Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1696: monster

From the sneak attack of Xiaoyao Xian to the attack of the dark tide, the sneak attack of the two did not have the slightest interruption, let alone the current strength of Duan Yi et al. Even if they reached the level of the suzerain, they were invincible.

No one can think of it. The Brother Xiaoxian, who has been taking care of them all the way, will attack Nie Yun, and it is so hot!

Even more unexpectedly Fufuchao will also shoot!

Fu dark tide is not a soul sacrifice, is Nie Yun's servant?

The attendant can't disobey the master. By doing so, the master can completely let him die!

But ... he did so, without dragging his feet, all the moves in one go, as if he had practiced countless times with Xiaoyao Xian, the cooperation was flawless!

What the **** happened?

The two big blades, one long and one short, are like the poison of the cheekbones. Regardless of the angle and timing of their appearance, they are extremely precise. Now the strength of Nie Yun can never escape! No one else can save it!

A perfect game!

The real lore!

If Nie Yun only has the strength of five hundred roads, this one will surely die, and the gods will not be able to save it, because this kind of strength, whether it is Jiuyou Bone Sword or Danshen Ancient Ship, cannot be used, coupled with the limited speed and strength, facing this The perfect killing move, with insufficient energy, is impossible to dodge!

"Nie Yun dominates ..."

Emperor Lingxiu froze all over.

She obviously didn't expect this sudden change.

"Fu dark tide, you hate ..." Zi Tong didn't ruin her face and twisted, and wanted to rush over, but knew it was too late. The blue veins on his forehead swelled out, and the whole person seemed crazy.

"It's a great middle game. You should have set it a long time!"

Relative to the tension of everyone. Nie Yun looked very calm. He stopped walking backwards before, and a smile flashed in his eyes: "But ... it seems not enough to kill me, because ... not only you have a trick, I ... ! "

With a soft hum, a raging wave of power sprang from him. Nie Yun blinked his eyes as if he had grown up in a circle. Originally, people felt that they had only the strength of five hundred avenues.

1000 Avenues!

1500 Avenues!

2000 Avenues!


Sovereign level!

Dominate the level in half steps!

Blink of an eye. Nie Yun's strength actually progressed from 500 avenues to half-step domination. The suppression of strength by the void world seemed to have no effect on him. The sudden ascension of power is like an invisible air wave. Spreading around, Xiaoyao Xian and Fu An Chao's sneak attack was greatly hindered under this strong pressure and could no longer move forward.

"how can that be?"

"The power of **** here will fall to five hundred avenues. How can you have the power of half-step domination!"


Futanchao and Xiaoyaoxian couldn't believe their eyes.

Into the void world, everyone's strength decreased, and even Rune Rune could not be used, and they could only maintain the strength of about 500 avenues. This is a rule that no one can violate. Why can this Nie Yun use such powerful strength?

Not only were they surprised, but even the Lingxiu Emperor, Duan Yi, etc. also narrowed their eyes and couldn't believe what they saw.

This situation is beyond everyone's approval.

The sudden outbreak of Nie Yun's power shocked everyone.

"Nothing is impossible, let me lie down!"

Ignoring the other's shock, Nie Yun smiled slightly, his palm turned into a mountain, and he pulled forward.

No matter how perfect the layout of the lore is, you must also divide your strength. If Nie Yun is only five hundred avenues, even one thousand avenues, you will definitely survive this time. Able to kill!

The thick palm strength is like the roar of the ocean, the mountain peaks collapse, Xiaoyao Xian and Fu dark tide are flushed at the same time.

The power of half-step **** is not something they can now counter.

"You ... this is impossible ..."

Lying on the ground, the two Xiaoxian Xian were panicked and couldn't believe it.

The matter at hand is incredible, how could Nie Yun suddenly have such strength?

"I'm different from you. It's normal to have this kind of strength ..." Nie Yun didn't explain.

After entering the void world, with the decrease in strength, he had no way to start, but when he found that the reduced strength had no effect on Dantian, he knew something.

It has no effect on Dantian, and naturally it will not affect Dantian's air ... Then, the road ring formed by Dantian can still be used!

In other words, the strength of others has decreased, and even the dominator Rune cannot be used, but ... his road ring can be used!

The boulevard ring and the dominator rune have the same magic, and blessing can give him instantaneous half-step dominance. This has been tested long ago, no doubt!

So ... this is his strongest hole card!

Concealing true strength can play an unexpected effect in key battles. Nie Yun is well versed in this method. At this time, he can use his hands to capture, so that they can be intact under the sneak attack of the two and defeat them!

"You have this kind of strength, I don't know the reason, because you have been creating miracles again, I have nothing to say, but ... how do you know that I am going to attack? When did you see through?"

Happy Fairy is full of doubts.

Nie Yun is good at creating miracles. Everyone else has the strength of five hundred roads. He has a half-step dominating power. It may be an exclusive secret. If he does n’t understand it, but ... he is so well hidden.

"It's very simple!" Nie Yun laughed. "You can't detect the soul of the Xiaoyao immortal in disguise, impeccable, but there is still a shortcoming!"

"Xiaoyao Xian Xiaoyao world, do not care about anything, and the overall situation is very important, even if the Emperor Lingxiu attacked you, but will not be so chattering and aggressive until you figure it out!"

Nie Yun explained: "I have reminded several times that this is not a simple matter. We may be under the surveillance of others ... You are still unrelenting, and have a completely different character from Xiaoyao Xian's predecessor!"

"This ..." "Xiao Yaoxian" froze, and then said: "The Emperor Lingxiu has more vengeance than me and always fights with me. Why don't you doubt her?"

Emperor Lingxiu's performance quota is more aggressive than Xiaoyao Xian, and he has been fighting. Why does Nie Yun not doubt her?

"Because ... she is a woman! It is normal for a woman to avenge her!" Nie Yun laughed: "Of course, for this reason alone, you certainly won't believe it. There is indeed another reason, which is the injury to your body. ! "

"Wounded?" "Xiao Yaoxian" froze.

"Yes, Emperor Lingxiu's injury passed through the lower abdomen. The injury was treated by me, and I know it very well!" Nie Yunru said: "This injury was caused by a sword piercing. At a glance, I know that it is a man's means of attack, and the place where this sword gas passes is basically the most important organ arteries of the human body. If it is not for Emperor Lingxiu to have a very strong life-saving means, this will undoubtedly die! "

"The injury on your back looks extremely fierce. You almost split the person in half, but you took the 'safe route'. The injury looked serious, but it did not affect the battle and did not lead to death ... And, your back The injury was obviously caused by his own intention to control the weapon. The Emperor Lingxiu was a woman. When she shot, her attack power was soft and it was impossible to open and close so much. From these points, I have begun to doubt ... "

Nie Yundao.


Not only was "Xiao Yaoxian" stunned, but everyone else was still stunned.

Seeing so much from the injury alone, this guy is too abnormal!

"Of course, these only made me doubt you, not sure. Later, I said that I would rest in place, and you strongly opposed it, which made me confirm that you must not be happy!"

Nie Yun showed disappointment: "Because the real Happy Fairy ... never refutes me, and it is still in the situation where my decision is OK! Although you appear to be worried about the attack of the Emperor Lingxiu, but ... this performance I betrayed you even more! "

Speaking of this, he changed his tone "Xiao Yaoxian and Lingxiu Emperor both dominated, even if their strength is now reduced, how can they be afraid of each other? Besides, there are so many strong people, even if Lingxiu the Emperor wants to sneak attack, it will certainly not succeed ... … So worried about unsuccessful things, do you think this is what Xiaoyao Xian should do? "


Hearing these analyses ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xiao Yaoxian "can't say a word, staying in the same place, my mind is mixed, I don't know what to say.

These clues can be seen, the guy in front of him is no longer a human, but ... a monster!

(Sorry, there was only one change yesterday. Laoya got a painful news yesterday. My uncle passed away. My aunt has been treating me very well. Suddenly I heard the news of her death. She was very shocked. She was crying. Seeing the last one, I hope she can send her a ride. Today, I plan to buy air tickets and go to Shanghai. It may take a train to a plane all day.

Life is short and many griefs are irreparable. I have been very busy all these years, ignoring my loved ones, and when I did n’t expect to see each other again, I was separated.

These two days Laoya may have been on the road, and my mood will not be too good, but I will try to update it, everyone forgive me, if less, everyone will take more care, Laoya thank you! ) (To be continued ...)

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