Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1726: Teach swordsmanship

"Yi Feng, do you want to grab me?" Shi Xing sank.

的 The few people who flew in each other, their strength is almost the same, they are half-step dominate the big three strong.

"Grab it with you? Joke! Mogo was discovered by us, of course, with our Wan Haizong! Not yet rolled away, do you want me to teach you another meal!"

Wu Feng sneered and looked at Mo Ge not far away, his eyes flashed: "Mo Ge, come with me!"

"It's all in a single hill, let me go with you and dream!"

Momo was rescued, and stopped in the air to watch the flying Fengfeng and others not only did not have the joy of being rescued, his face was even more ugly.

These are exactly the other group Wan Haizong who is hunting him down!

If it weren't for them, his wife would not have been insulted by Shi Xing, and his family would not be ruined. It can be said that this sectarian door also has a hatred that is not common!

"Haha, 邬 峰, I said he would not go with you, let me do it!"

I laughed again at this moment, a young man in luxurious clothes flew over, his eyes were like a hawk, with a sly taste.

几个 There are also several people behind him. He also dominates Mie in half a step, and breathes breath in his breath, emitting powerful power.

"Nirvana, haven't your Yuncheng Nirvana always been detached from the world? When did you get into this kind of thing?" Seeing this man, Ji Feng's eyes showed dread, humming.

"Although our Nirvana family has surrendered, but this time the king-strong leader ordered himself, we dare not obey it!" The new Nirvana bear looked at Moge: "You just take me to the place where the crystal of Ayerna was lost, I Guarantee Shi Xing, no one dares to touch you! "

"A big breath. Nirvana bear, the treasure of Wang Wangqiang, depends on you, a little Nirvana family. You should not be able to eat it!"

Before Mo Mo had time to answer, another sneer sounded, and then a group of people flew in.

"Haha, your Shenhai Liu family may not be able to eat, I think we will come!"

"Don't talk too much, we have to fix this Ayana crystal ..."

"Hey, it's not too late. What's the benefit, let's share it ..."

Uh ...

Another series of laughter, blink of an eye. More than a dozen forces surrounded the space where they could escape, and everyone looked at Moge in the middle, full of greed, like looking at a livestock to be slaughtered.

If there is someone who will kill the world here. Definitely recognize it. These are all big men who have stirred the Three Realms!

So many big people come together just for an unrecognizable casual repair, and no one can believe it.

"Haha, I didn't expect that Mo Mo's casual repair could surprise such a large number of people in the Supreme Realm! It seems even worth death!"

Seeing more and more people, Mo Ge knows how difficult it is to escape, and from the previous fear, he becomes more reckless.

I was dead anyway. Before dying, I could see so many strong men coming here for him. Even at the expense of words, it's worth it.

"Want to blow yourself up? How easy is that!"

Seeing that he was born with a sense of death, he planned to explode. Many strong men around him shot at the same time. In the blink of an eye, Mo Ge was placed with hundreds of seals.

"Abominable, abominable, unfortunately, my strength is low, I am abused today, and I ca n’t even commit suicide. I only want the enemies in the next life to revenge!"

Seeing that the self-detonation was unsuccessful, and even his body was imprisoned and difficult to move, Mo Ge Yangtian shouted, full of grief and indignation.

的 The people who surround him are so powerful that he can't even protect himself. How can he get revenge? I am hopeless in this life!

"If you want an enemy, why wait for the next life and follow me, I promise you to kill all the enemies in no time!"

When Mo Ge was desperate, thinking that he would die this time, a faint voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

声音 This voice is completely different from what I heard before. With absolute confidence and appeal, there is a convincing power. It seems that as long as he promises him, he can guarantee his revenge and kill those who killed him.

"who are you?"

"Bold! Yuncheng Nirvana is here, dare to pretend here, and die!"

"If it's a hero, just come out and don't hide your head and hide your tail. I will kill Zong Shi Xing Da to want to see how you can avenge him ..."

Uh ...

Everyone was shocked to hear this voice, but then one face was vicious and looked up at the same time. Then he saw an ancient ship slowly appearing in the field of vision, and a few figures flew down.

I was the first, a young boy, with a faint smile on his face, his eyes kind, and he ignored the surrounding scolds.

怎么 样 "How about, you can think about it!"

The young boy smiled lightly.

His smile was like the sunlight appearing in the darkness, shining on the earth and warming people's hearts.

"I ..." After seeing this smile, Mo Ge somehow believed in his heart and wanted to speak. Hundreds of restraints on his body seemed to be bumped by an invisible force, disappeared, and were able to move again.


Mo Mo Ge was startled.

These bans are laid out by the surrounding semi-dominant dominated juniors. So many people's means are superimposed together. Even if the top 100 list is to be broken, it will take a lot of effort. The teenager smiled gently, even I did n’t move my hand, so I broke it ... Really?

"Follow me, I will let you take revenge now! If you don't follow me, I won't force it!" Seeing him, the boy said lightly.


Mo Moge hesitated ~ www.readwn.com ~ Seeing his appearance is light and light, if he does not agree, the other party will certainly not force it.

"You ... revenge me now? What's the truth? How can I believe what you say is true?"

Momo bit his teeth.

With his current strength, it is almost impossible to get revenge. Whether this person can help himself or not, it is at least an opportunity. Once he misses, even if he happens to survive this time, he will spend all day in hatred and cannot extricate himself. .

"It's very simple. This is the three-stroke swordsmanship. I teach it to you. You can find this revenge by yourself. I can guarantee that he is not your opponent!"

Juvenile pointed his finger, a light shot at his head, and entered the sea of ​​knowledge.


With a change of spirit, I immediately saw the mystery of the three strokes, and his face was full of strangeness.

三 These three tricks are not clever tricks and do not look strange. On the contrary, they are very simple. Can these three tricks defeat Shi Xing? Dream it!

He Shixing's strength, others do not know, he knows very well, the blood palm power just now is infinite, even if he is not an opponent in his heyday, let alone half dead?

相信 "Trust me, you can try it now! If you can't kill him, let you follow me, just stop there!"

Juvenile smiled and said. [Unfinished To be continued This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 Provided with @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波]

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