Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1710: 3 generations

"Who says it first? No! So whoever speaks first will definitely take advantage!" Fake Nie Yun directly refused.

What's the joke? Whoever said first, who is true, you yelled for so long, let you say first, wouldn't it be judged that I was a fake?

"What do you say then?"

Nie Yun raised her eyebrows.

"Simple, whoever is right is true!" Fake Nie Yundao.

可以 "Yes, but if I finish, you imitate my answer, what should I do?" Nie Yun hummed.

"I imitate you? Huh! I also said that you imitate me!" The false Nie Yun was resigned.

"Well, don't quarrel with each other. In this way, one of you will tell the answer to Master Wanfa and Emperor Lingxiu, and the other one will tell me and Zitong not to destroy the two. Then we will be separated The answer is exactly the same, the two of you are equal, and the two are inconsistent. The four of us studied and thought that who is right may be true! "Duan Yidao.


Nie Yun's face was embarrassed, pretending to be reluctant.

"No problem, I agree!" Look at his expression, fake Nie Yun smiled: "You will not be afraid! If you are not confident about yourself, it means that you are fake!"

"Hum, who is true and who is false, they will make judgments, not your wishful thinking is useful!" Nie Yun waved his hand.

"Let ’s just go and see, rest assured, I will soon reveal your true colors and let you know how powerful I am!"

Fake Nie Yun's mouth raised.

"Well, since it is so decided, let's start, Zi Tong will not ruin you and follow me, please, go here!"

Luan Duan also looked to Nie Yun.

好 "Okay, I hope you can arrange a little restraint later, don't let this guy overhear my secret!"

Nie Yundao.

"Rest assured, I have already thought about it. After a while, you will know what is printed on the jade card, both of us observe at the same time, and then exchange and compare, so even if he can see it, he will never find it!"

Sections are also arranged.

"it is good!"

Nie Yun no longer said more, followed behind and walked outward.

Soon the three came to a secret place, and Duan also arranged a ban to cover the three.

"We don't know whether you are true or false, you ca n’t salute, and we still hope to forgive" Duan Yi also bowed: "Troublesome to tell you what you found!"

I finished and handed a jade card: "Just print it!"

"it is good!"

Xie Nieyun smiled slightly, and a thought was printed.

Seeing him move so fast, Duan Yi and Zi Tong did not destroy it. They only took a look at the jade card, and both looked pale.

I saw four words written on it "I don't know!"

"You are playing with us?" Duan Yi Lengheng.

"Oh, I don't know, it doesn't mean that the other party doesn't know, then the two of you will cooperate!" Nie Yun passed the thought together.

"We don't even know if you are true or false, what to do with you ..." Zi Tong stared without breaking her eyes, and before she finished speaking, she saw Duan Yi holding his sleeve.

"What's wrong?" Zi Tong was not destroyed, but was interrupted by Duan Yi: "Well, you don't have to worry about this, it's up to me!"

After speaking, I looked at Nie Yun carefully and seemed to understand something. He secretly held out his thumbs, and the three returned to the altar.

刚 They just stood in front of the stone monument, and the masters of Wanfa, the Emperor Lingxiu and others also came to them.

"This is his explanation. I didn't expect these three words to have such meaning! I am afraid this void world is not as simple as what we call the mirror world!"

Emperor Wu Lingxiu was holding strange jade cards in his hands, full of strange emotions.

The Jade Jade Brand describes the false Nie Yun's explanation.

"Let me see if he is the same!"

Duan Yi looked indifferent, took the jade card, swept his spirit, his skin twitched a few times, and then calmed down. He squeezed the palm of Nie Yun's jade card and passed it: "You Look, what they said was exactly the same! "


Master Wanwan and Emperor Lingxiu took the jade card. Looking at it, his face was dignified: "It is exactly the same, not even a word!"

"This ... how is that possible, I don't believe it, I want to check what he records!"

Nie Yun yelled.

"I want to check him too!" Fake Nie Yun also hummed.

"Okay, this is each other's, you see for yourself!"

Yi Duan Yi and Ling Xiu the Great handed over the jade cards respectively.

I took the jade card, Nie Yun's spirit swept away, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Just now his jade card was written "I don't know". Obviously, Duan also understood what he meant. He deliberately looked at the other party's jade card first and changed the words "I don't know" to the other party's content.

以来 Since then, it is tantamount to doing nothing and putting out what the other party knows.

Others do n’t know it, and naturally do n’t doubt it.

"Three monuments! The three words on the stele are actually three monuments! What do you mean?"

I glanced at the handwriting left by fake Nie Yun, and his thoughts flickered in his mind.

The description of the three words left by the other party on the jade card is actually "the monument to the third generation". Below is that picture, not a triplet, but three lifetimes!

Thirty-three represents the previous, this, and the next life!

The predecessor was like struggling, trying desperately to rush out, but helpless, fate was doomed and could not be changed, as if the first person in the picture was caught in the ocean, countless thin lines entangled his body and could not escape.

The flowers in this life are beautiful and timely, but they seem to be giving up and lost their way. Although they are rich and beautiful, they cannot find the other shore, as recorded in the second painting.

第三 As for the third picture, it represents the afterlife, and there are many unknowns. Therefore, it is more difficult to find it, and my heart is completely lost ~ www.readwn.com ~ I ca n’t even remember it!

Three words "Three Monuments!", Three paintings, past, present, future! Past, present, past!

If you don't know this, I'm afraid I won't be able to think of it for a few more years! It's no wonder that Emperor Lingxiu will have such feelings. This is no longer inference, but incredible.

The two Duan Yiyi knew the real situation, and when they understood this, they were all shocked and dazed, and they were also speechless for Nie Yun's intelligence.

Now they can identify this Nie Yun 2 and it must be true Nie Yun, but since the other party is unwilling to indicate his identity, and pretending to be inseparable from him, he must have plans! Therefore, they do not say much, and they will not put it up stupidly.

"The content of the two of them is exactly the same, and it is still difficult to separate. In my opinion, it is still impossible to tell who is true and who is false!"

I know what to do, Duan Yi said with a look of depression.

"Yeah, the two have the same point of view, they really can't tell the difference ..." Master Wanfa and Lingxiu Emperor didn't know it was a strategy, but thought they could not tell the difference, but nodded helplessly.


Fake Nie Yun yelled.




◇ [To be continued. "This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 雨 爱 亭". If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe for rewards, your support is the author's greatest motivation. 】 Bring your friends (@ 影 承 @ 新城 神 @ 字 书 文 @ 玉树 琼花 满目 春)

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