Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1725: Mogo


Everyone looked pale.

人 This person is the key to finding the crystals of Ayana. If he really wants to be killed, then I want to find the spar. The difficulty will probably increase by a geometric multiple.

"Go, talk about the situation in detail!"

Knowing this, Nie Yun didn't say much, grabbed the palm of the hand, and everyone appeared on the ancient ship of Danshen at the same time. The huge hull slightly shocked and rushed out of the space.

As soon as the master felt that his body was sinking, he was taken away. There was no room for resistance. Only then did he understand the gap between him and the master of Nie Yun, and his heart was more awesome.

"Which one is Nie Yun?"

"Those people were the masters just now? Why are so many coming together?"

"Don't you hear of it? Lord Nie Yun has subordinated a group of his masters. The new masters like Duan Yi and Fu An Chao are all his servants!"

"Servant? Let the master be the servant?"

Qi Nieyun and others left, and the deterrent power scattered in the crowd also disappeared. The people in the second room of Lingyi Pavilion were relieved at the same time, their faces were incredible.

Every one of them is the supreme existence in their hearts. Let the master be the servant ... How strong is this Nie Yun?

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes are full of worship at the same time.

Entering the Supreme Realm, setting so many records in less than two years, this is the truly invincible powerhouse!

"Is there a video of Nie Yun dominating the battle? I will watch it even if I spend too much money!"

"Me too, give me a copy, I want to see ..."

Uh ...

There was noisy shouting among the crowd, and the crowd made a noise. They all want to see the battle scene of this peerless genius, hoping to gain some insights from it, and go further. But unfortunately, even if the organization such as Ling Yige spreads all over the world, there is no record of Nie Yun's battle!

"Fortunately he didn't care, miss, let's go!"

Relative to everyone's ideas, "Bai Gongzi" and others were relieved, and Nie Yun didn't care about them. It is equivalent to spare their lives.

"Miss, don't look down on others casually, and speak carefully ..."

An elderly guard could not help saying.

"Yes!" "White Boy" nodded. Did not feel rebellious at all.

I gave her a great lesson this time, and she didn't dare to be rude to her throughout her life.


"Say, what the **** is going on? Why do half-steps dominate the big three, why are they chased by others?" Standing on the deck of Danshen's ancient ship. Nie Yun blocked the howling wind. Ask the Lord of Lingyi Pavilion not far away.

The half-step dominates the big three strong players, even if they do not reach the top 100 list, they can definitely be regarded as the peak of the three realms. This kind of life-saving means are countless. Once you ca n’t kill, you will definitely have endless troubles, especially this strength of casual repair Basically no one offends. Even if there are some grudges, other ways will be solved. Unless that hatred is not shared.

家伙 This guy is a casual repairer and knows his identity. He shouldn't provoke a messy existence. Why would he be hunted down?

"Just because of the crystal of Ayana!" The master of Lingyi Pavilion, while receiving the message while flying, seemed to know something about this: "In fact, it is not hunting, but hunting! Many great forces know His news may be correct. He wants to lead him to lead the way. When many people **** him, he becomes the target of criticism and is chased by everyone! "

"That's it!" Nie Yun nodded.

Since it is hunting, it is easy. If this guy is not caught, with his super strength in the past, he will definitely be able to find other people. If he is caught by others, it is a big deal to get someone to come directly!

He doesn't believe that in this world, besides Wang Fengqiang, who can stop his means!

"You all go to the cabin, I will fly with all my strength in a while!"

Knowing the situation, Nie Yun asked the place clearly and ordered one.


The weakest of these people is the owner of Lingyi Pavilion. The others are the strong ones. The blast of the ancient ship's flight has no effect on them. Although Nie Yun felt they were a little puzzled, they did not. Dare to disobey, at the same time nodded and walked in.


刚 As soon as they entered the cabin, they heard a roar of the entire ancient ship, and the speed increased sharply under a huge force.

"how can that be?"

"So fast!"

Everyone in the cabin of the puppet was shocked to see this scene.

The old ships that Nie Yun drove were faster than they could exercise at full speed. They could even speed up, which is too scary!

Especially the power that urged the ancient ship to radiate ... Dominating the strong can really be so powerful?

No wonder let them enter the cabin, at this speed, even if they are the master, standing on the deck will not be able to withstand the pressure and be blown by the howling wind!

He is different from everyone's surprise. Nie Yun's eyes light up and his whole body is refreshing.

I slayed the next life, and his strength improved again. He had not experienced fighting. I didn't know where the bottom line was. Now I flew at full strength, and I knew it was terrible!

This is the strength of the Three Realms of Pride, standing on top of the universe!

力量 All the power in the body is exhibited, and the speed of driving the ancient ship is three times faster than before!

Before the lore of the lore, flying from Mocheng to Qingling Heaven, even if he dominated, it would take at least ten days, and now he can definitely arrive in about a day!


In the densely packed stone forest, a man with a pale face leaned against a huge rock, panting heavily.

At this time, his clothes had been torn, his body was covered with bloodstains, his hair was spread out, and that grass was messy. If it wasn't for his own eyes, it would be hard to believe that a half-step dominates the big three strong will be so embarrassed.

"The Lore Sect, Wan Haizong, Yuncheng Nirvana, Shenhai Liu Family ... If I can escape this time, it will definitely cost you a lot of pain!"

的 Howling like a wolf, the man's eyes showed a strong hatred.

"Let us pay the painful price? Hehe Moge, I'm afraid you can't do it!"

His voice had just fallen, and an eerie cold and proud voice sounded. The man hurriedly looked up, and saw a group of people standing on a rock not far away, all full and full of breath, looking at it with a playful smile .

There are a total of five people, all of whom dominate the tertiary realm in half steps. Several people are united. Even if he is very strong, he has no ability to resist.

"The Lore Sect ..."

Seeing these people, Han Momo's face sank completely.

I fled all the way, I thought that hiding here could temporarily hide for a while, and provide him with time to restore physical strength, now it seems that these people are still underestimated!

The strength and means of these people are not what he can compete against!

"What the **** are you going to do?" Mo Ge asked with a tight clenched fist.

"Why? Don't you know?" The first person with a smile on his face: "Be obedient and obey my lore sect, and take us to the destiny cave, which can reduce a lot of pain, otherwise, I will let you taste the lore All criminal laws make it impossible for you to survive or die! "

"Take you to the Dead Cave ... If that's the case, why do you insult my wife and kill my family?"

Momo is full of hate.

His entire family was killed by the other party's hold, none of them remained.

The gangsters were raped by the other party, and died of shame and suicide.

"Who didn't let you promise? If we promised in advance, we wouldn't bother to kill, but your aunt is really delicious, that is, he has a stronger personality, and his body is really enjoyable, especially the skin, the body ... now I have Feeling ecstasy! "

The first person laughed with a smirk on his face.

"I want you to die!"

Momo's face became ugly, her hair was blown open, and she was crazy.

The other party found him and asked him to lead the way to Zheming Cave. He had almost agreed, but the other party saw his aunt and insulted him. How can this hatred be swallowed!

"Want me to die? It's just a casual practice. If it wasn't for you, it would have been pinched to death! Can you still talk nonsense here?"

The first person hummed.

In the eyes of Zongmen disciples, Sanxiu's life is worthless and can be killed at will.

"Come on!"

Seeing that the other party was so arrogant, Mo Ge couldn't help it anymore, and roared up with a roar, and the violent power on his body was like a storm, rushing towards the man in front of him.

He was full of hate, if it was not for the support of hate, he would definitely not persist now!

"Something dead!"

At first the man raised his eyebrows, rolled his palms, blood red appeared on the palms, and patted them.


The scarlet palm print crossed down, breaking through the space and time limit and falling on Mo Ge.


A sip of blood spurted out, Mo Ge's forward force stopped, and the whole person fell to the ground like a shell.

虽然 Although he is half step to dominate the tertiary realm, he is still a lot worse than the Zongmen strong. In addition, he has been chased for many days, and is seriously injured.


Struggling to stand up again ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mo Ge rushed up again, just like before, hadn't come to him yet, and was photographed again with one palm.

"I don't know what to do, if you are not interested, I will kill you now!"

The first person did not expect that this guy was so badly injured and dared to rush like this, and his face sank.


I didn't answer his words, Mo Ge yelled over again.

"Think I really dare not kill you? Well, since I don't know if I live or die, I'll do it for you!"

At first, the man's anger burned, and the bright red palms in the air became bigger again. The power was even better, and he quickly patted it to Mogo.

Looking at this might, if you fall on your body, you will die.

He Mo Ge also seemed to know that he was about to be reunited with his family, and did not dodge.


At this moment, an electric light suddenly hit, and the blood-red palm print in the middle of the sky collided in pairs and exploded in the air, turning into a blood-red cloud.


The palm of his hand was broken by the opponent. At first the man raised his eyebrows and immediately turned his head to look at the direction of the electric light.

"Haha, Shi Xing, this guy is our prey, don't break the rules!"

In laughter, several people flew over. [Unfinished To be continued This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 Provided with @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波]

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