Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1706: Mirror Double

Yes indeed!

If this is a mirror world, there are two Nie Yun, naturally there will be two of them!

This is normal reasoning, without even thinking about it!

When they said just now, they did not expect that at this time Zi Tong did not destroy the proposal, and everyone immediately felt a cold heart. +


Everyone looked at each other, one after another, showing a sense of vigilance, blinking their eyes, the people who were still close before, suddenly became rusty.

Mirror surface Nie Yun can appear in the mirror world, and they can certainly appear in the mirror world ... Who knows whether this person is true or not?

What if ... it's fake?

There was sweat on the back of the crowd.

"Don't be busy and nervous, we will be trusted along the way! If there is a mirror, I am afraid it has already appeared, and we have already attacked!" Seeing that everyone was so vigilant, they lost trust and Lingxiu screamed.

"That's right, all of our attention was focused on the real and fake Nie Yun. If we were attacked by a mirror attack, one or two would be killed or injured. No one would say that everyone is trustworthy!"

Wan Fa ruled Ye Tao.

After hearing this, Duan Yi and Zi Tong hesitated without breaking, and nodded.

Indeed, if the mirror avatars are really mixed among them, they must have already started, and it is unlikely that they will not show up now.

"Mirror world, mirror avatar ... You said ... Is it the avatar and Fu dark tide that died before?

Make sure everyone is fine, Duan also suddenly remembered something, and said.


The crowd held again.

The previous Fu dark tide and Xiaoyao Xian were too weird. They all think that they are possessed by evil spirits. Is this not the case at all? The two are actually mirror mirrors?

"It's very possible! The mirror clone dominated by Nie Yun. Send a message to the two of them quietly and let them leave, they will certainly not doubt, and then tricked into a place where no one would kill or stun ... Then use the clone to replace it. Take the opportunity to sneak attack ... "

With the beginning of Duan Yi, everyone immediately understood, and clues hovered in his head. Everyone quickly figured out the key.

Could it be that the weird scene in front is actually made by the mirror of Nie Yun in front of him?

"Because they are mirror avatars and have the same thinking ability as us. It is not difficult to predict in advance which village we are going to and kill them in advance!" Duan also continued.

Everyone's thinking is coherent and follows certain rules. Others don't understand. But for me, it is not difficult.

The mirror avatar and the deity have the same thinking. It is very simple to predict the idea in advance, when to stop, and when to stop. It is very simple, and then kill the people in the village one minute in advance. There is no mystery in the imagination.

"That's it! I was scared for so long. To put it bluntly, it's worthless!" Zi Tong hummed.

Everyone nodded at the same time.

This interpretation can perfectly explain the many strange events before. No more doubts.

"It seems that the killing of the Lord Dan before also refers to the killing of the mirror clone!" When the Lingxiu Emperor remembered that he had just entered the Nether Realm, the words of the Lord Dan God said again.

"Yes, it must be so, only to say that everything in front of you can be explained!"

Duan Yidao.

Only the mirror world can explain all the problems, and explain why the Lord of the Gods would say that, why the Futianchao and Xiaoyaoxian suddenly became killers, and why there are two inseparable parts of Nie Yun.

"Actually ... I still have a doubt. If it is a mirror world, a mirror avatar can be produced. The avatar is exactly the same as our thinking. Why do we design us?"

The Emperor Lingxiu seemed to remember something, Tao.


Everyone was silent again.

Indeed, if it is a mirror world, if you can copy the exact same avatar and think the same, you will definitely not have radical ideas, why should you kill the deity?

"I'm also a bit surprised when you say that. Since it is a mirror copy and the deity is killed, he certainly won't exist. Doesn't this amount to suicide?"

Duan also thought of this problem.

The mirror just reflects the object, and it will not appear out of thin air. How could the so-called mirror avatar survive to death?

Doing it in tandem ... Is it just for suicide?

This is impossible!

"It seems ... there is something wrong with the mirror world, or ... there is something we don't understand!" After thinking about it for a while, Master Wan shook his head.

It seems that this place is not as simple as the mirror world.

"The master should have guessed something, otherwise, after Futan Chao, Xiaoyao Xian, and others blew themselves up, there could not be much sadness!"

Zi Tong does not ruin the road.

"Yes, what Nie Yun dominated should be what he found. Well, let's wait for his victory over his avatar instead of arrogantly here and explain to us. I believe he can succeed!"

Lingxiu the Great Road.

"Let's wait for the host to explain to us, but before that, I want to tell you something!" Duan also paused, and suddenly waved his palm, laid out a restraint, and conveyed to everyone: "The host has appeared The avatars of Fu Anchao and Xiaoyao Xian, even if it is not a mirror world, there will be people who are exactly like us! In order to prevent us from making mistakes, I hope to say a secret word! Let us know each other!"

"The secret word? Yes! The other party is a clone, and may know the previous memories and events, it is impossible to know what is happening now! Let's say, what secret word?" Zi Tong did not ruin and others' eyes brightened.

The mirror facet is formed as soon as it enters the world. Knowing the previous memories and hiding in the dark, you can observe their actions and know what happened, but you definitely don't know the secret word formed by this quiet transmission!

As long as the words are remembered, those who can speak the words must be true, so everyone will be free from danger.

"Since the mirror avatar can figure out when we enter the village, I'm afraid we can figure out the code word we can think of!" Duan also continued: "Well, this code word could not be thought of by a few of us ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's up to the host! "

"You say that Nie Yun is the master? He is fighting, how to formulate the code word? Besides, you know that they are true? What if the code word is false?"

The Emperor Lingxiu was speechless.

It was no problem for Nie Yun to formulate a secret word, but ... Now they do n’t even know which Nie Yun is, how do they ask?

"Oh, I said it was decided by the master, and I did n’t say to ask him. My thought is that from now on, after the three breaths, the master uses whatever tricks he uses as a secret word, and everyone remembers it. , Don't say anything! "

Duan also expressed his thoughts.

"it is good!"

Everyone's eyes brightened and they nodded at the same time.

(New Year's Day, Lao Ya does not rest, ask everyone to ask for a red envelope, if you have a red envelope, give Lao Ya a point, hehehe!) (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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