Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1711: Who beheaded?

\"what happened?\"

\ "He does not have his soul breath on this jade brand news, but Duan Yi, can you two explain to me, what is going on? \" Fake Nie Yunheng.

\ "This ... \" 段 亦 \ "slightly !!"

He printed the message he saw on the jade plate. Although the **** did not know the ghost, he used his soul to portray some traces. Such traces are difficult to detect without careful observation and careful study for a moment. , You can find the cat.

Nie Yun should trace the traces, but they have become Duan Yi, who would feel strange if they changed.

\ "Yes, Duan Yi, what's the matter?" Wan Fazhu and Lingxiu the emperor also saw this problem, and at the same time he focused his eyes.

\ "Yes ... \" Duan also wanted to explain, but didn't know how to speak.

\ "Haha, what's going on? Of course, Duan also recognized my true identity, knowing that you are fake, so I deliberately helped me, rest assured, I will soon let the Master of Wanfa and the Emperor Lingxiu recognize me ! \ "

\ "Recognize your identity? Just dream! I'm real, Duan Yi, Zi Tong's not ruining is not an unidentified person, and I will definitely not believe you! \"

Fake Nie Yun Lengheng, despite the coldness in his mouth, the color of doubt in his eyes has disappeared.

\ "Great!" Duan Yi was relieved to see the fake expression of Nie Yun, and secretly sighed.

It is indeed the master. This move is based on retreating, which not only dispels the other party's doubts, but also makes them vigilant. The idea throws more means to everyone's approval.

\ "Although we wrote the same, but I said it in advance, indicating that I guessed it faster than him. Is it already possible to prove that I am true? \"

Nie Yun continued.

\ "I didn't have time to say it, but you were the first to say it. This doesn't prove anything! We have tied this up at most!" "Others haven't answered yet, and fake Nie Yun went on:" Anyone who can find a way to leave here and say it first. Completely accurate, can it prove to be true! \ "

\ "I agree with this proposal, our host can recognize even the Three Monuments, and the way out must be able to find out. Who can find the first way to leave this place, I will definitely help him deal with another one! \"

Duan should also take the stand first.

\ "I think the same! \" Zi Tong did not ruin it.

\ "The two of us have the same meaning, and Nie Yun can surely find a way out! \" The Emperor Lingxiu glanced at Duan Yi and the two Nie Yun, thoughtfully, a moment later, said.

\ "I agree too! \" Three of the four agreed, and the master of Wanfa said nothing and nodded.

\ "Since everyone agrees. This is so settled! You two are looking, we are also looking, don't let us compare!"

Duan Yi also laughed. Yila Zitong did not destroy the two and looked for it along the stone tablet.

Lord Dan said that leaving this place requires going through the altar. With this guidance, things are a lot easier.

Seeing that things went so smoothly, Nie Yun smiled slightly. He didn't look at the stele and didn't look for clues. Instead he thought about it in place.

The monument to the Third World, represents the third world ... Could it be that this guy in front of him is not his mirror copy, but ... the previous life, the next life?

Yes, if you say so, many things will make sense.

Mirror mirror, it is difficult to copy the top ten Dantian, especially the main Dantian, past life, this life, the next life is different!

The body of the third generation, representing the three reincarnations, has exactly the same conditions and is understandable.

\ "I was born again, the previous life only reached the peak of the Dantian acupoint, and it was not weak in the floating continent. It is too bad here. It cannot be the one in front. This guy is probably the so-called afterlife. ! \ "

Thinking in his heart, Nie Yun reasoned carefully.

With Sansheng III as the foundation, things become very simple.

One lifetime, one dry and one glory, is different from the simple mirror avatar.Although the mirror avatar is very powerful, it is at most similar to Yiqi Sanqing.It is impossible for Dantian to have the same ability.

The strength of this guy is exactly the same as himself.

This life is going on, because the master Dan Tian has been triggered, the previous life has also experienced it, it is impossible to have the current strength, so it can only explain one problem ... this guy in front of him is most likely to be the afterlife!

The next life cannot be seen, it is impossible to predict, and it is impossible to judge, this is the most difficult! \ "

\ "I know he is the afterlife, how can I deal with it? \"

Confirm the identity of the opponent, and also think carefully about how to defeat the opponent.

\ "He is my afterlife, and is essentially myself. He can infer my actions and behaviors in advance, so he can kill people in the village in advance, even I can't see it! \"

Nie Yun thought: \ "But now I deliberately use strategies, but the other side didn't see it, and I couldn't feel his inner change, which means that he intentionally closed the heart, so that we are each other as individuals, and no one can influence who! So much the better!\"

He can now remember all the things in his previous life perfectly. If the other party is the next life, he can certainly remember what he is doing now, and the other party is indifferent to all his actions now, only one problem is explained-either There is no soul induction!

Although they belong to this life and the next life, two identical individuals stand together and definitely have a sense of each other. They understand each other's thoughts. Now there is no two. There is only one possibility. Either the other party seals this induction, or this The world only allows two people to die, and they are not allowed to communicate together.

. [,! ] In fact, it is best that no one affects who else.Otherwise, everyone knows everything, and if you want to kill it, it will definitely become an impossible task.

\ "I can have a previous life, in this life, others must have it too, the self-exploding Fu dark tide, Xiaoyao Xian are most likely to be!"

Nie Yun continued to think: "If they are the afterlife of the previous life, then ... where did this life who came with me go? \"

\ "It seems to leave here is the second, first find Fu dark tide, Xiaoyao Xian's life is the most important! \"

Knowing the Three Monuments and the past and present, Nie Yunyue thinks more and more clearly, and the mysteries that came here before have become more and more clear.

\ "The original Dan God dominates the so-called corpse sect, which refers to the slaying of previous lives, the next life or this life! \"

Nie Yun finally understood what it means to come to dominate the so-called beheading himself, and finally understand why before he came here, he would not refine the alchemy, after he came, everything would be ...

I am afraid that what he experienced was not the beheading of the afterlife in this life, the previous life, but the ...

He came in and actually went out as two people. The one who entered the void was this life, and the one who went out was ... the previous life!

(I have to go to many relatives these days. I am too busy to make friends, and everyone knows that these updates are basically the time code for sleeping at night! Hard work! Huh!) (To be continued)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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