Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1708: The Secret of the Sacrificial Stand

"This trick can make the fake Nie Yun dominate crazy, no need to separate the victory and defeat! I am afraid that this later Nie Yun dominate may be true!"

These reasons, it is difficult not to speak out, it is worth noting a word, the Emperor Lingxiu nodded involuntarily.

Nie Yun 2 proposed this trick, pointing directly at the fake Nie Yun, making him uncomfortable, most likely he was real.

"It's not necessarily. Maybe he's fake. He deliberately put forward this trick and actually prepared for it ... No one can do anything, even help the weak!" Duan Yi hesitated Just a moment, said.

"He is right, we should protect the protection, we should help also help!" Wan Fa master nodded.

Although Nie Yun 2 is right and the general chess is very hot, it does not prove that he is real. A fake one may use this trick to retreat and advance, and defeat the winner!

So, before it is impossible to determine who the true Nie Yun is, everything is possible.

"I think so too, as long as I find the exit, the false inevitable shape will be revealed, and I can no longer hide it. At that time, I see what else you have to say!" Nie Yun1's eyes brightened and he immediately agreed with Nie Yun2's opinion No hesitation.

"Then ... how to find the exit? It's up to two people!" Emperor Lingxiu threw the problem over.

"The Lord of the Dan God said before that this altar involved the method of leaving here, I think we should first study this and make plans!"

Nie Yun 2.

Although the two were fighting fiercely just now. The entire village was destroyed, but the altar was not damaged in any way, even those sacrificed spirits. Still kneeling in place, did not move.

Everyone knows that the altar is the key to leaving. Once there is a problem, it must become the first object of suspicion. Therefore, Nie Yun 1 or 2 deliberately restrained the power. The surroundings are badly damaged, but here is safe and sound.

"I mean it too!" Nie Yun1 looked down. His eyebrows jumped, but he recovered as before, his body stretched, and he flew towards the altar first.

"Hey!" Watch his move. Nie Yun 2 raised the corner of his mouth.

Everything ... everything is completely in the plan.

聂 This Nie Yun 2 is naturally true. Wan Fa's master suddenly disappeared, and he knew that the other party had shot again. He quietly followed Duan Yi and others, waiting for the opportunity to appear.

After the false appearance of Nie Yun, he did not appear in a hurry, but looked first to confirm the other party's intention.

See each other confused. Everyone will think that he is real, that he is false, and have a plan in mind. Only then did it deliberately come up and make the previous scene.

Fighting with the opponent, trying to show that his strength is exactly the same as him, and Nie Yun changed his mind.

Since the other party appears in this void world, he must be very familiar with it, and use him to leave here. Definitely the best way!

That's why I just said that.

Mirror world thing. He had guessed it before, but there was still a little doubt in his mind.

前 The top ten Dantians, the rules of the chaotic ocean, it is difficult to have the second one at the same time, especially the first and second Dantians are extremely terrible. Even if the mirror world is special, it is impossible to change out of thin air!

As long as it doesn't change, he has a way to kill the other party and leave here!

Because he has intentionally left a means, it has not been used until now!

With this self-confidence, everything else becomes simpler, but this fake Nie Yun can't beheaded for the time being, and he still has to rely on him to find the void and leave the place, so he deliberately pretended to be in anger but was not burned. Any way to crack the identity of the other party, confuse the other party, and let the other party willingly contribute the secret.

Of course, he can only know these things. One person knows more, and one more danger, so no one told, even if Duan Yi et al. Did n’t know, they thought it was really difficult to distinguish between true and false. .

"Hum, do you want me to find a clue to prove it quickly? Dream, tell you, I must find it before you!"

The thoughts flickered in his mind, and Nie Yun smiled slightly, and flew to the altar behind the fake Nie Yun.

(Nie Yun 1 is false, hereafter called false Nie Yun)

"What shall we do?" Zi Tong looked at Duan Yi without ruining it.

"No need to do anything, just follow them. The real master must have thought of it for a long time. We just need to do it!" Duan Yi laughed.

"Go, catch up!" Master Wanfa nodded, followed closely behind the two Nie Yun, and flew towards the altar.

The sacrifice sacrifice, as before, with a special sacrifice sound, listening to your ears, makes people dizzy.

Nie Yun stood on the altar, looked at the fake Nie Yun who was pretending to look closely along the altar, smiled slightly, and looked at the stele in front of him.

The stone stele is made of unknown ore. It is black, with blue-green light, and three large characters and three portraits are written on the front.

The three words “” look like earthworms and traces of piercing into the soul, forming a special gully. Even if he is trained to be like the sea, Tianer Master's talents can understand the eight dialects, but he still has no clue and is confused.

"Talent of the Eye Master!"

The spirit is highly concentrated, and the talent of Tianyanshi is running. He carefully looks at the three characters and three pictures. These fonts and pictures do not see anything, but his eyes fall on the stele and his eyebrows are wrinkled, so that he can see some problems.

"What are these thin line breaths?"

Above the stele, fine lines converge in all directions, slowly falling down, forming a special formation, slowly integrating into the center of the stele.

细 These thin lines have a special breath. When Ning Yun's face touched his spirit, his face suddenly sank.

"This is ... the spirit of the dead?"

This weird breath, gathered from all directions, is not a heaven and earth aura, but ... the soul spirit emanating from those dead people before!

Everyone has essence, energy, and god. These things will disappear after death, but some people can use special methods to gather these things. For example, those who practice evil skills usually use some special magic weapons ~ www.readwn.com ~ Soul-inducing chanting, soul-setting flags, and soul-catching charms ... Consume the spirit of mankind, and use it to improve the quality of magic weapons or cultivate by yourself.

These evil skills are based on the killing of numerous practitioners as a way to improve their strength, just like the original Dan God dominated, for the purpose of refining the ancient Dan God ship, killing the souls in countless worlds and improving the quality of the ancient ship.

前 The scene in front of him is very similar to this. There were many people who died in the village before. He was still wondering why he killed so many people just to cause them panic?

Now it seems that this is not so simple, I am afraid it has a lot to do with this altar!

的 The life in these villages should be bred “sacrifice”, which can have a great effect. Once the time is ripe, it will be beheaded and killed, and all their “Essence of Qi” will converge on this sacrifice platform to form special nourishment!


"This void world is not as simple as you think!"

I want to understand this, Nie Yun is more vigilant.

(Woohoo, I do n’t have a network when I go back to my hometown, I can only use my mobile phone to upload, but Laoya will not stop changing, and will continue to work hard. When I get home on the sixth day, the update on the seventh day will be restored, and it will even break out. Hope everyone understands! By the way, please recommend Ticket, monthly pass!)




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 雨 爱 亭". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】 Bring your friends (@ 影 承 @ 新城 神 @ 字 书 文 @ 玉树 琼花 满目 春)

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