Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1709: See you not hooked!

Nie Yun's eyes fell on the stone tablet again.

的 The thin lines formed by "Essence of Qi" are all concentrated on the three characters and three pictures above the stele. With the increasing number of thin lines, the stele has a special breath.

"This is ... the smell of ancient corpses?"

Qi Nieyun's heart was cold.

These spirits gathered on the stele, and after a special formation, they actually produced a smell of "ancient corpse".

What is he most afraid of? Definitely these eccentric corpses of unknown origin.

I originally thought that the void world had nothing to do with these things, but it seems that this is not the case.

的 The things gathered by the spirit of the dead body gradually formed the atmosphere of the ancient corpse, which became more and more dense. The three pictures with the same face in front of it seemed to become more vivid.

如果 "If you know what these three words are, what do these pictures mean ... maybe you can unlock the secret here!"

I looked for a while and found that there was still no clue, Nie Yun thought.

三个 These three words and pictures are the key, but unfortunately I do n’t understand. If I can understand them all, I am afraid that all problems will be solved.

"Yes, I don't understand, doesn't mean this guy doesn't understand!"

Suddenly, as soon as his heart moved, Nie Yun's eyes brightened, and he turned his head to look not far away, a fake Nie Yun who was intensively studying.

既然 Since this guy was born in this world. I definitely know this world very well, I don't know, I don't know these fonts and drawings. Doesn't mean this guy doesn't know!

I just ... he knew and wouldn't say it, but he had to figure it out ...


I was thinking, a few beeps in the air, Duan Yi, Lingxiu, and others flew over, stood not far away, and did not observe, focusing on the two one by one.

Look at them. I also know that even if I study, I can't study anything. Instead of pinning my hopes on Zhen Nieyun. By the way, look closely to see if you can find clues.

As soon as he turned his eyes, Nie Yun had a plan in his mind and moved forward. Gently rubbing my fingers over the three large characters and pictures in front of my eyes, stroking along the ditch, slowly, seems to feel the subtle changes in the typeface, looking for the meaning of the typeface and the picture.

Seeing his concentration, when Fake Nie Yun's face sank, he hurried over to his right hand, stroking his chin, a thoughtful look.

"That's it!"

I don't know how long it took. Nie Yun stroking typefaces and pictures suddenly blinked, as if he knew something, his whole body was shaking with excitement. Haha laughed.


Seeing his expression, everyone had a strange look on his face.

Even a fake Nie Yun flashed a doubt in his eyes, staring closely, and seemed to want to see what he was thinking through his eyes.

"It can't be true or false, it can't be true. I don't believe you're still uncovered this time!"

I glanced at fake Nie Yun, and Nie Yun's mouth raised. There was a strong provocation in his eyes.

Looking at his expression and appearance, he seems to have full confidence to find out the flaws and loopholes of the other party in one fell swoop.

不错 "Yes, false can't be true, really can't be fake! I'm the real Nie Yun, even if you say it's a flower, it's useless!"

Fake Nie Yun Lengheng.

自然 At this time, naturally cannot show weakness, otherwise, the former achievements will be abandoned.

"Really? It depends on who has the ability!"

Nie Yun smiled again, no longer paying attention to fake Nie Yun, but turned to look at Duan Yi and others.

"Look at your actions, neither observe nor study. I should have a plan in my heart. If I guess well, I hope that Nie Yun can help you solve the problem and take you away from here!"

不错 "Yes, my host is extremely intelligent. If we can leave this place, it must be what he finds and leads us out!"

Tong Zitong didn't destroy and didn't know what Nie Yun meant. When he heard this, he said in a stern voice, with a blind worship of Nie Yun in his words.

After many things before, Nie Yun has established the omnipotent impression in his mind. In his opinion, as long as he is there, he can certainly lead everyone to leave without any problems.

"I also think so, the host can certainly lead us out!" Although he did not know what Nie Yun was asking, what did Duan also nodded after him.

"Do you think so too?"

二 These two expressed their attitudes, and Nie Yun's eyes fell on Emperor Wanfa and Emperor Lingxiu.

"Yes!" The two nodded.

"Well, now that you think so, I'm assured!" Nie Yun smiled lightly: "After the research just now, I have fully understood the meaning of these typefaces and these pictures on the stele, as long as I can say it, is it right? Can show that I am real? "


Stunned everyone.

"To be honest, we have also seen this stele. These typefaces and pictures are very different from the expressions in the Three Realms. We ca n’t study them at all. If you can really tell the meaning, we also think that there is nothing wrong. It should prove that you Really! "Lingxiu the Great Road.

"If it can be said, of course it is true. We do not understand it. Only our master can understand. This is a fact! The one that cannot be researched must be false!"

Tong Zitong does not destroy the interface.

"The master has different talents. Although this monument is strange and strange, he should be able to understand it!" Duan Yi pondered for a moment and nodded.

Although it is too hasty to take such a thing as the criterion, it is still a sure way.

"Well, now that you all think so, I am ugly. Although the fonts and pictures on the stele are hard to understand ~ www.readwn.com ~, but after my careful analysis, I still found clues. Now say Come out to you, as long as you confirm that it is true, and hope to be able to work with me to kill this fake! "

Nie Yun yelled.

"You say it first!" Duan also did not understand what he meant, looked at it in doubt, and waved his hand.

好 "Okay, let me say these three words first, meaning ..."

Seeing that everyone's emotions were mobilized, Nie Yun smiled slightly and said lightly, but was interrupted before the words were finished.

慢 "Slow! The meaning of these three words and pictures, I also found out, if I can also say the meaning ... I wonder how to judge?

False Nie Yundao.

"Did you find it too? This ..."

Everyone looked at each other.

How can the two people find out at the same time?

It's a bit tricky!

"At the same time, I discovered that whoever speaks first will be true!"

Nie Yunyi's right words, although the excitement in his mouth, a smile flashed in his eyes.

Boy, look at you!

(The second year of Lao Ya is still in the code, please watch me for such hard work, vote for a recommendation, monthly pass!) [To be continued, this text is provided by the flash **** group @ 影 承 提供 带上 @ 听风 的 狼 @字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波】

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