Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 175: The Incident of Luoshui City

"Don't kill, I'll keep it!"

Seeing that Heiyan succeeded, Nie Yun hurried to stop.

One of the seven Dantians, one master Dantian, the rest are holding things, Danhuo, taming animals, healing and tracking! Now only the five big Dantians are opened, and there is still a free place. If you can open the assassination of Dantian, you will become an assassin, and even the Lord of Heaven can kill!

At that time, he could be regarded as a real master. No one was afraid of Kamikaze Empire!

After all, no matter how strong you are, you are afraid that an assassin will be hiding beside you.

Putting down the person under interrogation, Nie Yun came to the assassination division in two steps, reached out to feel the assassination in his body, and saw that this guy had turned black and his body began to stiffen.


Nie Yun froze.

Once a person is dead, Dan Tian loses his vitality, and no matter how strong his talents will be, the so-called assassination will disappear and cannot be sensed.

"Master, I didn't do it. He didn't kill me ..."

Heiyan was afraid to blame the host and was frightened to explain.

"I know, he committed suicide by poisoning himself! If he didn't hit it, he would be far away.

Looking at the corpse that had become cold on the ground, Nie Yun knew that the assassination talent must not be obtained, and he shook his head helplessly.

According to legend, the Assassination Division has been adhering to a large faith since ancient times. If it fails to hit, it will be far away.

It really is!

Nie Yunneng knows how to sneak. But, compared to the assassination division with assassination talent. It's a long way off.

Now that he is dead, he can't sense the assassination gas, and can't condense the assassination of Dantian. There is nothing to lose. Now the most important thing is to ask the whereabouts of his father and others from these populations!

I hurriedly looked at the person who was willing to tell the secret just before glanced, and his face became very ugly.

"Even ... dead!"

I didn't expect this guy to die, and looked around for a week. The airbags who were injured by themselves also turned black at this time, all turned into corpses!

Under these eyes, killed all these people? how can that be?

Is this assassin division not here to assassinate me, but to poison these people with poison?

With a possibility in mind, Nie Yun trembled.

Poisons, like martial arts and mysteries, have a wide variety and all kinds. It is said that there is a medicine, which is divided into two kinds of yin and yang medicines. Taking yang and yin medicines alone will not matter. Once the two powders are fused, even if they are scattered in the air. The city will be neutralized by yin and yang, putting people to death!

It is estimated that the assassin's sword light just contains this kind of yin or yang medicine powder, and the drugs in these people's body will be neutralized to complete the task of killing people!

Now only the black man at the top of the air line has not died yet, and is lying on the ground struggling.

He is the backbone of this group. As long as they don't die, parents and others should be fine. Besides, the other party grabbed their parents just for the things in Luo Qu's tomb, they should not be ruthless!

After all, doing that would only flick the eggs and get nothing!

Wanting to understand this, Nie Yun stopped worrying and came to Yang Yan and Feng Xiao in a few steps.

"I will heal you first!"

The two were badly injured by the men in black just now, still lying on the ground at this time, they couldn't move.

The healing gas rolled, and after a while of operation, the two jumped up, full of energy, and the injury was intact!

"This is the healing spirit of the therapist? It is amazing!"

Seeing the injuries recover so quickly, they both felt a little incredible.

However, there are too many incredible appearances on Nie Yun. Even if the two have good psychological qualities, they are shocked and numb!

"Tell me what happened to the Nie family!"

Ignoring their emotions, Nie Yun asked.

"After you left, the two of us basically came once every three days except for practice. It was nothing special. Last night, all the people in the Nie family disappeared overnight! And we didn't get any news! But let The strange thing is that at noon today, not only us, the entire people in Luoshuicheng knew that something had happened to the Nie family at the same time, so we rushed over! "Yang Yan said first, and said with a surprised expression on his face.

The Yang family mansion and Nie family mansion are not far apart. Such a close distance, coupled with the countless spies, such a big thing happened in the Nie family. He didn't even know anything about it, so he had to say that it was too strange!

Although the Nie family has gone through a large cleansing, although there are a lot of strong men who have become a realm and above, it is not a soft persimmon slaughtered by anyone, especially the tiger of the peak of the sect and the late Nie Xiaotian of the sect. I want this person to be a beast They were snatched before they were sent out. Even if the eight players are strong, they cannot do it!

"It is the Supreme Strong. I did not expect to send the Supreme Strong for our little Nie family!"

Nie Yun's face sank, and his fist clenched again.

It is possible to accomplish such a big thing without leaving any movement outside the mansion, except for the seal of the Supreme Strong, even if there are as many peaks as possible

No need to think, it must be that the Supreme comes to seal the whole yard first, so that the voice can't be transmitted, others just move their hands!

Xiaohu and Dad must have captured their mother, sister, etc., so they were forced to stop fighting and be willing to be arrested! Of course, it may be poisoned and the power cannot be exerted!

The parents and others were quietly snatched away before they began to spread the news and lead themselves to live their "Master" ...

Really good plan!

Who is it? To deal with your own family?

If you want the treasure of Luoqu Tomb, is it the Tianjian Sword?

Ok? correct……

"How is the city's main government? Has anything happened?" Nie Yun asked quickly.

"The city main house was empty three days ago, and the city owner Luo Zhanhao lost his trace long ago!" Feng Xiao seemed to know the matter in detail and shook his head.

"The city main house was empty three days ago?"

Nie Yun's heart frowned ~ www.readwn.com ~ Frown "What about Luo Qingcheng? She was arrested too?"

"Luo Qingcheng was not arrested. You returned to Zongmen less than three days after you left Luoshui City. Baihuazong was regarded as a giant in Shenfeng Empire. No one should dare to attack it!"

Feng Xiao explained.

"These people should be the ones who grabbed the city's main mansion first, and then found that there was no Heavenly Sword, so they found my house ... who are they?"

The man in black is a dead man and can't ask anything. Just now an airbender was about to say that he was killed. The only thing he knows now is that he must have been caught by the imperial capital. As for where he was, he didn't know !!

What exactly is a Templar Sword? Why can it attract so much power?

Who would want this thing and arrest all of his parents and Luo Zhanhao? How did they get the news?

Nie Yun rubbed his head and felt a headache. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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