Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1707: General chess

Duan Yi and others inferred that Nie Yun 1 and Nie Yun 2 did not know. At this time, they were fighting and they had reached the stage of fever!

As they guessed, the two's tricks were exactly the same. There was no difference at all, no matter whether it was Pity Moon Swordsmanship or other tricks. They were dazzling and innumerable.

Moreover, the power in their bodies seems to be inexhaustible. The aftermath of the battle is stirred up, sweeping the entire village to the ground, and outputting according to this power, let alone dominate in half a step. Even if it is truly dominated, it will definitely be exhausted for so long. It's no good, but the two of them are still trembling and don't see a trace of exhaustion!

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Lian Yuejian couldn't win against each other, and the two of them had the skills of dialogue in Duan Yi and others. They successively exhibited hundreds of swordsmanships, each of which was earth-shattering and thrown into a place like Guixuhai, which was enough to become a school master. .

Such a powerful trick is still indistinguishable.

"I see how powerful you are!"

Nie Yun 1 hissed, his left hand turned over another sword and appeared in the palm of his hand, his hands were dexterous, and the two swords pierced simultaneously.

Double sword!

Talented Masters!

"Huh!" Nie Yun 2 didn't talk nonsense, and his left hand moved, and a sword appeared like the other.

The two swords danced, and the left and right hands exhibited very different sword tricks at the same time. The tricks gathered in the air to form a storm.

"Double swords!"

Seeing this scene, Duan also waited and nodded at the same time.

Although Nie Yun's tricks are not known. But the double swords dance, the secret word is called double swords!

The two swords collided, and one side exhibited different tricks. The other side must use other tricks to crack, the two fight again for a long time, still difficult to distinguish between.

"If you continue to fight like this, even if you play for another ten years, you can't tell the difference ..."

Seeing this, the Emperor Lingxiu and others could not help frowning.

The mirror world's avatar and the deity have the same memory, strength, and thinking ... If they fight like this, they are fighting against themselves. Never win or lose!

Because of any of your tricks, the other party knows. What tricks do you want to make, the other party can also guess ... how to fight like this

"What to do? We don't know which one is true and how to help ..." Duan Yi waited with sorrow.

The battle in this case seems to never be able to tell the difference. But they couldn't help, and anxiety was useless.

"We can see that they can't separate the victory and defeat through battle, and they certainly know that we might as well let them stop first, and then find a way to tell who is real and who is fake, and then make plans!"

Lingxiu the Great Road.

"Well, yes, this is a good way!" Duan Yi's eyes brightened.

Look at the current situation. Unless these two Nie Yuns are exhausted, if they continue to fight like this, they will not be able to tell the difference. And if they want to help, they must distinguish who is real and who is not. Instead of letting them continue fighting, it is better to stop and tell the truth.

"Come on! My defense is the best, I can block the impact of their power!" Make a decision. Zi Tong refused to destroy her responsibility and stepped forward.

"Two. I don't know which one of you is my master, but if you fight like this, you can't tell the winner anyway. It's better to stop fighting and tell who is true or false!"

Zi Tong does not ruin the sound.

"Don't tell the truth? No, I still have a trick, I don't believe that this trick can't kill him!" Nie Yun 2 ignored Zi Tong's unshakable shout, a long howl, his body swayed, countless vitality gathered in his body, blinking his figure One becomes two, two becomes three.

Sanqing in one gas!

The trick Nie Yun learned in Futian continent was three incarnations, and the combat power was tripled in an instant!

This trick is one of his tricks at the bottom of the box. After entering the Xieyue Supreme Realm, he has never taught others or performed it in front of outsiders. However, everyone who has seen it is basically dead. At this time, he is compelled to show it. The two avatars together with the deity form a trio of talents. The breath passes through and a cycle is formed between breathing. The combat power immediately improves several times. At this time, even if you encounter a half-step dominate the big three strong players, you can fight!


"Incarnate three avatars of the same strength?"

"What is this trick? I know. I have seen this trick from the owner. At that time, using this trick to force the dried blood ancestor into the chaos meditation bottle was a unique trick!"

"Incarnate three avatars of the same strength. Is this talent really dominated by Nie Yun?"


The Emperor Lingxiu and others were obviously surprised by this unique trick of Nie Yun 2. This trick is not simply a three-person, improving twice the combat power. The most important thing is that the three people have the same mind, harmony and strength More than doubled!

"Whether it's true ... it's harder to tell now!"

"This is ..."

Everyone smiled bitterly.

Originally, they could not separate the two Nie Yun, but now they are four, only to be dazzled.

"Haha, why do I use three tricks in one gasification? I will also!" Nie Yun 1 stunned, then laughed, and his body became three.

Six Nie Yun confronted each other, and the situation broke out.

"How did you do this? Damn!" Nie Yun2 apparently did not expect that the other party would even do this, his face was low, and his eyebrows frowned.

Fighting two by two, you ca n’t tell the difference between victory and defeat, and now the number has increased. The real fight is almost the same. It is difficult to win!

"The two methods are exactly the same. Continue to fight, and we still can't tell the difference. We might as well solve the current situation first, find a way to leave and say!" Seeing the two stopped, Zi Tong said again without ruining.

"Okay, since we can't tell the difference, don't fight anymore!"

The six Nie Yun looked at each other. Although they were unwilling, they knew that they had no choice but to stop. All of them flickered and closed.

"Two of you, the master of Wanfa just said a new discovery. This place may be a mirror world. Upon entering, there will be an identical mirror avatar!" Seeing that the two did not continue to fight, Zi Tong did not destroy the relief, Speak out what everyone has just discussed: "This mirrored avatar has the same strength, temperament, strength, and memory as the deity! So, it cannot be distinguished by virtue of fighting!"

"Mirror mirror? Mirror world? That's it!"

Nie Yun 2 suddenly realized.

"It turned out to be a mirror world. No wonder he has the same strength and tricks as me!" Nie Yun nodded.

Seeing that they were not fighting, Duan also took a step forward: "One of the two must be true, and one of them is fake. We really have no way. I don't know how you can tell?"

"Let's distinguish?" The two Nie Yun stunned at the same time, then looked at Duan Yi, their eyes were full of relief.

In this situation, only the deity knows that he is real, but when he says it, others must not believe it. Even Duan Yi and others have no way to help.

After all, the two had exactly the same memory, tricks, and appearance, and they couldn't tell the difference.

Since you can't tell the difference, you can't tell the difference and throw the puzzle back!

In this way, the fake ones can only cooperate in order not to be discovered, let alone really, as long as the time is ripe, they will definitely be found out.

Being able to come up with this method in a short time, I have to say that Duan Ye really did his best.

"The memories are the same. Certain things in memory cannot be discerned. In that case, I don't see them at first. Let's find a way out together. If anyone doesn't want to leave this mirror world ... it is naturally fake!"

Nie Yun 2 laughed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Don't tell first? Yeah! "Nie Yun1 moved his eyes and nodded:" My opinion is also to find a way out first, as long as I find a way to leave, the fake nature is revealed! "

"Okay, that's it!"

Seeing that the two were not fighting, they also had to find a way out. Duan also waited for relief, and secretly nodded.

The mirror avatars of these two people must know the secrets of this world. In order to prevent leakage, this guy must try to pretend not to know and try to cover up. As long as you pay attention, you will definitely find something!

If he didn't hide it, but instead helped everyone find a way out, he would be digging his own grave!

Even if you do n’t help and choose neutral, there is a real help from Nie Yun!

Therefore, no matter from which aspect, this is the best way, one step best general chess, let fake Nie Yun do or not do! (To be continued)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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