Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1698: Threatening Lord Dan again

"How about you? You are with Xiaoyao Xian, has he disappeared from your sight for a while?"

After asking Wan Nie Yun, Lord Nie Yun, he looked at Lingxiu the Great.

"As soon as I saw these statues, he was out of sight and had a dozen breathing times!" Lingxiu thought for a moment, said.

"So, these two people have a period of time you haven't seen, which means ... both have the opportunity to drop their bags!"

After the two answered, Nie Yun thought.

There is almost no possibility for these two people to be possessed by evil spirits, and it is impossible to betray oneself. If you carefully calculate, it is a possibility ... these two are fake, that is, they are disguised by others!

However, I don't know what method was used to keep my soul from detecting the problem.

Now it is obvious that these two people have time and opportunity to drop their bags, that is to say, the possibility of switching to fake is also relatively large.

Of course, this is just guessing, no one knows exactly what the situation is until the mystery is revealed.

"Search here carefully to see if there are any traces left!" Nie Yun ordered: "Never let anyone leave their eyes!"

If these two people are fake and dropped out of their bags, where have they gone? With their strength. Even if you want to get rid of it, I'm afraid it won't be done at once, there will definitely be fighting. As long as there is a battle, there are traces!

"it is good!"

Everyone thought about this, and nodded and looked around slowly.

This time, they obeyed Nie Yun's orders. They were connected end to end, each in the other's sight, for fear of any problems.

I searched for about ten minutes, and everyone gathered again.

"I didn't find anything!"

"me too!"

"No trace of the battle ..."

Everyone shook his head at the same time.

"Did my guess be wrong? This is really ... Xiaoyao Xian?"

Seeing that no trace of the battle was left, Nie Yun's heart fell cold.

If Xiaoyao Xian was really dropped off. There will definitely be battles, leaving traces. Nothing ... Could it be possible, the one who died just now is Xiaoyao Xian himself?

"Master of Wanfa, lead the way. Go to the village where you haven't seen Fu dark tide!" No trace can be found here. Nie Yun can only rely on the village said by Master Wanfa.

If there are signs of fighting in that place, Futianchao is likely to be fake.

Now other things can't be seen, only through these clues to find the truth of things.

Wan Fa dominated the way, and everyone went forward, and soon came to the village.

Like other villages, the villagers inside are dead and have no vitality.

"I and Fu dark tide are separated here. He went over there, I am over here ..."

Wan Fa dominates one finger.

Bian Nieyun looked where he stayed. It's just a part of this village. There are many dead bodies lying there, which is a little different from other places. Even if he comes here, he will stop and observe.

"Let's go around and see if there are any traces left!"

I looked at these bodies for a while. Did not find any obvious clues, Nie Yun ordered.

Everyone is the same as before. Each of them went around the village without leaving their sights, and all places were checked in detail.

"I found no trace!"

"Me too, nothing!"

"It seems that our guess is wrong. They should not have been dropped, but they have really become like that ..."

Uh ...

After a while, everyone returned again, shaking their heads again.

他们 They also inspected this place in detail, and there was no trace of fighting, which shows that Fu dark tide was not taken away or killed.

逍 A Xiaoxianxian didn't leave a trace. The other party may be too strong. Find other excuses to block it. If both of them are like this, it's hard to say.

It seems that ... It was probably true that the attack on Nie Yun's Fu dark tide just now. Both of them were not only betrayed, but they were also dead ...

"its not right……"

Nie Yun's brow frowned and tightened.

He always felt something was wrong, but he couldn't remember.

He is still the previous point of view, do not believe that Fu Anchao and Xiaoyao Xian will attack and kill themselves!

"Well ... when the Emperor Lingxiu didn't see Xiaoyao Xian, he was carefully observing the stone statues. When the master of Wanfa and Fu Anchao lost contact, they were observing these dead bodies ..."

Thinking like electricity, Nie Yun's mind flashed: "Stone statues, these dead bodies ... are very important, far more than anything else. At this time, Xiaoyao Xian and Fu dark tide can turn and leave. Did they find something more important?"

The stone statue and so many corpses, if Nie Yun is here, they will definitely observe them first, but Xiaoyao Xian and others leave without hesitation. What does this indicate?

There must be something more important!

I did n’t leave any traces at the scene. Even if he was extremely clever, he couldn't guess.

"Master, what do you think of?"

Seeing that he had been meditating, everyone didn't dare to bother. After a while, Duan couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing!"

Xie Nieyun didn't tell her guess, but a flick of her wrist, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

Lord of the Dan God!

家伙 When everyone saw the village, Nie Yun was accepted into the world of things. At this time, he encountered so many weird things and could only release it again to see if there could be any new discoveries.

"These villages connect the villages, how did you leave here?"

Nie Yun asked.

There are too many villages in this place. One by one, there are dead people everywhere. If you look for it in this way, you will definitely find nothing, but if you want to break the situation, you must first leave these villages.

"I don't remember ..."

The **** of Luo Dan dominates his face with frustration.

What's in it ~ www.readwn.com ~ he has almost forgotten about it, I really don't remember what it is.

"Since you don't remember, it's useless to keep it, kill you now!"

Xie Nieyun raised her eyebrows, raised her palm and patted it.

The current Dan **** has only five hundred avenues of strength, and the seal is banned on his body. Even the strength of ordinary people cannot be exerted. If this palm really falls on his head, he will die immediately and no one can save it. .

别 "Don't kill me ... I still have use!"

When I saw this palm falling, I was sure to die. The master of Dan Shen was so scared that he almost fainted and shouted out.

"Oh? What's the use?" Nie Yun paused in the palm of his hand, as if the other party was wrong, he just cut it off.

"I ... although I don't remember many people, ... I can take you out of these villages and find the core of the void world!"

The Lord of the Dan God shouted quickly for fear of being killed.

"Find the core of the Void Realm?" Nie Yun stared at each other like eyes.

"Yes!" Dan God dominated his head and nodded hurriedly in fear that he would not believe it.




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 雨 爱 亭". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】 Bring your friends (@ 影 承 @ 新城 神 @ 字 书 文 @ 玉树 琼花 满目 春)

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