Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1713: Celestial Ice

"A few of you leave one by one, and I'll swoop in at last!"

Determined the way to leave, Nie Yun no longer anxious, his eyes turned to other people.

He has no problems himself, this life, the rest, he is not sure yet, carefully

Observe and confirm the identity of the other party to avoid being passive.

"Yes!" Duan Yi and others understood what he meant. The Emperor Lingxiu flew to the pattern of this life on the stone monument, his body flashed and disappeared in front of everyone.

Immediately after Duan Yi and Zi Tong did not destroy, they also flew over, leaving only Wan Fa to dominate one person.

Bian Nieyun wants to see this person most. Before he was taken away alone, when he came back, both in words and actions, he cooperated with fake Nie Yun somewhat, making people have to doubt.

"You should be the ex-mortgage of Master Wanfa!" Nie Yun said indifferently when he didn't leave.

"I am the present life body!" A panic appeared in the eyes of Wan Fa's master. Suddenly his body moved and he rushed straight to the stone monument in front of him.


Before he came to the stone monument, a huge soul force imprisoned him. He seemed to hit the spider web and was hung in the air alive.

让 "Let others run once, if you can run away again, you might look down on me, Nie Yun!"

Xu smiled slightly, Nie Yun's fingers turned golden, and a little, a cold mang hit the eyebrows dominated by Wan Fa.

"You ..." Wan Fa dominated his pupils and shrank. What I wanted to say but didn't say a word, a blood hole appeared in the blink of an eye, and the soul began to dissipate.

He never dreamed. When the young man was really in front of him, he was not at all obsessed with water, and even had no chance to explain to him.


Lu Wanfa dominated the death, and the corpse blinked into a plume of smoke, flew past the pattern of this life, and then disappeared.

"Sure enough!" Nie Yun was not surprised, but nodded.

It is so simple to kill the master of all ways. He wanted to experiment.

的 The former Xiaoxian Xian and Fu Anchao died in order to hide. He deliberately exploded into minced meat and did not see anything. At this time, his entire body was left, and it was just fine observation.

Thousands of law of the previous life dominated the death. All the essence in the body, flying to the pattern of this life, shows that after death, he is completely integrated with this life.

It seems that the previous guess is correct. No matter the previous life, the current life, or the next life, if you kill any one, the other will devour the spirit and become more powerful.

This is also why the master of Dan God has far more power than other masters.

"Go in!"

He researched his inferences and understood that Nie Yun did not stay. When the body flew into the stone monument, there was a darkness in front of me, and my eyes opened again. The scene is completely different from before.

There is a mountain and a mountain in front of his eyes. In the absence of a village, he is standing on a high platform in the middle and west of Chongshan.

In front of the high platform is a dark pit with thick fog inside, even if the eyes can't see what's in it, although it can't be seen. But it gave him a strong sense of danger.

"the host!"

"Nie Yun dominates!"

Yan Duan also flew over, Lingxiu saw him coming alone. Somewhat strange: "Where do all the masters rule?"

"This master of the ten thousand laws is false, I have already shot and killed!" Nie Yun replied, and continued to look forward: "Is there anything found?"

没有 "No, this deep pit can't be seen to the end. You didn't come over, and we didn't dare to rush forward, so we didn't find anything ..."

Xi Lingxiu the Great Road.

"A green smoke just flew over, where did it go?" Nie Yun asked.

"Fly directly to this deep pit!" Duan Yidao.

"Okay, let's go too!" Wan Fa ruled the green smoke formed by the previous life, and definitely went to the current life. As long as he chased past, he would definitely find false Nie Yun and others.

When Xie Nieyun returned, everyone seemed to have the backbone, and flew past the deep pit facing him.

I do n’t know how deep the huge pit in front of me is. The fog surrounds people, so people ca n’t see clearly. Nie Yun sees the direction. The defensive air forms a huge umbrella to cover everyone inside, flying straight down.

"It's hot, isn't lava below?"

"Although our strength is now reduced, it is by no means affected by lava. The temperature here is even more terrible than lava!"

Uh ...

The more I flew down, the more everyone felt hot and hot, as if entering a huge stove, and the soul and body were severely tortured.

"It's not lava or fire, it's a kind of ice!"

Emperor Wu Lingxiu seemed to know something, and suddenly said.

"Ice? Are you kidding me! The ice is cold, so hot, if any, it must have melted long ago!" Zi Tong hummed.

"Yeah, how could such a hot environment have ice?"

Kuan Duan also had a strange face and didn't believe it.

"Are you sure that it is ice?" Ignoring the strangeness of the two, Nie Yun looked at Emperor Lingxiu.

Although the other party said it was cold and he felt incredible, he chose to believe it.

The world is so big, there are all kinds of wonders. Some things can't be inferred by common sense. Just like the third life, the previous life, the current life, the next life, can actually stay in the same space, which is an incredible thing in itself.

"When I was with ... King Shura, I heard him mention a strange ice called" Sky Ice ". This thing is not cold, but it is hot. After approaching, the flesh will be burned. Scorched, the soul will be frozen into ice cubes and peeled from the body, which is very weird! Although this place is hot ~ www.readwn.com ~, do you feel that the soul seems to have fallen into the ice cellar? ? "

Emperor Wu Lingxiu said slowly.


"Sure enough, my soul really feels a bit stiff, and there is such a strange thing under the sky?"

Yi Duan Yi and Zi Tong did not destroy the working soul, and it really felt a little different. They looked at each other. Although they did not believe it, they had to deny it. This was true.

"Frozen in the heavens?" Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned. "So ... has King Shura ever said how to crack?"

This kind of icy ice is very weird, even now he feels a bit wrong, if there is no way to crack, I am afraid it will be difficult to pass.

"He said yes, but ... that thing is hard to find, even I have never seen it ..."

The Great Emperor Lingxiu looked awkward.

"Oh? What?"

听说 "I heard that it is a kind of thing called Hell Cold Crystal. This item is even colder. Putting it in your mouth can resist the burning air of the cold ice in these heavens and no longer hurt!"

Emperor Wu Lingxiu hesitated.

"Hell cold crystal? Are you sure?"

Nie Yun froze for a moment, then his face exulted: "This thing ... I have so much!"文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波】

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