Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1712: Expose

"Hey, past life, this life ... who can tell clearly!" Nie Yun gave a chill from his heart, shook his head, and mourned for Dan God.

It may be because of his past and present life that he knows the value of life. He would rather give up his dignity and self, but he would have to linger.

Thinking about this, while Nie Yun was mourning for the Lord of Dan, he was also vigilant. In this place, it is better to be careful not to kill anyone in this life.

Looking up, I saw that the fake Nie Yun was spinning around the altar, his eyes flickered, and I didn't know what to think.

"You don't have to pretend with me, it is true or false, now we are the only two of you, you know better than me!"

Seeing him, he seemed to be looking for clues, but Nie Yun knew how to pretend, how to leave here, whether he can leave in the end, he must have been clear in his heart, and could not help sneering.

"Even I have to admit ... you are very smart!" Upon hearing the news, fake Nie Yun turned his head without disguising: "I just want to understand that you just calculated it! But don't you Pride, I still have an ace in my hand! "

"Ace? You mean Fu Anchao and Xiaoyao Xian? You really caught them!" Nie Yun shook his head.

"Yes, they are. I want them to be alive. I advise you to tell Duan Yi and others that they are fake, so that everyone can save yourself trouble!" Fake Nie Yundao.

"Directly say I'm fake? Are you stupid or do you think I'm stupid?" Nie Yun laughed: "Once I confess. I will certainly be the target of public criticism, and I will soon be beheaded ... I can't even save my own life, how to save them ? "

"Furthermore, the next life of Fu Anchao and Xiao Yaoxian exploded himself. If you die again in this life, you would lose two stops ... presumably you would not like it!"

Fu Anchao, Xiaoyao Xian's next life or past life has already exploded. If this fake Nie Yun kills them again in this life, even if he kills himself away from this place, he will lose two great help. Presumably this is not what he wants to see.

So threaten him with the lives of these two men. Totally impossible.

"You're right, Fu Anchao and Xiaoyao Xian's previous lives have exploded. I will kill them again in this life, and I will lose two arms. But ... Duan Yi, Zi Tong is not destroyed, Wan Fa is the master, Lingxiu the former life Not dead! I can kill them and replace them with obedient past lives! "

The fake Nie Yun laughed.

"You ..." Nie Yun's face was gloomy.

Although this guy in front of him is fake, after all, he is exactly the same as him, possessing the same wisdom and fierceness. If he disagrees, killing Duan is waiting for others, he can definitely do it.

Moreover, I won the bill once and wanted to make it the second time. It's almost impossible!

"It seems to force me to kill you!" Nie Yun's eyes flickered and his murderousness revealed: "Don't think that I will do it, you will. I still have a hole card that you don't have. As long as I want to do it, I can cut you off Kill! I didn't kill you, I just wanted you to tell the secrets here and take us out of here! "

"Oh? There is a hole card?" Fake Nie Yun's face changed.

Speak up carefully. He is also Nie Yun and knows what the other party thinks. There is no doubt that the other party will lie to him. Since this is the case, there must be a hole card that can really kill him.

"I see. It's the world of Nag ... it's Bald!"

Fake Nie Yun blinked and thought of what Nie Yun called the hole card, and his face was ugly.

"Nice! Now that you've guessed it, you can't stay there, die!"

Throwing his hole cards, Nie Yun knew that it would be unhelpful to say more. Anyway, the other party wouldn't do the trick anymore. With a cold hum, he would start.

From the experience of Lord Dan, we can see that if we want to leave this place, we must kill this "self". Now that everyone has a showdown, there is no need to continue nonsense.

"Damn! Although you have a hole card, it's not so easy to kill me!"

Fake Nie Yun sneered, and turned and fled.


His body was like electric light, rushing towards the stone monument in front of him, the light flashed, and when Nie Yun reacted, the whole person had disappeared.

"This is how to get out of here?"

Obviously, he did not expect the other party to leave so easily, and Nie Yun was a bit miscalculated. If he knew that he could leave after rushing into the stele, he would definitely take the shot first and restrain him!

"What happened?"

The movement in front of me was too loud. Duan Yi and others immediately noticed the difference and flew over at the same time.

"That fake Nie Yun was frightened and flee!" Nie Yun said.

"He is fake? Then can you prove that you are real?" Wan Fa ruled.

"He is true, I can prove it!" Duan Yi came over.

"Nie Yun was the master. Before, he could not distinguish between true and false. There were many rude things, and he still looked at Haihan!" Wan Fa, the master, also confirmed that he was holding a fist.

"It ’s okay, where we are now is not the mirror world, but the Three Worlds of Life, where the next life can come. The Nie Yun who was before should be my next life. Your next life or previous life should also be here, not killing them. Can't escape, can't leave this place! "

Nie Yun quickly said what he had inferred: "So, what we have to do now is to catch up with this Nie Yun and find out your past life and afterlife, and kill it!"

"Okay, we listen to you!" The crowd guessed more than half of them, and when they heard that, they didn't understand, and nodded.

"Okay, get ready to go. Before I go out, I will plant a soul imprint in your body so that you can confirm your identity and prevent the other party from taking advantage of it!"

When Nie Yun's spirit moved, he used a special method to impose a ban on everyone.

The other party appeared too hastily before, and everyone was not prepared, so they fell into a passive situation and were really prepared. Even if the other party was exactly the same, they would no longer be confused.

Everyone knows that this is also a last resort, and they do not resist. After a while, the ban is completed and Nie Yun looks at the stone monument in front of her.

Although the fake Nie Yun just escaped very quickly ~ www.readwn.com ~, he still saw it clearly.

It didn't hit the stele straight, but slightly to the right, and the skull just landed on one of the three images in the middle of the monument.

"This guy is my next life body, crashed into the next life body pattern, and disappeared directly ... It seems that I have to hit the corresponding figure in front of me before I can leave!"

I saw the fake Nie Yun leave with my own eyes, and the rest only needed to be understood.

The fake Nie Yun was his afterlife, and he rammed into the three patterns. The portrait of the afterlife left directly, and he and others as the current world. It seemed that he could leave as long as he hit the current world.

In this way, it is also possible to distinguish who is real and who is false, and the false identity can no longer be hidden. (To be continued) R655

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