Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1705: True and False Nie Yun (below)

Although Duan Yi et al thought that Nie Yun 1 was likely to be true, they did not confirm it blindly, but turned to look at Nie Yun 2.

Two Nie Yun appeared at a glance, comparing so many similarities, even if they did not dare to confirm decisively.

"Who the **** are you? Why even Lian Yuejian can play?"

Nie Yun 2's eyes were like ice, his fists clenched, and the whole person kept shaking: "Li Yuejian is a sword technique that brings together my love and thoughts for my wife. Who are you? Where did you learn these swords? law!"

Lian Yuejian, Nie Yun's swordsmanship created by Lingyue Lingyue, from the first style, although every move is decisive, but it also contains the love of his wife. This set of swordsmanship is an exclusive secret. If others want to learn, they can still learn it. The reason why they don't spread it is because they trust the feelings of the two people. If others learn, it is a blasphemy against Lingtai Moon.

"This set of swordsmanship was created by my thinking of Lingtai Lingyue. It is unique. Do I still need to learn it?" Nie Yun1 looked scornfully and laughed coldly.

"Although I don't know where you stole this set of swordsmanship, why can't they disguise the dummies ... Now, if you really want to solve this problem, you can only rely on strength and means!"

Nie Yun 2 said no more, took a deep breath, a roar of dragon groan, and a long sword was slowly pulled out by him.

"Want to fight with me? Tell you, my Nie Yun has never lost at the same level!"

Nie Yun1 sneered, five fingers danced, the sword trembled, the sword swayed, stood still, with a confident and proud breath. Let everyone feel lost for a moment.

"Nonsense is useless, see the real chapter under your hand!" Nie Yun 2 ignored the other person's breath, and the sword made a circle. Long Yin surging, yet no move, the sky full of swords like the ocean.

"This ... which of them is true?"

"What's the matter?"

"Who should we help?"

Duan Yi and others saw the scene in front of them, one by one, looking pale and about to collapse.

The two Nie Yun are exactly the same, their thoughts, thoughts, and even their actions are the same, as if two were reflected in a mirror. Without a slight gap, how can this be good?

Who should they help. Who should I kill?

Who is true and who is false?

"In this case, Nie Yun himself can only rely on him. He successfully killed the fake. He must have realized that he will take us out of the void, and he was killed by a fake ... We are afraid to stay here forever and never be able Get out! "

The Emperor Lingxiu hesitated.

"Why does this happen? Even in disguise, you can't disguise someone else's tricks ... what the **** is this fake Nie Yun?" Zi Tong can't figure it out until she is ruined.

"The Emperor Lingxiu is right, no matter which one is true now or which is false, I believe that the master will definitely be able to survive this calamity and succeed directly!"

Duan Yi said affirmatively.

"The master will surely succeed ..." Zi Tong was not ruined with blind self-confidence. After a while or shook his head and looked at the past: "What shall we do now?"

"There is no way but to wait for them to decide for themselves. If we intervene, we will only make things worse and worse, and the result will be less than a bit! Once the results appear and the truth is revealed, we can start!"

Lingxiu the Great Road.

"Wait? Can you just open your eyes and watch? This ..." Zi Tong's heart was full of unwillingness.

The master was killed and killed there, but they could only watch and remain indifferent. I can't rest assured.

"The Emperor Lingxiu said yes, we can only do this. There is no other way! Because up to now, we have not confirmed that it is the true master of Nie Yun, and rushed forward, in case a bunch of fake hits really, wouldn't it be bad? Of course, the most important thing is ... "Master Wanfa interjected:" This matter has challenged the authority of Nie Yun. He certainly does not want us to intervene, but wants to solve it by himself. This is ... Bottom line and dignity! "

"Wait a minute, I believe that the true Nie Yun can definitely handle all this!"

Emperor Lingxiu's beautiful face has a certain color.

In her eyes, Nie Yun seemed to become the Shura king who was in the world at that time. He was resolute and decisive, and never conceded in the face of difficulties! Maybe ... Only this kind of person can really stand in the forest of the strong and go further and further!

During the conversation, two Nie Yun had moved.

Nie Yun 2's long sword is cold and radiant, and his body unnaturally reveals a strong murderous spirit. A sword is stabbed, but it is also a moon sword of pity, and it is also the most powerful sword Ling Yun!

In the blink of an eye, everyone's eyes are like a peacock opening the screen, and countless brilliant swordsmans are connected together to form a bright sword cloud.

The clouds hang low, like a cloud of fire that appears obliquely in the setting sun, killing them gathered and roaring.

This sword has reached the peak of a sword Ling Yun. In his hands, it has reached the extreme. Anyone who sees this set of swordsmanship will be speechless in surprise!

Gorgeous and powerful and perfect fusion, if he did not create, relying on learning alone, can not learn!

"Steal my swordsmanship, and I can practice it like this, I really despise you! However, I will let you know right away that stolen swordsmanship is never as good as the original!"

With a long howl, the sword in Nie Yun1's hand was also shot.

Long sword waving, a sword broken, is actually a sword Ling Yun!

Exactly the same trick!

This trick was in his hands, and like Nie Yun 2, it also formed a fiery red sword cloud. The two big clouds collided. The sword gas was scattered under a fierce collision. The surrounding ground and houses exploded layer by layer. Gullies appear on the ground.

"Half-step domination? The two of them can actually do half-step domination?"

"I don't know what means the master can use to exert the power of half-step domination, and the fake can actually use this power. Is the oppression here really useless to them?"

"Not only are their strengths the same, the power of the swordsmanship of the two is exactly the same. No matter the immortal strength, the physical body, or the understanding of swordsmanship, they are exactly the same ... What's going on?"


Duan Yi and others who waited for the result while standing on one side were shocked and felt that their cognition collapsed.

The scene in front of me is terrible!

They don't understand at all.

No matter how strong the camouflage talent is, it is impossible to completely change one person into another!

"Is this void world ... the mirror world?"

Wan Fa master remembered something, eyes full of fear.

"Mirror world? What do you mean?" Zi Tong wasn't ruined, Duan Yi and others focused their eyes at the same time.

The word mirror world they had never heard of.

"I also saw it by chance in an ancient book. It is said that in the ocean of chaos, there is a mirror world. When a person falls into it, a mirror avatar will appear. This avatar has the same strength, memory, and soul as the deity! No one can detect it! "

Wan Fa dominates the Tao.

"Mirror mirror? Is there such a place?"

"You won't joke! Why is there such a place?"

"This is not in conformity with the law of chaotic oceans. It takes a lot of energy to rush out of an extra clone. If a strong king comes to such a place, can there be a clone? If so, will the entire chaotic ocean collapse? ? "

The crowd was shocked at first, then puzzled and unbelievable.

All energy of the chaotic ocean follows a certain law, and it is impossible to appear out of thin air or disappear from thin air!

It ’s okay for the weak to appear mirrored, what about the strong? There are only four strong kings in the entire Chaos Ocean. Once there is one more, will the entire ocean be destroyed because it cannot bear it?

Really like this, not to mention that this void world is just an ordinary small world, and if it does not reach the level of the supreme realm, even if it has reached it, it will certainly not be able to withstand the pressure and directly explode.

"I don't know about this ~ www.readwn.com ~ I just accidentally saw it and didn't care about it, but if this is not a mirror world, why are there such two powerful Nie Yun masters?"

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Wan Fa master did not explain too much, but transferred the problem to Nie Yun who was fighting again.


Everyone was holding back.

Indeed, if this is not a mirror world, why are there two identical Nie Yuns? Can't even tell them?

"If there is a mirror world ... don't we also have our mirror clones?"

Zi Tong does not destroy the sudden socket.


Everyone's face changed at the same time, and the pupils suddenly contracted.

(Happy New Year everyone, happy family!) (To be continued)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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