Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 174: Assassin

"Self-exploding? If I blew you, do I still have to live?"

Nie Yun could stop Nie Qiang from exploding when he was still in the realm. Now he has reached the supreme level. If this guy blew himself up in front of himself, there is no need to mix up!

With a sneer, a little finger, a burning force burst into the sea, completely breaking all his Dantians!

Although Dan Tian was destroyed just now, Dan Tian is okay. Now Dan Tian is broken, which means that he has cultivated himself all the time. Even the best medicine can't be repaired. Nothing!

"Ah ... my Dantian! No, no ..."

Feeling the cracking of Dantian, he had no power to explode, and the black man's eyes suddenly gave birth to despair.

The vitality at the air level is very strong, even if all hands and feet are cut off, you will not die if you are not hungry, but ... now this pair, what use is alive!

"Now tell us who you are and what forces you belong to. I can also give you a lot of fun, otherwise, I will immerse you in a pickle jar and boil it in the fire every day, so you ca n’t survive or die!

Staring at the man in black, Nie Yun said coldly!

How much pain should I cut off my limbs and put them in a pickle jar and be eroded by salt every day? Don't think about it!

For Nie Yun, torture was like pediatrics, and he took it with him.

"You kill me, even if you torture it again, you won't say it, you won't say that I belong to that force!"

Hearing the boy's words, the man in black remembered the pain and his mouth twitched. But a flash of hate flashed in his eyes, and it seemed to be dead. They will not tell what power they are or who they are.

"Well, you don't say it, it doesn't mean that others don't say it!"

With a snoring sound, Nie Yun walked towards the seven people who had just been stunned by himself. He woke up with a few strokes in the palm of his hand, and picked up a strong late airman, asking coldly.

"Say. Who are you and where did you take my parents?"

"I won't tell ..."

The powerful man hadn't finished speaking in this later period of Qi Sect, and he felt a hot face, and saw one ear fell to the ground.


Feeling the pain in his ears and screaming, the man was terrified.


Nie Yun ignored his scream and sighed lightly.

"I won't say ..."


He hasn't finished speaking yet. The other ear, along with the nose and eyes, fell to the ground at the same time, making a "murmur".


Seeing the boys being so hot, the remaining six were going crazy!

Cut out other people's eyes, noses, ears, etc. without blinking. Is this still human?

How could a sixteen or seven year old have such a cold heart?

Dragons have inverse scales. Touching death!

The parents are the biggest inverse scales of Nie Yun. These people not only touch, but also touch them very hard. Even if they can't kill them, they need to be comfortable. Nie Yun felt sorry for himself!


With all his nose and eyes cut out, Nie Yun continued to ask.

"I don't ... wouldn't say ..."

Wow! Wow!

Then everyone saw Jianguang flash a few times in a row. The man's arms and legs also fell from his body, and fell heavily to the ground with blood splashing.


Turning this person into a stick, Nie Yun walked to the next airlord and raised him.

"It's your turn, say!"

"I ... I don't say!"

Seeing the miserable look of the previous one, the man was scared, but remembered the things he had told him at the time, he still gritted his teeth.

Flutter! Flutter!

After he finished speaking, he felt that his eyes were dark, and then he felt severe pain in his body. Like the previous person, his eyes, nose, ears, and limbs were all cut off!


After chopping, Nie Yun walked to the next person.

"It's your turn, say!"


Flutter! Flutter!

This person said a word and was cut into a meat stick by Nie Yun!

"It's your turn, say!"

"I said, I say everything, you don't have to do it, sir ..." Seeing the teenager, he can still ask a few more words, and then start to do it without a word, and the third strong lord Unable to bear, as soon as he was caught by Nie Yun, he roared.


"Yes, yes! We have bet your father and others to Shenfengcheng, and the flying monster that rides is probably here now ..." The man said in a hurry, fearing that he would be poisoned late.

"Kamikaze City? Which power do you belong to Kamikaze City?"

Nie Yun asked.

"We are……"


Just when this man was about to say what power he belonged to, suddenly a sword shot at him, straight to Nie Yun's heart!

Although the person who cast the sword did not reach the extreme level, the sword skill was weird. When it appeared, it carried a trend of killing. Nie Yun felt numb behind, as if the whole person was bitten by a poisonous snake!

"Assassination division? It turned out to be assassination division, who has the assassination of Dantian?"

Feeling this sudden killing intention, Nie Yun flashed a special talent in his mind!


With assassination of Dan Tian, ​​killing one person ten steps, leaving nowhere to go, once the thunder is shot, he can even leapfrog and kill several characters stronger than himself!

The assassination division behind him is only in the early stages of his sect, and can be followed by his assassination. Nie Yun feels that the whole person is caught in the stormy sea, unable to extricate himself, and even escape.

A strong man in the early days of air sects can force himself into this. It is indeed a special talent with assassination of Dantian. It is terrible!

"Hum! Break me!"

The killing intention followed the shadow, and he could stab himself at any time. In anxiety, Nie Yun bit his tongue sharply, only to feel that his body was able to move, and Xuanyu's sword “screamed” and smashed back!


Jian Guang was scattered by one stroke, and then disappeared in the hall, as if he had never come out.

One shot missed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Far away!

This is the assassination division!

"Want to leave, leave me when you come!"

If he was assassinated and let him run without knowing what it was like, Nie Yun II would be alive, and when he heard the sound of Chang Xiao, he would see a black bear covered in the sky, and he would be right in one punch. A point in the void struck!


A dark shadow fell from the air, lying flat on the ground, foaming in the mouth, and convulsing constantly.

As soon as Nie Yun felt the murderous power behind him, he used the Tamer Tamada to notify the three monsters and blocked all the exits of the hall. Even if the assassination method is strong, he cannot escape the constant monitoring of the three monsters. So, just after running away, he was punched by Heiyan!

All of the assassination spirit of the assassin is in a single assassination, whether successful or not, he will fall into a period of weakness in a short period of time. At this time, how he is the opponent of the supreme black rock, just fell down. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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