Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 176: Before leaving

According to the knowledge of previous lives, Nie Yun's division of Shenfeng City's power is very clear.

Shenfeng City has four legendary supremacy, namely the ancestors of the royal family Fengyu, the ancestors of the three major families Luo, Zhao, Huo, these four people control the entire Kamikaze Empire!

Of course, these four are only on the bright side. Some scattered repairs and hidden forces also have supreme power. The simplest example is the peerless genius Mo Yanqing who is endlessly worshipped by Tielan and others! He does not belong to one of these four people, but his strength is not even comparable to the Zhao family ancestors!

There are also the Supreme Master of the Heavenly Lord Yahong and the Supreme Master of the Hundred Flowers, which are not within the scope of the four Supreme Masters.

In short, the pond of the Kamikaze Empire is deeper than the legend. It is really unclear who can determine who has been arrested by parents and others based on speculation alone!

In the previous life, due to the affairs of Zihua Dongfu, the four major families and the Mi Tianzong wanted to kill themselves to seize treasures. In this life, Zihua Yuyin has just been born. Many people do n’t even know that there should be no festivals. The only intersection is Luo. Family!

Thinking of Luo family, Nie Yun shook his head immediately.

Although the Luo family ’s power in Shenfeng City is not weak, they are required to take out eight air sects in one breath. I am afraid they ca n’t do it. With such generosity, the Kamikaze Empire ca n’t think of any force to do it!

It is said that Mi Tianzong has something to do with that place and may be able to make such generous shots, but he does not have any hatred with Mi Tianzong, and the matter of Tian Jian Sword has not been leaked. He should not find himself!

The masks of the men in black and the remaining seven will be untied. Nie Yun looked around and found that none of them knew and shook his head.

"Yang Yan. You put this black-clad man in a pickle jar and pour it with boiling water a few times a day. Here are some life-saving elixir. You can dispose of it as long as you don't die!"

The black man who had been cut into a stick by himself was lifted up and thrown to Yang Yan, Nie Yun commanded.

Since this man has a birth light, he will not kill him for the time being, but it cannot be cheap. He must be severely tortured to let him know the cost of offending himself!

"Okay!" Yang Yan twitched at the young man's punishment.

Cut an adult stick and put a pickle jar, and use boiling water to pour him away ... Yang Yan felt silent for this guy.

"The two of you are in Luoshui City. Here are the monster cores of some ancestors and some elixir. You can see if your strength can be promoted again. If you succeed in the promotion, you will keep Luoshui City!"

With the palm of his hand flipped, Nie Yun threw a bunch of things and explained them carefully.

"Nie Yun, what are you doing?"

Listening to the teenager seems to be telling the funeral, Yang Yan's face changed.

"Here are some royal martial arts and weapons. You also hold them, if you can be promoted to the airlord, it will be of great help to you!"

Ignoring Yang Yan's questioning, Nie Yun continued to pick things out.

Ransom all the savings of Liu Chengze, killing all the demon in the two kingdoms mountain. Nie Yun has accumulated a lot of good things. Yang Yan and Feng Xiao are both trusted brothers. Let them improve their strength as soon as possible and can help themselves in the future.

"Royal martial arts and weapons? So much elixir? Where did you come from, Nie Yun ..."

Seeing more and more things on the table, they both startled.

"This is a 10 million silver ticket. You can make good use of it. I hope that next time you come, Luoshui City will not be so thin and already has its own powerful power!"

Nie Yun threw a stack of silver tickets again.

"One thousand ... ten thousand?" The two were startled at the same time.

The four major families of Luoshui City have assets of one million yuan. Even if the four are added together and even the mansion is sold, it is impossible to make up ten million. Now teenagers take out ten million silver ticket……

What height did he reach?

Yang Yan suddenly felt that the friend who had been with him for several years now became more and more unclear and farther and farther away from himself!

It is not the gap between status and psychology, but the other party has changed from an ordinary small fish to a flying dragon, and he can only look up!

"Nie Yun, I won't lose to you ..."

Yang Yan's teeth clenched, and his heart made a secret decision.

"I will definitely cultivate and catch up with you!"

Feng Xiao also thought of this, his fists clenched.

"Well, all the things that should be explained are finished, I'm going to Shenfeng City now!"

It ’s good to know that my parents and others are locked up in Shenfeng City. I can inquire about it myself and I will definitely find clues!

"Going to Kamikaze City? It's ... too reckless! Why don't we take a long-term view?"

Yang Yan and Feng Xiao stunned at the same time.

Shenfeng City, as the empire's capital, has a master like a cloud, so it rushes forward in a rush, and the two seem indeed reckless.

"Reckless? Oh, you still don't know my strength!"

Seeing that the two were worried, Nie Yun smiled. As soon as his body was light, he slowly flew up.

"I have reached the extreme level. Even if the emperor is a master, even if the people who kidnapped my parents are against me, we must first weigh their strength!"

Suspended in the air, Nie Yun's eyes gave birth to a strong sense of pride.

Supreme, the highest state of Qihai practitioners, when the potential of the earth comes out, they can hurt themselves, I am afraid there are not many!

This is not pride, but self-confidence!

A confidence that comes from strength!

"Extreme ... really supreme?" People in black screamed that Nie Yun had reached the supreme. At that time, Yang Yan and Feng Xiao were still a little disbelieving. Now when they see the teenager standing in the sky, they admit that all their eyes are white and feel Can't bear it anymore.

How old is he? Seventeen?

Before the age of seventeen, you will reach the extreme. This talent, the whole Kamikaze Empire can be called the strongest ever!

Just now the two were still trying to catch up and surpass, but now that he has indeed reached the supreme level, they can't help but look at each other. I feel that it is impossible to catch up with each other in this life!

"The other party can send eight air sects. Even if you are supreme, your two fists are hard to beat your four hands. I'm afraid there will be danger ..."

Although shocked, Yang Yan and others were still thinking about Nie Yun's safety.

Although the supreme strong is powerful, there are several empires. In case the opponent is too strong, you have two fists and four opponents ~ www.readwn.com ~ also suffers ...

"Two fists are hard to beat in four hands? Little black, little wolf, little pupil, come in!"

Previously, Nie Yun and Heiyan communicated through Tamada, an animal tamer, so Feng Xiao and Yang Yan did not know its exact strength.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!"

After hearing the shouts, the three whirlwinds of monsters generally came to the two of them.

"The two are my friends. Say hello to them!" Nie Yun ordered.

"I've seen two of Black Rock (Wind Wolf King, Zi Tong)!"

The three monsters speak at the same time.

"Monsters ... speak for people ... Extreme level? You have three monsters of supreme level?"

Yang Yan and Feng Xiao stayed in the same place at the same time, I don't know what to say. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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