Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 173: Change at home (below)

"Nie Yun?" Hearing this voice and seeing the figure in front of him, Yang Yan and Feng Xiao's faces changed at the same time. "Hurry up, they are both strong sects ..."

In their opinion, although Nie Yun was able to fight against the top of the ancestors, the real strength was also the armor. The seven or eight people in the hall were all arrogances. Once they were surrounded, they could not escape if they wanted to escape!

There is only one ending to escape, die!

"Haha, we are here to wait for you, since you are here, don't even want to leave!"

Listening to what the young man said, the people in black didn't know who was in front of them. They all laughed excitedly. As soon as the body shook, eight people divided into eight directions and kept Nie Yun in the center.

"Don't want to leave? I didn't plan to leave when I came in!" Nie Yun narrowed his eyes as he stared at the eight masked shadows in front of him. "Who are you?"

"Since we are masked, we don't want to let you know who it is! Obediently hand over the treasure from Luo Qu's tomb. We can leave it alone, otherwise, go to Yin Cao Di Fu to see your father, mother, sister and brother!"

The man in black head sneered.

"Yin Cao Di Fu? Where are my father and mother?"

Hearing the other party's words, Nie Yun's head exploded, his fists clenched involuntarily, and his body trembled.

The past self ca n’t be cultivated, and people are dumb. When they know the kindness of their parents, they are no longer in this world. In this life, they plan to repay the goodness of parenting and serve them.

If something really happens, don't say that you are cultivating to the supreme, even if you are cultivating to win the heavens and create a realm? What's the use of practicing in Dantian Acupoint? Even if the practice is unparalleled in the world, what good is the world invincible?

No matter how strong you are, you cannot protect your parents. Just waste!

Thinking of familiar faces, Nie Yun was stricken. Orbital congestion!

I practice and stay at home, why go out!

Relying on the experience of two generations, it is not slow to go out without going out, even if you go out, you do n’t even know what happened at home, father, mother, sister, brother ...

If you don't go out, maybe nothing will happen!

The biggest thank you after rebirth is that the parents and others are here, if they are gone. What's the point of living?

Nie Yun's nails were pinched in the flesh, and the strong sorrow filled the heart, and the whole person felt almost crazy!

"Hey, they're not dead yet, but you don't have to cooperate if you don't!"

Seeing that the teenager's face was grim, the man in black saw that his purpose was achieved. I couldn't tell how easy it was.

"Not dead? Where are they?" Nie Yun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard his parents weren't dead, and slowly squeezed his fists.

As long as it's not dead, as long as it's not dead, you can find it even at the ends of the earth!

"You look very smart. But they are so stupid! Of course they were arrested by us! You don't have to look at me like this, they have already been sent away, they must not be in Luoshui City! Those who know the truth obediently say that baby Fall, otherwise, I can't keep their lives! "

The man in black returned to his seat and sat down again. With a slight smile, a sloppy smile appeared on his face.

"Need something? You need to have this strength!"

Knowing that their parents did not die. Nie Yun breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes narrowed, and his murderous shot suddenly stopped.

"It's up to you? Are you waiting for your master, huh, tell you, we all have soul lamps. Once our soul lamps go out, your parents and relatives will also die! You have to think about it!"

The soul lamp is a kind of thing that the big family has made. It bears the imprint of human soul. Once the person dies, the lamp will go out, otherwise it will always be bright. These people obviously know that Nie Yun has a super master and is afraid that the other party will own everything Everyone was killed, and this made Nie Yun's parents want to kill!

Squeak! Squeak!

When he heard the right words, Nie Yun's face was gloomy.

Use your parents and relatives to yell at yourself, and let yourself cast a mouse jealousy.

"Haha, what can you do if you have a great Master? Even if he comes, you dare not take action against us! Because you can't afford to gamble! Now you have only one way to go, that is to obediently hand over something, that thing is not What a small family like you can bear ... "

Seeing the young man's forehead bulging out, the man in black laughed, but before his laughter ended, he heard a roar like a lion.

"Can't kill you, right? Then I can't kill you, I can't die!"

The roar rang, and Nie Yun shot!

The thing he hated the most in his past and present life was that others wanted to slap himself, especially those who care about himself. Now these people not only arrested their parents but also used this as an essay. If they can make them comfortable, they are not worthy of being called the blood prisoner !!


Nie Yun's extended five fingers shot an air sword at the same time. The five air swords converged to form a thick and powerful force. The roll was like a black man in the middle rushing past!

"If your Master is here, I may still be a little bit jealous. I want to do something with me just like you,"

Seeing that the teenager could not help but shot, the man in black snorted, trying to laugh at him, and suddenly his pupils shrank, and he felt an inexplicable panic in his heart!

It is said that although Nie Yun is a genius, he can only be regarded as the strength of Bingjia Realm, but now, with his shot, his strength is rolling and he is the supreme power!

Extreme Strong ... I read that right!


Before his shocked thoughts ended, the whole person was hit by a huge force, and a tumbler fell off the seat, like Yang Yan and others, lying on the ground.


Nie Yun stepped on his head with the kick of the strongest man in black.


Everyone was stupid to see the scene in front of them!

This man in black has the strength of the zenith, the strongest of all the people, even lying on the ground without even insisting on half a move in the hands of the teenager, what is going on?

"Nie Yun ... what is this strength?"

Feng Xiao and Yang Yan on one side also felt that they couldn't turn their heads.

What is the strength of playing the top of the airsong like a dead dog with one move?

"Say! Who are you? Where have our parents and relatives hid!"

The soles of his feet turned around. He shattered his meridian qi sea completely, Nie Yun asked coldly. The sound is like the judgment of Hell Yan Luo.

"Ah ..." Qi Hai was shattered, and the intense pain caused the man in black to collapse. He couldn't think of it. He just stepped on Yang Yan himself.

"Archive, kill me!"

After struggling for a while, I found that the power under the teenager's feet did not allow himself to resist. The man in black shouted at everyone around him.

Some big families and large forces will have some combined formations. These formations can be lowered to burst out of ordinary people's power in an instant.

The remaining seven people, as soon as they heard the command of the man in black, made a mistake at the foot, and stood up, their palms raised at the same time!

Four palms of seven people. Suddenly all the forces came together suddenly.

Being able to set up a team so fast, and moving in general, so that others have no chance to take advantage of it, they know that these people must often practice this array, they are already too familiar!

"Gathering power, attack!"

With a loud drink from the main array. The attack of seven people rolled over at Nie Yun at the same time!

"Royal superior martial arts, hundred palms!"

"Royal subordinates martial arts, Huahuaquan!"

"Royal superior martial arts, whirlwind legs ..."


These people are all strong airs, the worst ones, but they have also reached the middle airs. And all the royal level martial arts, shot at the same time. The air of the whole hall was tangled together instantly. Under the cohesion of the formation method, a whirlwind that could tear everything away was formed.

"Nie Yun, run away ..."

Seeing this whirlwind tearing the air and stirring anything into powder, Yang Yan and Feng Xiao both screamed green with horror.

An air force strong can easily destroy a house with one punch. The seven masters are combined to form the array to attack the strongest attack. How powerful is it?

I am afraid even the most extreme strongman can't catch it!

"Anyway! This attack is nothing!"

In the face of this whirlwind, Nie Yun snorted and did not look at it. He turned Xuanyu's sword out with his hands, and the palm of his hand shook his head with a shake of his hand!


Just a moment, the powerful whirlwind, the bubbles generally dissipate, the seven masters at the same time blasted with blood, and flew out, lying on the ground, brushing their heads all fainted!

"Ah ... it's impossible! The vigor spin of the seven of them together, even the Supreme Mid-Range can't be broken at will. How could you break it and hurt them ... I don't believe it!"

The man in black who was stepped on by Nie Yun saw the scene in front of his eyes, his pupils contracted, and he screamed, going crazy.

This ... Is this still human?

One move broke the combined attack of the seven powerful men, and wounded these people in a coma at the same time ... What is this strength?

How could a teenager less than seventeen have such strong power!

Actually, where does he know that Nie Yun just cast the momentum of mountains and rivers, and the strongest potential of the earth has not been cast. If he really wants to play, let alone seven people are injured. Even if he hits another seven, all will die One can't live!

"Who are you, where did my parents get caught!"

Ignoring his shock, with a cold hum, Nie Yun's palm shook, and Xuan Yu's sword broke down at the black man under his feet!


Before this guy could react, one arm flew out sideways, and blood splattered.


The sea of ​​air was broken, the arm was cut off, and the intense pain made the black man's eyes dark and almost fainted.

He never dreamed that the young man who looked like this in front of him would really be so hot!

"Want to know ... you ... dream! I won't tell you ..."

Hold back the pain ~ www.readwn.com ~ The man in black clenched his teeth.

"Do not say?"

Seeing his attitude, the sword of Nie Yunxuanyu shook again. The other arm of the man and two legs also fell down, and the whole person instantly became a stick.

Although Xuan Yu's sword does not have a sword edge, under the blessing of Nie Yun, it is sharper than the sword. Not to mention removing his arms and legs, even the royal weapons can be broken at once!

"Not to mention, I will have 10,000 ways to make you die comfortably!"

Nie Yun snorted, ignoring the way the black man was about to collapse under his feet.

"It's ruthless of you, but you don't want to torture me, it's not that easy. I can't beat you, won't I die? It's okay when I die, and your parents and burials, haha!"

With a laugh, the man in black suddenly swelled, and he even planned to explode! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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