from Xiaoyao Xianzu, and the murderousness of the opponent is only a few inches away from Nie Yun!

Looking at the scene, I can't save it!

Nie Yun laughed suddenly when anyone thought that this sneak attack was bound to succeed and Futianchao could not be saved.

His smile was not surprised, but with a taste of preparation, **** popped out of nowhere, and squeezed gently on the sword.


Ji Jianmang was caught for a moment, like a swimming snake.


Obviously, Xiaoyao Xian did not expect to prepare for such a long time of sniping. He was easily grasped and his pupils shrank. At this time, Jianmang, who was assisting the dark tide, also came forward, and his body involuntarily ducked downward. A cold thorn struck Nie Yunzhen.

It seems that he has already guessed that it is difficult to work for the first time and made second-hand preparations.

I lowered my head to avoid it and stabbed my arms outstretched in one go, forming a straight line without any waste of effort. In a blink of an eye, I became passive and active.


Nie Yun didn't seem to expect the opponent to have such a fast change speed. If he hadn't resisted before, there would be no problem. But at this time, his strength decreased, and he could only find a way to dodge, his body was still, and his knees were not straight. Move backwards.


聂 Just as Nie Yun's body was about to break away from Xiaoyao Xian's second attack, Jianmang, who helped the dark tide in the air, suddenly turned, changed direction, pierced straight, facing his throat.

Helping the Undercurrents ... Surprisingly attacking him!


Frowning his eyebrows, Nie Yun was trying to speak. The hidden armor he had worn on his body suddenly became a rope, holding him firmly and unable to move anymore!

There were two stabbing attacks, one in the throat and one in the middle, that could not have been avoided, but he was trapped again. Nie Yun's danger immediately deepened!

The perfect sneak attack of Xiaoyao Xian was just an appetizer. The real perfect sneak attack is here!

This is the middle of the game. Saving people becomes killing. The really terrible weapon is in the hands of Fu Anchao. He is the strongest and final killer!




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 雨 爱 亭". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】 Bring your friends (@ 影 承 @ 新城 神 @ 字 书 文 @ 玉树 琼花 满目 春)

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