Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1697: Evil spirit possession

"What about me? I shouldn't show any mistakes. Why did you prepare for it long ago? If you guessed well, you have already made the hidden armor, otherwise, even if you have half a step to dominate, it will be difficult to break free! "

Support the dark tide road.

Looking at the move just now, Nie Yun didn't have any accidents about his sneak attack, and he knew what he had definitely seen, and he knew he would betray him!

He has been cautious since he walked all the way, how could he be seen?

"Your performance is not too much of a problem, but because of your prudence, I see the flaws!" Nie Yundao.


Be cautious if you are more cautious? Futianchao is a bit crazy.

"A few of my attendants, Zi Tong does not destroy the changes of the chaos. He is naturally unwilling to speak, and his thinking is slower than that of human beings. When he encounters anything, he does not have too many ideas. Duan is also good at escape, but not good at it. For reasoning and conspiracy, if you are the smartest person who can help me make a plan, you are the only one! "

Nie Yundao: "But for the sake of prudence, you have said very little on this way, and the idea is not even as good as the paragraph. Although it looks safe, it actually sold you out! Fu dark tide spent hundreds of millions of years for the Three Realms battlefield. Preparation, deep thinking, perseverance in doing things, no means at all ... Do you think I believe it? "

"Furthermore, your performance is too calm on this way. If you did n’t know it in advance, it would n’t be possible to have no fluctuation at all. Although your face and Duan Yi and other people imitate it, the calmness in your heart can still be seen from your eyes. from!"

"However, just these. I ca n’t be sure, so I asked you to interrogate Xiaoyao Xian. When you come back from Xiaoyao Xian after being interrogated. Duan Yi et al. Focused on the stone statue, full of curiosity, but you did not! I deliberately asked you why you were confused at critical moments, and your eyes were panic ... As my attendant, my soul is under my control, how can I panic? Such a big flaw. If I do n’t see it again, it ’s better I'd rather die!"

"As for the hidden armor you said before, tell you the truth. This is your fatal flaw! This armor is refined without any problems. It can't be destroyed in a short time even if you dominate the powerful half-step! It looks like this is a piece A strong half-step dominates treasures, but it is actually a chicken rib! Half-step dominates the strong, and the three thousand avenues are basically understood. Hidden avenues are not complicated. How can you not understand? Half-step dominates the treasures used by the strong, but the big It takes a lot of trouble to portray this avenue ... Don't you think it's ridiculous? "

"It's like casting a mosquito shot with mosquitoes made of the best steel. Although it can also kill mosquitoes, it is too wasteful! Because of this, I didn't worry when I took the hidden armor in my hand. Put on, but quietly sent into the world of Nawu. There, I am the master of the world. Anything fussy about this thing immediately looked out and quietly cracked out. Take it out again and put on it, the time interval between the two is not more than ten thousandths. Breathe, even if you don't see it! "

"Because I saw so many flaws in you, I will do everything I can, let everyone stay in place, so that your next conspiracy can no longer be implemented, you can only take the risk and go straight!"

Nie Yun said here, showing the meaning of smiling.

The other person thought that he was hiding well, but in his eyes they were all flaws.

"It's not unfair to meet an opponent like you!"

Hearing the explanation, Xiaoyao Xian and Fu An Chao both felt at the same time.

It's not that they are disguised badly, but that this person is too abnormal!

"I have finished your questions, and now I have questions to ask!" Ignoring their emotions, Nie Yun asked.

I said so much that I didn't kill him because I had something to ask.

"Say it!"

"Who the **** are you? Why can you disguise it so similarly that you can't even find a glance at it! In addition, where are the real Happy Immortals and Fu Anchao?"

Nie Yun stared at each other.

Xun Xiaoyao is his friend. He encountered dangers and came to rescue him regardless of danger. It is impossible to betray him, not to mention helping the tide. As a servant, betrayal has only a dead end. He doesn't believe that this guy has the ability to lift the **** of the soul.

Two betrayal by two people who are totally impossible to betray, can only explain one situation ... Both of them are fake and others disguise!

"Who the **** is it? Haha, we are Xiaoyao Xian and Fu dark tide, such as fake replacement! Because there is no disguise, so ... your strongest soul can not be detected!" Xiaoyao Xian suddenly smiled.

真的 "Really? Impossible!" Nie Yun shook his head: "The soul that helped Fuchao sacrificed to me, I can clearly sense his thoughts, but now I can't, that means ... he is not Fuchao at all!"

When the soul sacrifices, the master can clearly know what the attendant is thinking, but at this time Fu dark tide and him seem to be separated by a mountain, so it can be known that the person in front of him must not be himself.

"Haha, you don't know and we won't tell you! Slowly fumble!"

Xiao Xiaoyao's eyes screamed with a playful smile, and her whole body suddenly swelled. Before Nie Yun had time to react, she suddenly exploded.


As her face changed, she looked hurriedly, and saw that the Xiaoyao Xian in front of her had cut off her breath, and even the Fu dark tide on one side had completely died.

The two masters seem to know that they can't escape, so they don't continue to struggle, they blew themselves up at the same time!

"What's the matter?"

Luan Duan also waited for some collapse.

Xiaoyao Xian, Fu dark tide suddenly betrayed, and then suddenly committed suicide, which is very weird from any point.

If these two people look like this, will others have also betrayed and ended up in this end?

Everyone glanced at each other, each of them in awe.

The unknown is the most terrible. Xiaoyao Xian and Fu An Chao have been with them. When did they become another person and everyone knew nothing? Is this ... the real terrible place of the void?

A few steps to the place where the two exploded, took a look, and found nothing left, the soul corpses seemed to evaporate in space.

He shook his head helplessly, and Nie Yun sighed.

Are these two people really helping the dark tide and Xiaoyao Xian? If it is false, it will die. If it is true, the death of these two people will be too severe for him.

"It should be false. If it is true, their death should have a false origin road. Now there is nothing, which means ... the strength of these two people is only five hundred roads, not the master's reduction!"

Suddenly, Nie Yun thought of something bright.

According to normal circumstances, although the strength of Fu dark tide and Xiaoyaoxian is reduced, after all, the body is the master and has a pseudo-origin avenue, and now there is nothing, which can only explain one thing ... that is the strength of these two people, which is 500 roads. Rather than being dominated!

Of course, this is just a speculation, the void world is too weird, and even he is not sure.

"The two of them ... will not really be possessed by evil spirits!"

Tie Nieyun was thinking, Zi Tong did not destroy her mouth and spit, and said in a sigh.

Evil spirit possession is a saying spread in the Three Realms. Like the spirit spirit possession of Qihai Continent, the person is still himself, but the consciousness has become someone else. The possessed person usually does something incredible. At this time, Xiaoyao Xian and Fu dark tide are just like those possessed, and their actions are confusing.

It's hard to believe ... The most terrible thing in the void world is not the decrease in strength ~ www.readwn.com ~ but the evil spirit that is quietly hiding on one side?

"It's very possible, and only this evil spirit can kill these villagers without the knowledge of the ghosts, and can possess the happy fairy and help the dark tide without our knowledge!"

He also nodded.

What happened recently is too weird, and common sense has been difficult to understand, but it is easy to make clear with the words of evil spirits.

Because no evil spirit has ever seen it, there are only rumors in it. Such weird things can only be explained by human beings.

"Evil spirits? There are no evil spirits. Even if there are, they should be afraid of us, not me!"

He shook his head, and Nie Yun looked at the remaining people: "I have something to ask you, and I must answer it truthfully, telling you everything you can think of!"


Yan Duan also nodded at the same time.

"Master of all kinds of law, before the dark tide goes all the way with you, is there a period of time that disappears in your sight?" Nie Yun asked.

"Disappeared in my sight?" Master Wanfa didn't expect this to be a problem. He nodded and said: "It disappeared! It was when we went to a village and looked at the dead body, but we didn't leave for a long time. In less than ten breaths! "[To be continued, this text is provided by the Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 提供 带上 @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波]

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