Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1723: Lower your attitude


Everyone was taken aback by the sudden scene in front of them, one by one stunned and stunned.

The main body of Lingyigege is the top 100, and when it appears vigorous and unparalleled, the horrified crowd can't breathe. As a result, it is slaped to the ground without saying a word, as if sick and dying To die, this visual impact is too great!

"Is it your face?"

With a slap in the palm of his hand, he also stepped forward, and the powerful breath was released. The tide was endless.

& nbs + pig + pig + island + fiction + p; "lord ... slay the strong?"

Only then did the lord of Lingyi Pavilion realize what kind of strong man had offended, and struggled to stand up, his face as pale as white paper.

He is not a reckless person who can become the master of a cabinet, mainly these days, because of the crystal of Ayana, the whole three realms are a bit impetuous, and most of the troubles here, see Duan also openly shot, he thought the other party intentionally Finding faults, I got angry and wanted to kill a chicken tamarin ... As a result, I became a killed chicken.

Of course, this is also related to the powerful means of concealing the strength of Nie Yun and others. Even if he is as strong as him, he doesn't see anything, otherwise, he won't rush forward!

Some strong men in the original Lingyi Pavilion also heard the movement and wanted to rush over to fight against Duan Yi. After hearing this, they were filled with despair.

In front of this ... actually dominate the strong?

This is not true, is it?

Is n’t the dragon that dominates the powerful the dragon? Why are you here suddenly?

"I can not……"

Ling Yigege gritted his teeth.

Understand that the other party is the dominant one, and dare not talk nonsense. Looking at Duan Yi, then looking at the crowd, finally understood the identity of the group of people in front of them.

Ling Yige is best at intelligence. As a result, he ... but put on such an oolong, offending this adult ...

Thinking of this, Ling Yigege's head cold sweats.

"Not yet let Ling Yi dominate it!" Seeing him, Duan also knew that the other party had learned their identity and would not say more.

His identity was revealed, and then he tried to bully the little, and he was too lazy to continue to do it.

This sentence doesn't sound loud. But with the power of projecting the soul, unnatural submission, the Lord of Lingyi Pavilion did not hesitate. Immediately take out a jade charm and crush it.

A moment later, the sound of wind and thunder roared, and a figure rushed straight up.

Haven't even come to see how Nie Yun and others look. Quickly bowed: "Under Lingyi. Welcome Nie Yun, Xiaoyaxian, Fudan Chao, Duan Yi, Lingxiu, Wanfa, Bald Lord ... all of you come to Lingyi Pavilion!"

As a master, he already knew Xiaoyao Xian and Master Wanfa, who couldn't guess who this boy was!

Dominated by Nie Yun, a superpower who is famous in the three realms, and easily killed the dominators of dried blood, the ancestors of skyscrapers and other people. It has already become the most invincible legend in the **** ... Such a character, he dare not offend, Ling Yi Pavilion How dare he shoot at him ... Isn't this to death?

Think of this. As soon as the master of spirits became sweaty, he could not help but jump up.

"Dominated by Nie Yun. This sinful animal offends you, it is my negligence, and I apologize to you here, this ignorant guy, if you want to kill you, you will do whatever you want, I will never say anything nonsense!"

Master Ling Yi lowered his posture as much as possible.

Even if the Nie Yun ruler did not have such a big name, the seven masters on the other side were not able to compete.

"He ... is dominated by Nie Yun? I actually think ... Dominated by Nie Yun is a poor ghost?"

Bai Gongzi on one side saw all this in his eyes and felt that Tian Lei burst into bursts, and the whole human head was about to explode.

From the moment she entered the door, she deliberately laughed at the other party, feeling that the other party was a poor ghost, unable to take out any money, and constantly showing superiority in front of the other party. Now it seems that ... there may be no difference in the other party's eyes from the jumping beam clown!

Nie Yun dominates the name. Both strong and ordinary people have a great reputation, especially the last time the order Fengtian was issued against him. Such a character can kill countless himself in one breath. Laugh at him?

Bai Gongzi, together with the people behind her, realized this. When his knees were soft, he fell to his knees and felt that his body was like noodles, and he could no longer stand up.

If they are ordinary strong, rely on their family, even if they offend, they can find a way to deal with it, but this one, let alone the family, even if all the masters of the three realms add up, dare not talk nonsense!

Even ... it is said that he also caused Ashoka to suffer!

A person who is not even willing to offend Wang Qiang, she offended. This is not the old life star who hangs his life!

Not only her, but Zhang Quan, who had previously shown contempt to Nie Yun, also almost fainted.

I thought it was a blessing for my life to have sacrifice Baigongzi, but now I know what kind of eyes he is.

If you were just nice to these people in front of you, I'm afraid the other person can just dial a sentence and let him enjoy his life!

It ’s a pity ... I missed the opportunity and did n’t say, the performance just now would offend the other party. It ’s hard to say if I can survive this time ...

"The master of Lingyi Pavilion, who is in charge of intelligence, didn't even recognize me ~ www.readwn.com ~ I was really surprised!" Ignoring the shocked and scared expression of everyone, Nie Yun looked faintly at Lingyi's master and spirit Yigegezhu.

When he looked at them, the two couldn't help lowering their heads, and their faces seemed to be slapped hard.

In fact, you can't blame them carefully. Nie Yun has n’t been a long time since he became the master and has n’t had much time to show his true content. Even if Lingyige is so informative, he ca n’t know his true appearance. Come out, such a great reputation, it is difficult to associate with such a youthful appearance.

"Well, I'm here for the sake of Ayana's Crystal. I heard that you have news from Lingyi Pavilion. I hope I can get some useful news from you!"

Let it go, seal the space between them, and never speak again, Nie Yun asked.

The reason for the shot was that Lingyi Pavilion felt a little unfair, and the other party didn't offend himself very much.

"The news of Ayana's Crystal ... Basically all we know is in these two rooms, and there are some more important and hidden things. In the front room, Lord, please follow me!"

Seeing the other party no longer questioned, knowing that it was no longer held accountable, the Lord of the Lingyi Pavilion and the Lord of the Lingyi relieved at the same time, his eyes were full of gratitude, and the Lord of the Lingyi quickly led the way.

Nie Yun and others followed and walked forward, and later went to another room, where only two spar were displayed.

"Huh?" Looking at one of the two spar in front of him, Nie Yun's eyes couldn't help flashing.

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