Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1724: Gold Spirit Beetle

The crystal in front of me was only the size of a walnut, with all sides, which made people feel intoxicated at first glance.

"that's it……"

Nie Yun affirmed.

晶 The spar in front of him is just an imitation made according to various news, but he can be sure that it is absolutely true!

Because it is perfectly fused with the crown of true blood, no matter the breath or the size, it is not different!

"Master, this is the news we just got, and the news closest to Ayana's Crystal ..."

Qi Lingyi dominates the two spar, pointing to the eyes.

"I want all the news about this spar!"

Xie Nieyun determined that this spar was closely related to the crystal of true blood, so he didn't say much and asked directly.

In order to reach his strength, Xiu Xiu had no need to cover up, even if let others know that this is the true crystal of Ayana, as long as the strong king does not take action, there is no fear.

Even if the opponent is the master, they can easily win.

"This? Okay!" Lord Nobuichi nodded and looked at the patron: "Not ready yet!"

"Yes!" The patron hurried out of the room, and after a while, came over and handed a jade card.

"This is all the information of this spar, please Nie Yun dominate it!"

Nie Yun did not speak, and reached out to take over.

There is not much information on the Saitama brand, there are only seven words: Qingling Tianyu, Juming Cave!

"The Qingling Heaven Realm is in the most southern position of the Extreme Killing Realm. The deadly cave is one of the most dangerous places. The news came from a local monk. He said he had received it tens of thousands of years ago. I did n’t know what it was at the time. Once I saw a rare medicinal material in Qingling Heaven, I knew I was in danger and went looking for it, but I accidentally fell into danger. Just when I almost died, this gem rescued After his life, the gem also fell into the desperate cave and could not be found again! "

"Later, he entered the Desperate Cave many times. But he never found it. He had only experienced it as one experience and nobody said it. Even if he said it, others would definitely not believe it. Until recently, the crystal of Ayana The news came out before he realized that he had saved his life before. It is likely this gem! "

"He inadvertently said these things. As a result, it attracted the attention of many people. Many people searched according to the direction he once said. As a result, almost the entire army was wiped out, and they did not return! I also heard the news. It is considered to be the closest to the true Ayana crystal, and we have just gotten less than three days ... "

Zhu Ling Yigege quickly explained.

"What strength is this casual repair now? Ten thousand years ago, what strength was Jewel when he saved his life?" Nie Yun asked.

问题 This problem does not sound like anything to do with gemstones, but it has a very important connection when carefully considered. The strength of this casual repairman can fully infer the grade of this gem and determine its authenticity.

"Ten thousands of years ago ... I don't know. But now it seems that it is half step to dominate the tertiary realm. Although it can't catch up with me, it's definitely similar!" Ling Yigege said.

"Half-step dominates the big three strong. Each one has lived for many years. Due to the limited resources, casual repairs are slower. If nothing unexpected happens, tens of thousands of years ago, there is not much difference from the current repairs. At least there are Half step dominates Xiao Mie's strength ... "

Fu Fu dark tide interjected.

Not everyone is dominated by Nie Yun. Promotion is like taking off. Ordinary practitioners move forward step by step. Tens of thousands of years are just the most common unit of practice time. For such a short period of time, the children of the general forces, even a avenue. Difficult to comprehend, let alone no resources have been repaired.

"Half step dominates the tertiary realm ..."

Hearing his judgment, Nie Yun nodded and analyzed in his heart.

The base of the true blood crown has the power of the peak chaos, and the meditation bottle has the power to dominate the soldiers in half a step. Since this crystal of true blood is the most important thing in the crown, even if it is not integrated with the entire crown, it will not be affected. Will dominate the soldiers less than half a step!

如果 If the strength of this level is low, let alone carry it, I'm afraid I can't get it!

This problem does not exist in the semi-dominant dominance of the three major steps, and it can save the lives of such strong men, which shows that the level of gems is definitely not low, at least half-dominated the magic soldier level.

推 By calculating in this way, plus the scent of this spar, it is the same as what meditation said, it seems there should be no problem!

"Take me to Qingling Tianyu Jueming Cave!"

I figured this out, and Nie Yun didn't say much, regardless of whether the other party agreed or disagreed.

Ayana's crystal is bound to be obtained, at this time, finding a well-informed person will certainly be of great help!

"It's my honor to serve Nie Yun as the master!" Ling Yige Ge's face was a joy.

He offended Nie Yun. He was most afraid that the other party would not need him. As long as it was useful, he would definitely not be killed.

Also, knowing that this person is the master of Nie Yun, he also remembers all the information about him. The person in front of him is not afraid of heaven, as long as he has no worries about his actions, but he is still very good at his allegiance.

I do n’t say anything else, the previous Duan Yi, Fu An Chao, and Bald Head were similar to him, even slightly worse, and now they have become the master!

This kind of change happened because he followed the master of Nie Yun!

Therefore, when he heard Nie Yun let him lead the way, he was not embarrassed, but almost jumped for joy.

"Dominated by Nie Yun, I don't think going directly to Qingling Tianyu Jueming Cave is the best plan!"

The spirit on your side dominates the way.

"Oh?" Nie Yun looked over.

"I think, you should go to the casual repairer and let him lead the way to the spar. It should be more likely to be found!" Ling Yi ruled.

"Well, yes!" Nie Yun nodded.

虽然 Although he has not been to Qingling Tianyu, but when he hears the name, he knows that it is definitely not small. It is really not easy to find a spiritual stone in such a large place. If this guy leads the way, it will be different.

After all, he has entered the Dead Cave many times, and he can still survive, which shows that he is familiar with it.

"I'll investigate now, where is this casual repair!" Ling Yigege said, closing his eyes, and a shallow ripple of soul shot from his mind.

"Golden Spirit Beetle?"

I felt this ripple, and Nie Yun looked at it for a moment, then immediately.

No wonder this Lingyigege master can know the world, it turns out that this guy is not a human, but an ancient **** and beast, the gold spirit beetle!

This kind of beetle, like King Wanli, is a natural king, able to control countless small beetles. These beetles are very small, hidden in the air and mud, making it difficult to detect. Therefore, it is extremely easy to detect the news. .

Looking at the appearance of this lord, I am afraid that this kind of beetle obeying his orders has spread all over the Three Realms. Otherwise, his news may not be so well-informed. Anything you want to investigate can be easily obtained.

Of course, these beetles are not omnipotent. It is okay to investigate general things. You must reach the level of Nie Yun and feel the heaven. If you do n’t want to be found, let alone these beetles. Can't find out!

Maybe it's because of this ~ www.readwn.com ~ that he has news all over the world, but he didn't know that Nie Yun and others came to him, which made this awkward situation.

看看 "Look what this Spirit One Master is ..."

I knew that the main body of Lingyi Pavilion was the Jinling beetle, and Nie Yuntian's eyes moved, and he quietly looked at Lingyi Lord.

Tong Tong dominated, but now his strength is much stronger than the opponent, it is easy to see through the opponent.

"It is also a gold spirit beetle ... no wonder it is the patron of Lingyi Pavilion, I am afraid that the owner is his son ..."

I glanced at it, and Nie Yun immediately understood.

In front of the eyes, the Lord Lingyi Pavilion has the same origins as this Lord Pavilion. Needless to say, it must be a relationship between father and son. This Lord Lord Pavilion is probably his son or grandson.

It is for this reason that the grand master jumped out of the Three Realms and was willing to be the backing behind Lingyi Pavilion, so that others would not dare to find trouble.

"I found it, but ..."

Xie Nieyun was speculating that the owner suddenly opened his eyes with anxiety in his eyes.

"what happened?"

Looking at his appearance, Nie Yun's mind "sucked!"

"I found this casual repair, but ... he is being chased and killed, and the situation is not so good ..." the master said busyly. [Unfinished To be continued This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 Provided with @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波]

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